The Qualifications of Office Administration in the Work Field

autonomous, and the skill of self reflection. The presentation completeness It should cover the introduction, the main content, and conclusion.

7. The Qualifications of Office Administration in the Work Field

The evidences that English is needed for Office Administration Study Program primary to prepare in facing the workfield are proved by some documents below. The explanation of each is as follows. a. Indonesian Qualification Framework—Kerangka Kualifikasi Nasional Indonesia The Ministry of Education and Culture 2014 proposes the standards of graduate competence of Office Administration as called Level II Secretary — Sekretaris Level II. It is said that one of the standards of graduate competence of Office Administration is to be able to communicate in English for daily conversation related to the office context. It is also said that an office staff should master how to operate the communication means such as telephone, faximile, email and other softwares. Those standards are mentioned in Table 6 below. Table 6: The Standards of Graduate Competence of Office Administration Study Program Based on KKNI No Units of Competences Elements of Competences Graduate Indicators 1. Able to do the spesific secretarial job using communication technology either hardware or software as well as relevant i Able to communicate in English for daily communication. Able to speak fluently using English for daily secretarial jobs. j Able to operate communication means Able to use communication informations. such as telephone, faximile, email and other softwares as well as the office means in line with their kinds and functions. means and other office means appropriately in line with their kinds and functions. Based on the standards of graduate competence above, English is very needed in workfield especially for Office Administration staff as called Sekretaris Level II. English is needed to support the daily secretarial job as well as in using the communication means which one of them is handling telephone calls. b. The syllabus of Office Administration Study Program There are two syllabi for two subjects which contain some competences of Office Administration. These competences are different from the others competences because they need English to support the students mastering the daily communication in the office context as proposed in the Indonesian Qualification Framework. These two syllabi are called the syllabus of Office Automation subject and the syllabus of Correspondence subject. These syllabi are learned in the tenth grade. The sections of the intended competences from these syllabi are listed in Table 7 and Table 8 below. Table 7: The Selection Section of Office Automation Subject Syllabus Standard Competence Learning activities 3.4 Explain the ways to operate Ms. Power Point 4.4 Operate the Ms. Power Point Present a short presentation related to the daily office context using Ms. Power Point. Table 8: The Selection Section of Correspondence Subject Syllabus Standard Competence Learning activities 3.1 Explain about the oral communication 4.1 Apply the skill of oral communication 1. Practice to communicate with friends using telephone in the office context. 2. Listen and understand the received information. c. The Evaluation Criteria for Practical Examination of Office Administration Study Program. BSNP 2014 proposes some criteria for practical examination of Office Administration Study Program. It is stated that some competences which need English primary in communication context are handling telephone call and delivering a presentation. The criteria of those competences are presented in the following table. Table 9. The Evaluation Criteria for Practical Examination of Office Administration Study Program Components Criteria 2.2 Handling telephone call a. Receiving a phone call b. Opening a conversation c. Speaking etiquette d. Ending a conversation e. Writing a telephone message sheet 2.6 Presentation a. The presentation should be interesting b. Mastering the materials c. Using the appropriate language d. Performance e. The slides, etiquettes and ways of presentation should be done well. In handling telephone calls, BSNP prepares a telephone message sheet in English. There will be additional scores for the use of English in delivering the presentation.

B. Conceptual Framework