Collecting data and information needs analysis Writing course gridsyllabus

There are five steps that have to be completed. In detail, those steps employed in this study are explained as follows.

1. Collecting data and information needs analysis

Collecting data and information include preliminary observation, review of literature and conducting the needs analysis. In preliminary observation, the researcher found problems in Office Administration Study Program. The problems are related with students‘ speaking skill and English material. However, the main problem found in this research was related to the materials. Based on the main problem, the materials which met the vocational high schools‘ needs especially for grade ten students of Office Administration Study Program was developed. In relation to this, the researcher uses review of the theories as guidance to achieve the research goal. In order to find information related to the target needs, learner needs and learning needs, the researcher conducted needs analysis. These data were obtained from the questionnaire. There are two types of questionnaires in this research. They are the questionnaire of needs analysis and the questionnaire of expert judgments. The first questionnaire was used to gather information about the learners‘ needs and learning needs. The second questionnaire was used to evaluate the materials. Besides, the researcher also used some interview questions which were distributed to one of teachers in Office Administration Study Program to gather information about the target needs. In addition, the target needs were also collected from supported documents found in preliminary observation.

2. Writing course gridsyllabus

Writing course grid is the following up from the first and the second step of the procedures. In writing the course grid, the researcher used information from the collected data. The collected data were used to determine what subject matters, language functions, language knowledge and language skills that should be taught. The course grid will be used as guidance to design the materials.

3. Designing the materials