The Course Grid Research Findings

Table 22. The Learners’ Role No Statements Respondents Percentage 1. a. Students listen to the teacher‘s explanations 17 55 b. Students do the teacher‘s instructions 3 10 c. Students participate actively in communication 14 45 d. Students act out the materials after teacher‘s explanation 11 35 e. Others -

2. The Course Grid

After the target needs and the learning needs had been identified, the course grid was then designed. This course grid became a guideline to develop the appropriate English speaking materials for grade X students of Office Administration Study Program. In relation with the results of the needs analysis, the students needed the materials to help them to communicate in English in a certain context. There should be the exposure of language functions which suit the topics in the study program, certain vocabularies, grammatical structures and key pronunciation items. The following is the description of the course grid. The complete one can be seen in Appendix C. a. Unit One There are eleven components in each Unit. They are Unit Title, Goal, Objectives, Indicators, Input Text, Key Grammatical Structure, Key Vocabulary Items, Key Pronunciation Items, Language Functions, Media, and Activities. ―Welcome to Mitra Company‖ is the title of unit one. The goal of this unit is that the students can welcome guests in the office context. The objectives of this unit are welcoming guests using the right expressions, offering helps to the guests, and responding to the offer. The indicators are that studens are able to pronounce the right expressions of welcoming guests, offer helps, respond to the offer, use the expressions of handling guest in a dialogue, use some vocabularies related to handling guest in a dialogue and do a dialogue related to handling guest in pairs. The input texts of this unit are dialogues related to handling guest in the office context. The key grammatical structures in Unit 1 are yesno questions, contractions and WH questions . The key vocabulary items and the pronunciation items are related to handling guest. The language functions of Unit 1 are greeting, welcoming, offering helps and responding to the offer. The media used in this unit are pictures, handout and audio. The last component of the unit is the activities. There are 9 main activities in this unit. They are Warm- Up, Say It Right, Word Bank, Let’s Listen, Let’s Study, Let’s Practice More, Let’s Speak More, Summary and Reflection. The activities contained some tasks that covered the other components. The sequences of the task followed the Task-Based Language Teaching as proposed by Nunan 2004. b. Unit Two Similar to unit one, this unit also has eleven components. The unit title is “This is Erlene Speaking”. The goal of Unit two is that students are able to do telephoning in the office context. The objectives are receiving an in-going call using the right expressions, making an out-going call using the right expressions and asking for and giving information. Next, there are nine indicators in this unit. They are using expressions to receive a call, introducing theirselves when make a call, asking for information in a call, giving information in a call, ending the call politely, pronouncing words related to telephoning correctly, using the formula to make correct simple present tense and correct sentences using modal verbs in a dialogue and doing a dialogue related to handling telephone call in pairs. The input texts in unit two are dialogues related to a telephone call. In the key grammatical structures, there are two formulas. The first one is simple present tense. The second one is modal verbs. The key vocabulary items and the key pronunciation items are related to handling telephone calls in the office context. For the language functions, there are six of them. They are receiving a phone call, taking messages, leaving messages, ending a phone call, asking for information and giving information. The media used in unit two are pictures, handout and audio. The main activities in unit two are the same as unit one. It has the same sequences. c. Unit Three The title of Unit 3 i s ―Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen‖. This unit is about delivering a presentation. The goal of Unit 3 is that students are able to present a short presentation. The objectives are opening a presentation, delivering main topic, organizing subtopics, summarizing a presentation, ending a presentation and opening a question and answer session. The indicators are greeting audience in a presentation, introducing theirselves in a presentation, delivering the topic in a presentation; organizing talk using the right phrases; using the phrases to deliver every point in the main part of presentation, summarizing up a presentation with right expressions, ending a presentation with right expressions, offering audiences to ask questions, using the formula of simple present tense to make a presentation script, pronouncing some expressions related to having a presentation, using some vocabularies of a presentation in a presentation script and delivering a short presentation. The input texts used in this unit are monologues. There is one formula for the key grammatical structure component. That is simple present tense S+VsVes+noun. The key vocabulary items and the key pronunciation item are related to delivering a presentation. The language functions used in this unit are greeting, stating the topic, delivering main points, concluding a talk, ending a talk and offering a question in a talk. The media used in unit three are pictures, handout and audio.

3. The Materials Design