Conceptual Framework LITERATURE REVIEW

presentation should be done well. In handling telephone calls, BSNP prepares a telephone message sheet in English. There will be additional scores for the use of English in delivering the presentation.

B. Conceptual Framework

Some problems have found during the preliminary observations. The main problem is related to the English materials who still not relevant with the students‘ needs. The students use English textbook of Curriculum 2013 which actually less appropriate with their needs. ɒesides, the students‘ speaking skill is lack whereas the demand for the fresh graduate of SMK is able to communicate in English. Regarding the problems above, the following theories are used to overcome the problems. As the focus of this study is developing English speaking materials, the notion of speaking skill then first is defined. Next, the speaking components and the microskills of speaking are used as guidance to focus on the speaking activities being taught. There are also some techniques of teaching speaking that considered as meaningful techniques so that the learners can improve their speaking skill easier. They are conversation, role play, survey, communication games, simulation, opinion-sharing activity and prepared talk. An ESP approach is used since the development of the material is based on the learners‘ specific needs. To design a good material which meets to the learners‘ specific needs, therefore, the researcher has to conduct needs analysis first. This will become guidance to determine the target needs and learning needs as proposed by Hutchinson and Waters 1987. In developing English materials, the researcher considers some principles of language learning materials which can be used as guidance to a better English learning materials. After considering some principles, the researcher then focuses on materials design and materials writing. Within the materials, a good task should cover some components in order to help learners learn the target language meaningfully. That is why the researcher decides to use Task-Based Language Teaching approach in developing the materials. Then, the Task-Based Language Teaching principles will guide the researcher to develop the appropriate task itself. After knowing about tasks, the researcher will develop units of work in six sequenced steps as proposed by Nunan 2014. These steps related to several tasks that have to be completed by the learners to achieve the target language. As the process of developing materials have completed, there should be principles to evaluate the materials. These principles are useful not only after finishing the materials but also in the process of writing materials as the important things to consider. Finally, this study was conducted to develop English speaking materials for grade ten students of Office Administration Study Program based on the target needs and the learning needs.


This chapter subsequently puts emphasis on the research method comprising the type of the research, the setting, the subjects, research procedure, the data collection technique, the data analysis technique, and the validity of the research.

A. Type of the research

This research is classified into an Educational Research and Development R D. The main goal of this Educational RD is to develop learning materials for educational needs. As it is proposed by Gall, Gall and Borg 2003, Educational R D is an industry-based development model in which the findings of research are used to design new products and procedures, which then are systematically field-tested, evaluated, and refined until they meet specified criteria of effectiveness, quality, or similar standards.

B. Research setting

The research was conducted in SMK N 1 Pengasih. It is located in Pengasih, Kulonprogo, Yogyakarta. This school is a vocational high school focusing on Business and Management Department which one of the study programs is Office Administration. This research was conducted from November 2015 to January 2016.