Formulation of the problem Objectives of the study Specification of the products Significance of the study

vocational high school students because they have different needs compared to senior high school students in general. Secondly, it is related to the limited ability of the SMK students in English speaking skill. It is because the students are only prepared to face the national exam, not to face the real work field.

C. Limitation of the problem

One of the problems found in this research area is related to the materials. The SMK students, especially in the Office Adminstration Study Program, need materials that will enable them to communicate in English appropriately and fluently. It is because a student of vocational high school is prepared to face the work field after the graduation. For this reason, the study focuses on developing English speaking materials for grade ten students of Office Administration Study Program. These materials, later on, will be classified as the enrichment speaking materials. They are enrichment materials because these materials are designed to enable the students to face the work field.

D. Formulation of the problem

Based on the focus of the study, the problems of this study can be formulated as follows: 1. What are the target needs and learning needs of grade ten students of Office Administration Study Program in learning English? 2. What are the appropriate English speaking materials for grade ten students of Office Administration Study Program?

E. Objectives of the study

Related to the research questions, this study aims: 1. to identify the target needs and learning needs of grade ten students of Office Administration Study Program in learning English; 2. to design appropriate English speaking materials for grade ten students of Office Administration Study Program.

F. Specification of the products

The results of the products are in the form of: 1. Course Grid The title of the course grid is The Course Grid of English Speaking Materials for Grade Ten Students of Office Administration Study Program. The course grid consists of eleven components. They are unit title, goal, objectives, indicators, input text, key grammatical structure, key vocabulary item, language functions, media, and activities. 2. Enrichment Speaking Book The Enrichment speaking book‘s title is Speak Up. It consists of three units. Each unit has 18-20 task completed with nine sub units. 3. Answer Key The enrichment speaking book also completed with answer keys for each task. 4. Listening Audio This enrichment speaking book is also completed with the listening audio. This listening audio will give the students input in learning speaking.

G. Significance of the study

This study is expected to give valuable contribution to the following parties: 1. For the students of Office Administration Study Program, the result of this research can be useful to improve their speaking skill in order to prepare them to face the work field. 2. For the English teachers of Office Administration Study Program, the developed materials from this research can be a guidance to improve the students‘ speaking skill. The result of this research can also be useful to give an idea to develop other learning materials. 3. For other researchers who focus on Research and Developement study, this research will encourage them to conduct relevant studies in different settings. 4. For textbook writers of Vocational High School, the result of the developed materials can be used as guidance in writing Vocational High School textbooks since the materials are based on the students‘ specific needs.