Identification of the problem Limitation of the problem

exam. The language skills tested in the national exam are listening skill and reading skill. It clearly shows that speaking skill is not tested in the national exam. As the result, the students‘ speaking skill does not reach the expectation. It is because teachers do not really pay attention to teach the speaking skill in the learning process.

B. Identification of the problem

Based on the background of the study above, there are problems that the researcher found. First, it is related to the materials. Following Curriculum 2013, the students of vocational high schools use a textbook entitled ‗ɒahasa Inggris—SMAMA, SMK Kelas XI Semester 1. The students also have different books of English made by the team of regional SMK teachers, entitled English for Novice Level, English for Elementary Level and English for Intermediate Level, but the topics are too general which do not cover their needs. Second, there is lack of English speaking skill in SMK students. They are only prepared to pass the national exam when learning English. It means that they will not meet their needs in learning English. They need English for specific intentions, primary, to face the real work field. If the students only learn to pass the national exam, most of them cannot apply the English language in practice because they never learn to do so. To conclude, there are two problems identified related to the research topic. The first is related to the materials. The materials are not suitable for vocational high school students because they have different needs compared to senior high school students in general. Secondly, it is related to the limited ability of the SMK students in English speaking skill. It is because the students are only prepared to face the national exam, not to face the real work field.

C. Limitation of the problem

One of the problems found in this research area is related to the materials. The SMK students, especially in the Office Adminstration Study Program, need materials that will enable them to communicate in English appropriately and fluently. It is because a student of vocational high school is prepared to face the work field after the graduation. For this reason, the study focuses on developing English speaking materials for grade ten students of Office Administration Study Program. These materials, later on, will be classified as the enrichment speaking materials. They are enrichment materials because these materials are designed to enable the students to face the work field.

D. Formulation of the problem