His name was Alex. You can borrow my book as long as you remember that its not yours. Relative Pronoun Demonstrative Pronoun

29 Example: 3. He name was Alex. “He” is a subject pronoun. Replace it with the appropriate possessive pronoun, and it will make a lot more sense: Example:

4. His name was Alex.

To show the possession me and you: Examples:

5. You can borrow my book as long as you remember that its not yours.

= The possessive “my” depends on the noun “book”. = The possessive yours is a pronoun which stands in the place of your book. We use possessive pronouns to refer to a specific personpeople or thingthings the antecedent belonging to a personpeople and sometimes belonging to an animalanimals or thingthings. We use possessive pronouns depending on: 6. number: singular eg: mine or plural eg: ours. 7. person: 1st person eg: mine, 2nd person eg: yours or 3rd person eg: his . 8. gender: male his, female hers. 30 Below are the possessive pronouns, followed by some example sentences. Notice that each possessive pronoun can: Be subject or object. Examples: 1. Look at these pictures. Mine is the big one. subject = My picture. 2. I like your flowers. Do you like mine? object = my flowers. 3. I looked everywhere for your key. I found Johns key but I couldnt find yours . object = your key. 4. My flowers are dying. Yours are lovely. subject = Your flowers. 31


3.1 Research Method

In writing this paper, the writer conducts the library research that is by reading the kinds of books as references which have connection to the topics being discussed. The writer take the information from the internet and take five articles in Jakarta Post Newspaper as down purposively, according to Heyer 2006 writing purposively means having or showing a definite intention.

3.2 Data and Data Source

In writing this paper, Source of data is the articles of The Jakarta Post Newspaper published on October 4, 2010; October 11, 2010; and October 20,2010 and the data is 705 sentences that use some kinds of pronouns found in the articles and consists of five articles which are chosen at random, the first article published on Monday, October 4, 2010 with the title of First lady’s music plans spark concerns , the second article published on Monday, October 4, 2010 with the title of Chinese leader promises support for euro and Greece, the third article published on Monday, October 11, 2010 with the title of Market offers used lingerie to branded clothing , the fourth article published on Monday, October 11, 2010 with the title of England enlists coaches to support 2018 W. Cup bid, and the fifth article published on Wednesday, October 20, 2010 with the title of Absent political reforms worry many foreigners, locals . 32

3.3 Data Analysis Method

The sample of data analysis is taken by applying the purposive sampling that is a method of selecting sample which has a certain characteristics; the sample can be one or two samples Santoso dan Tjiptono, 2001. The method of analysis is content analysis with the steps Kimberly A. Neuendorf 2002, p. 10: 1. Reading the five articles 2. Identifying the pronouns 3. Classifying the pronouns 4. Analyzing the data The dominance pronouns can be seen through the percentage of their usage in the article. To get the percentage I apply the Junaidi and Suwono’s formula 2004:40. The formula: X = the percentage of each kind of pronoun. Y = the total number of each kind of pronoun. N = the total number of kind of pronoun. X = x 100 Y 33


In completing this paper, I collect the data from the articles of The Jakarta Post Newspaper to support my paper or as the samples to make the discussion clearly and easy to understand.

4.1 The Data of the Usage of English Pronouns in the Articles of the Jakarta Post Newspaper

The articles are from The Jakarta Post Newspaper published on October 4, 2010; October 11, 2010; and October 20,2010 and the data is 705 sentences that use some kinds of pronouns found in the articles and consists of five articles which are chosen at random, the first article published on Monday, October 4, 2010 with the title of First lady’s music plans spark concerns, the second article published on Monday, October 4, 2010 with the title of Chinese leader promises support for euro and Greece , the third article published on Monday, October 11, 2010 with the title of Market offers used lingerie to branded clothing, the fourth article published on Monday, October 11, 2010 with the title of England enlists coaches to support 2018 W. Cup bid , and the fifth article published on Wednesday, October 20, 2010 with the title of Absent political reforms worry many foreigners, locals . The data are collected and list in the table 4.1 below according to the classification of the usage of pronouns from its kinds such as Personal Pronouns, Possessive Pronouns, Demonstrative Pronouns, Interrogative 34 Pronouns, Relative Pronouns, Indefinite Pronouns, Reflexive Pronouns, and Reciprocal Pronoun. Table 4.1: The identification of the total of kinds of English pronouns found in the articles of The Jakarta Post Newspaper Day, Date Title Kinds of Pronouns P I R D R R I P E N E E E E N O R T L M F C D S S E A O L I E S O R T N E P F E N R I S X R I S A O V T I O N S L G E R V C I I A A E A T V T T L E E I I V V E E Monday, October 4, 2010 First lady’s music plans spark concerns 14 - 4 2 - - 2 17 Monday, October 4, 2010 Chinese leader promises support for euro and Greece 15 - 5 - - - - 12 Monday, October 11, 2010 Market offers used lingerie to branded clothing 20 - 3 - - - 1 3 Monday, October 11, 2010 England enlists coaches to support 2018 W, cup bid 7 - 2 4 - - 3 9 Monday, October 20, 2010 Absent political reforms worry many foreigners, locals 10 - 6 - - - - 9 Total 66 - 20 6 - - 6 50 The total number of pronouns is 148. 35

4.2 The Analysis of the Usage of Pronouns in the Articles of the Jakarta Post Newspaper

In this analysis, I describe the kinds and functions of pronouns and also the dominance of them by collecting the samples found in the articles of The Jakarta Post Newspaper.

4.2.1 The Kinds and Functions of Pronouns Found in the Article of the Jakarta Post Newspaper

a First Lady’s Music Plans Spark Concerns There are only five kinds of pronouns found in this article; they are personal pronoun, relative pronoun, demonstrative pronoun, indefinite pronoun, and possessive pronoun. 1. Personal Pronoun There are only three personal pronouns found in this article; they are she, he, and it. a. She has tried to avoid any suggestion that she’s profiting from her position, donating her recording royalties on Comme Si De Rien N’etait, which hit No.1 in France to charity. The function of Personal Pronoun she in the sentence above is used to express the subject of the first lady in France as a wife the president of France as 36 the third person singular indicates the person spoken or written and a female belongs to the feminine gender, b. “Her life at the moment is to be Mrs. Sarkozy,” he says, “and we quite understand that.” The function of Personal Pronoun we in the sentence above is used to express the first person plural pronoun refers to own self consisting of one person.

2. Relative Pronoun

There are only three relative pronouns found in this article; they are that, who, and which. a. 11 UK edition of the Economist for a story about her husband’s slump in popularity and two new biographies, which has received heavy press coverage. The function of Relative Pronoun which in the sentence above is used to express a thing to show a choice. b. De labbey insists he’s happy with the album’s sales, claiming, ”Everybody would have considered that amazing if she hadn’t been France’s first lady.” The function of Relative Pronoun that in the sentence above is used to express a person or a thing, but in this sentence that is used to express the person.

3. Demonstrative Pronoun

There is only one relative pronoun found in this article; it is that. a. That status caused problems when Bruin’s third album, Come Si De Rien N’etait , was released in July 2008, five months after she married Sarkozy. 37 The function of Demonstrative Pronoun that in the sentence above is used to point out the singular noun. In this sentence that is used to point out the status from Bruni’s third album.

4. Indefinite Pronoun