xi 4.2.2. The Dominance Pronouns Found in the Articles of the Jakarta Post Newspaper ........................................................................ 44 5. CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS 5.1. Conclusions .......................................................................... 46 5.2. Suggestions .......................................................................... 49 REFERENCES APPENDICES ix vi ABSTRACT A working paper entitled The Analysis of English Pronouns Found in the Articles of the Jakarta Post Newspaper is about the use of pronouns in sentences contained in the Jakarta Post daily newspaper. The purpose of the topic selection paper this work is to know in detail about how to use various kinds of pronouns in terms of its kind. This paper works by using the methods of literary research using purposive sampling data analysis. In the discussion, this paper presents the work of an example in accordance with the topic sentence is based on a reference book on grammar and be accompanied by giving examples of the use derived from five articles from The Jakarta Post Newspaper, so it can be seen the type of pronoun is often used or become dominant in a newspaper article. From the analysis of data from five articles found that there are eight kinds of pronouns are personal pronouns, possessive pronouns, demonstrative pronouns, interrogative pronouns, relative pronouns, indefinite pronouns, reflexive pronouns, and reciprocal pronouns . Overall, the kinds of pronouns that became dominant in five articles is personal pronouns with the percentage of 44.59, and that are never used are interrogative pronouns, reflexive pronouns, and reciprocal pronouns with the percentage of 0. Hopefully, this paper paper can be useful for us all. iv vii ABSTRAK Kertas karya yang berjudul “The Analysis of English Pronouns Found in The Articles of The Jakarta Post Newspaper” ini membahas tentang penggunaan pronoun di dalam kalimat yang terdapat pada artikel surat kabar harian Jakarta Post . Tujuan dari pemilihan topik kertas karya ini adalah untuk mengetahui secara terperinci tentang bagaimana cara menggunakan berbagai bentuk pronoun yang dilihat dari segi jenisnya. Kertas karya ini menggunakan metode penelitian kepustakaan dengan menerapkan analisis data purposive sampling. Didalam pembahasannya, kertas karya ini memaparkan contoh-contoh kalimat sesuai dengan topiknya yang bersumber pada buku-buku acuannya yang berbasis grammar dan disertai dengan pemberian contoh-contoh penggunaannya yang bersumber dari lima artikel surat kabar The Jakarta Post, sehingga dapat diketahui jenis pronoun yang sering digunakan atau menjadi dominan di artikel surat kabar tersebut. Dari hasil analisis data dari lima surat kabar tersebut, maka diperoleh bahwa terdapat delapan jenis dari pronoun yaitu Personal Pronouns, Possessive Pronouns, Demonstrative Pronouns, Interrogative Pronouns, Relative Pronouns, Indefinite Pronouns, Reflexive Pronouns, and Reciprocal Pronoun. Secara keseluruhan, jenis pronoun yang menjadi dominan di dalam kelima artikel tersebut adalah jenis personal pronoun dengan persentase 44,59 , dan yang tidak pernah digunakan adalah interrogative pronoun, reflexive pronoun, and reciprocal pronoun dengan persentase 0 . Semoga Kertas Karya ini dapat bermanfaat bagi kita semua. v 1