The Third Person Forms of English Personal Indicating Gender The Masculine Gender

8 1. The Second Person Singular The second person singular pronoun refers to the follow talker consisting of one person. That is: You. Examples : 1. You want to be a famous singer. 2. I saw you in the park yesterday. 2. The Second Person Plural The second person plural pronoun refers to the follow talker consisting of more one person. That is You. Example:

1. All of you should do the assignment.

c. The Third Person

The third person pronoun indicates the person or people spoken or written. The third person pronoun has two forms, namely singular and plural. 1. The Third Person Singular The third person singular pronoun refers to be person or thing which is spoken or written about consisting of a person or thing. The pronoun is she, he, it. The pronoun of this type distinguishes genders namely “masculine, feminine, and neuter gender”. 9 We know that living beings are either or female sex. A noun that denotes a male belongs to the masculine. Each of those can replaced by pronoun He. Examples : Author, host, giant, poet, etc. A noun that denotes a female belongs to the feminine gender. Each of these can be replaced by pronoun She. Examples: Authoress, hostess, giantess, poetess. A noun that denotes either male and female sex belongs to the common gender. Each of these can be replaced by pronoun it because we do not know exactly what the sex are? Examples: Baby, child, enemy, cousin, etc. 2. The Third Person Plural The third person plural refers to the person thing which are spoken or written about consisting of more than one person. The third person plural does not distinguish genders. The third person plural has two forms They and Them.

1.2 Forms of English Personal Indicating Gender

English personal pronoun indicating gender is classified into three gender,. They are: 10

a. The Masculine Gender

The third person singular pronoun of masculine gender two forms. They are: He and Him. Examples: 2. He was playing guitar when I came. 3. I gave him a book three days ago. b. The Feminine Gender The third person singular pronoun of feminine gender has two forms. They are: She and Her. Examples: 1. She goes to school by bus everyday. 2. I saw her in the library two days ago. c. The Neuter Gender The third person singular pronoun of neuter gender has one. That is: It. Example: 1. The book is a good for the students, it is contain of how to be a good student.

d. The Third Person Plural