Sembuyak Sembuyak Sepemeren Sembuyak Separibanen Sembuyak Sendalanen Sepengaloen

is not historical except in so far as the general configuration, as long as it lasts, limit the direction of change that remain subject to it. In comparison to the changes of the contents of the culture the configuration has often been stated a remarkable permanency.

3.2.1 Sembuyak

Sembuyak means brother. Sembuyak belongs to the same family names. For instance the Sembuyak of Ginting will be all the Gintings. This institution has sub-institutions. Its sub-institution written or will be discussed in points 4.3.4, 4.3.5, and 4.3.6. According to the tradition of Karonesenese that any ceremony applied usually owned by the Sembuyak or in other words it can be said that Sembuyak is the host of the ceremony. The member of the Sembuyak can not be included from different sub-family’s name. For example, as it has been written in chapter 2.1.4 that a family name has some sub-names, such as Ginting Suka, Ginting Munte, etc. So Ginting Munte can not be the Sembuyak of Ginting Suka, and so its opposite. So all the members of the Sembuyak has the same sub-name.

3.2.2 Sembuyak Sepemeren

Sembuyak Sepemeren means that its members have their mothers of the same of family name. So the members of this sub-institution may have different family’s names. For example, Ginting, Karonese-Karonese, Sembiring, and Tarigan may be called Sembuyak Sepemeren because their mothers’ family names are Perangin-angin. In other words it can be said that to find out the Sembuyak Sepemeren from the family name of the mother. Universitas Sumatera Utara

3.2.3 Sembuyak Separibanen

Sembuyak Separibanen is one of the sub-institutions. This sub-institution happens because of the marriage. Someone becomes the member of Sembuyak Separibanen as he get married. The members will be called Separibanen because their wives are sisters. Therefore the members of the Separibanen can be owned different family’s names. For example, Ginting, Karonese-Karonese, Sembiring, and Tarigan become Separibanen because their wives’ family’s anme is Perangin- angin.

3.2.4 Sembuyak Sendalanen Sepengaloen

This sub-institution also caused by a marriage. It can be said Sendalanen or Sepengaloen because one of his nephews marries someone’s daughter. According to the wishes of Karonesenese that his daughter will be married with his nephew, but because they are not love to each other they marry the others. So this marriage makes the father in law of his nephew is the Sepengaloen or Sendalanen with him. In order to understand the meaning of Rakut Daliken si Telu that the Karonese owns, he or she needs to understand the Karonese kinship in advaced. The kinship term will be produced by the marriage or in other words it can be said that the kinship term will be decided after the process of marriage happened. For the unmarried Karonese, the kinship will be linked to the marriage of his or her parents. While we are talking about Rakut si Telu, we cannot be escaped from discussing the eight different sub-institutions. The eight different sub-institutions are Anak Beru, Anak Beru Menteri, Sembuyak, Sembuyak Sepemeren, Sembuyak Universitas Sumatera Utara Separibanen, Sembuyak Sendalanen Sepengaloen, Kalimbubu, and Puang Kalimbubu. These eight different institution are linked one another. None of them can be escaped from. We can see that as a Karonese baby born to the world he or she has already possessed the eight sub-institutions. These systems are leading the kinship to have the extended family which is praticed by the Karonese society. Now, before we go to discuss about the five different family’s names, Rakut Daliken si Telu three institutions, and the eight different sub-institutions, it should be better if we look at the kinship chart or diagram that the Karonese families have. If we want to see the kinship diagram that Karonese families have soon we can see its uniqueness of the systems. The fathers generate their families’ names to all of their generations, no matter that their generations are boys or girls. And according to the Karonese system of marriage that they tend to engage their daughter to their nephews. This kind of engagement which the society of Karonese prefer very much. So, now, the writer of this paper tries to draw the kinship diagram which is owned and practiced by the members of Karonese from the past time till today. The kinship diagram is drawn on the next page. Universitas Sumatera Utara Kinship Chart ♂ B.1 ↔ B.2♀ ♂ B.3 ↔ B.9♀ ♀ B.4 ↔ B.10♂ ♀ B.5 ↔ B.11♂ ♀ B.6 ↔ B.12♂ ♀ B.7 ↔ B.13♂ ♀ B.8 ↔ B.14♂ ♂ B.9↔B.15♀ B.1 is Tomas Karo Sekali. He is the husband of Diana Beru Tarigan. B.2 B.1 is the brother of A.2 Ngemat Beru Tarigan. B.3, B.4, B.5, B.6, B.7, B.8, and B.9 are the children of B.1 and B.2. B.3 is Marini Beru Karosekali. B.4 is Rosniati Beru Karosekali. B.5 is Plista Beru Karosekali. B.6 is Saltalina Beru Karosekali. B.7 is Rospita Beru Karosekali. B.8 is Novenda Beru Karosekali. B.9 is Rata Karosekali. B.10 is Markiano Tarigan. B.11 is Jaya Bangun. B.12 is Jesaya Pulungan. B.13 is Pranseda Pelawi. B.14 is Julius ginting. B.15 is Feriati Beru Ginting. Universitas Sumatera Utara ♂ A.1 ↔ A.2♀ ♀ A.3 ↔ A.6 ♂ A.4 ↔ A.7♀ ♂ A.5 ↔ A.8♀ ♀ A.9 ♂ A.10 ♀ A.13 ↔ A.16♂ ♀A.14↔♂A.17 ♂A.15 ♀ A.18 ↔ ♂ A.23 ♀ A.19 ↔ ♂ A.24 ♀ A.20 ↔ ♂ A.25 ♀ A.21 ♀ A.22 ♂ ↔♀ Symbol used to show husband and wife. ♂ Symbol used to show a man. ♀ Symbol used to show a woman. → Symbol used to show the children of. Universitas Sumatera Utara A.1 is Kongsi Bangun. He is the husband of Ngemat Beru Tarigan. A.2 A.3, A.4, A.5, and A.6 are the children of A.1 and A.2. They are sisters and brothers. A.7 is Sarwan Surbakti. He is the husband of Rina Beru Bangun.A.3 A.5 is Jaya Bangun. He is the husband of Mia Beru Karo.A.9 A.4 is Abadi Bangun. He is the husband of Norma Beru Pelawi.A.8 A.11 is Juanto Surbakti. A.12 is Jointa Surbakti. A.13 is Isma Beru Bangun. He is the wife of Wisata Tarigan A.14 A.19 is Santa Beru Bangun. He is the wife of Henri Sitepu A.24 A.20 is Eli Bangun. She is the wife of Mangkok Sinulingga A 25. A.22 is Andi Bangun. A.13 is Evi Beru Bangun. She the wife of Adi Sinuraya A.16 A.14 is Lenti Beru Bangun. She is the wife of Musti Barus A.17 A.15 is Teger Bangun. A.21 is Desma Beru Bangun.

3.2.5 Anak Beru