Focus of the Study Research Question Significance of the Study Time and Place of the Research Code Switching and Code Mixing

B. Focus of the Study

In this research the writer has to limit discussion by focusing only the word class and phrase that appeared in Indonesian Idol and the factors that influence using code mixing. Data resource is taken from the transcript of the comments of the judges and the utterances of the host of Indonesian Idol which is taken from Indonesian Idol Workshop round Season 6 program on RCTI television station.

C. Research Question

Based on the focus of the study above, the research questions are: 1. What kind of word class and phrase that appeared in code mixing used by the judges and the host of Indonesian Idol? 2. What are the factors that influence the judges and the host of Indonesian Idol using code mixing?

D. Significance of the Study

The significance of this research are as follows: 1. Practically, this research is expected of giving valuable knowledge in the development of linguistics in sociolinguistics field in general and especially in the study of code mixing. 2. Theoretically, this research can be a reference to many linguistics fields especially in sociolinguistics field for the language researcher and the reader. For the researcher, this research can enlarge knowledge about sociolinguistics especially code mixing.

E. Research Methodology

1. Objective of the Research

This research has some objectives: a To describe kind of word class and phrase that appeared in code mixing used by the judges and the host of Indonesian Idol b To identify the factors that influence the judges and the host of Indonesian Idol using code mixing

2. Method of the Research

This research uses descriptive method by collecting data from the source related to research. The writer records the conversations as many as possible, listens to all conversations, transcribes the conversations, finds the code mixing used in the conversation and analyzes the data using theory of code mixing and word class and phrase.

3. Data Analysis

In this research, the writer uses qualitative data analysis technique. The writer chooses and classifies code mixing into the categories based on the word class and phrase and the factors that influence the judges and the host of Indonesian Idol using code mixing.

4. Instrument of the Research

The instrument in this research is the writer herself as the instrument to get the data. The process of the collecting data in this research is divided into three steps, namely a the writer records Indonesian Idol program on television, b the writer watches the video and writes the script, c the writer chooses the code mixing in the script, d the writer analyzes the data to know what kind of word class and phrase appeared in code mixing used by the judges and the presenter of Indonesian Idol and the factors that influence the judges and the host of Indonesian Idol using code mixing.

5. Unit Analysis

Unit analysis in this research is the comments of the judges and the utterances of the host of Indonesian Idol Season 6 program on television.

F. Time and Place of the Research

This research is conducted on the eighth semester in 2010 in the English Letters Department Faculty of Adab and Humanities Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta and in the libraries that provide the theory that the writer needs. CHAPTER II THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK

A. Code Switching and Code Mixing

Before explaining about code switching and code mixing, the writer will explain about code. Based on Kridalaksana, code is symbol or the expression that is used to describe particular meaning, language system in a community, and particular variety in a language. The code can be a variety that related to the element of language like sentence, clause, phrase and word which have the limitation because the code is chosen by the speaker based on his necessity in communicating. So, language can be identified as a code. 8 Code switching and code mixing is one of the effects of bilingualism. Nababan stated that in bilingualism, code shifting is frequently appeared. The shifting can be a code switching and code mixing. The definition of code switching based on Appel is the condition where the switching code happens because of the changing of situation. 9 Kridalaksana explained code switching as using the variation of a language or with other language to adapt with the role, situation or the existence of other participant. Based on Kridalaksana definition above, the code shifting happens not only between the different language but also the variation of the same language. Based on the definitions above, code switching can be defined as language switching or its variation that happen 8 Harimurti Kridalaksana 2006, op. cit. p. 13 9 Abdul Chaer and Leony Agustina 2004 op. cit. p. 31 because of the changing of situation, topics and the existence of other participant that has just come. Nababan stated that code mixing is the situation that happens when a person mix two or more languages in the conversation without any situational force that push him to do it. 10 Kridalaksana explained that code mixing is using language element from one language to another language to extend language style, including word, clause, idiom, etc. Code switching is different from code mixing. Code mixing is only focused on the using of the element of language while code switching is the using of language or its variety. Code switching happens because the changing of situation that affects on the using of language or its variety. However, there is no situation that pushes a person to mix the code. Something that changes in code mixing is only the element of language itself such as word, clause, idiom, etc. Fasold explained the criterion that distinguished code switching from code mixing: “One criterion that is sometimes offered to distinguish switching from mixing is that the grammar of the clause determined the language. By the criterion, if a person uses a word or a phrase from another language, he has mixed, not switched. But if one clause has the grammatical structure of one language and in the next is constructed of one language and the text is constructed according to the grammar of another, a switch has occurred.” 11 According to Fasold, code switching can be distinguished from code mixing based on the grammar. If a person used a word or a phrase in other language, he has mixed. However, if a clause is arranged based on the 10 P. W. J. Nababan1984 op. cit. p. 30 11 Ralph Fasold, The Sociolinguistics of Society New York: Basil Blackwell, 1984 p.182 grammar of a language and next clause is arranged by another language, he has switched. The examples of code switching and code mixing are as follows: “It was not the best performance, tapi saya cukup suka sama cara kamu berimprovisasi” Code Switching “Saya actually agak-agak bingung mau komentar nya gimana, ya klo buat saya bagus tapi ga bagus banget” Code Mixing So, in this research the writer analyzed code mixing based on Fasold’s theory. The writer described word class and phrase in the particular data of code mixing.

B. Word