The analysis of sarcastic utterances and the hearer`s responses in two broke girls TV series episodes 1, season 1 to season 5.



CHRISTIANI, ABIGAIL LYDIA. The Analysis of Sarcastic Utterances and The Hearer’s Responses in Two Broke Girls TV Series Episodes 1, Season 1 To Season 5. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University, 2016.

Sarcasm is one aspect of figurative language which is commonly used in oral conversations. Some people believe that sarcasm only used for mocking or being rude to others. Meanwhile, sarcasm can also be used as a joke among friends and families in daily conversation. The Two Broke Girls TV Series is an example of American TV Series well known with its frequent use of sarcasm for criticizing, joking or persuading. Considering its popularity as one of the most sarcastic TV series, this series is chosen as the data source in analyzing sarcasm.

There are two problems raised in this study. The first one is categorizing the purposes of sarcastic utterances. In categorizing the purposes, the utterances appearing in the conversation of Two Broke Girls TV series episodes 1, season 1 to season 5, first will be analyzed so that it will be easier to find out the purposes. Second is to find out how the responses from the hearer in responding the given sarcastic utterances from the speaker.

In this study, documents and text analysis are applied in the analysis process. The researcher collected the data by observing the sarcastic utterances said by the characters appear in Two Broke Girls TV Series. There were six purposes of sarcasm listed In Humor and Irony in Interaction: From Mode Adoption to Failure of Detection (2001) by Salvatore Attardo namely group affiliation, sophistication, evaluation, politeness, persuasive effect, and retract ability. By elaborating the theory above, the purpose of each sarcastic utterance would be identified. Pragmatic approach and pretense theory is applied in analyzing the second problem which is to find out the responses from the hearer in responding the sarcastic utterances given by the speaker in each conversation related to its context, speech acts, and cooperative principle.

Two findings appear in this study as the result of the analysis. First, it is found that there are 5 sarcastic utterances as the purpose of group affiliation, 24 sarcastic utterance as the purpose of sophistication, 16 sarcastic utterances as the purpose of evaluation, 14 sarcastic utterances as the purpose of politeness, 9 sarcastic utterances as the purpose of persuasive aspects and 2 sarcastic utterances as the purpose of retract ability. Based on the context of the conversation, the speaker often uses sarcasm to express their emotion and as means of humor. The second is that the responses showed by the hearer varies regarding to the speaker’s intention in delivering the sarcastic utterances and also the context of conversation. As the most commonly used is sarcasm as sophistication, the response that is significant is by giving smile or laugh if it is a humor, or apologizes if it shows the speaker’s level of emotion.



CHRISTIANI, ABIGAIL LYDIA. The Analysis of Sarcastic Utterances and The Hearer’s Responses in Two Broke Girls TV Series Episodes 1, Season 1 To Season 5. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma, 2016.

Sarkasme adalah salah satu aspek dalam bahasa kiasan yang banyak digunakan dalam percakapan lisan. Banyak pihak yang beranggapan bahwa sarkasme biasa digunakan sebagai ejekan dan ungkapan kasar. Padahal, gaya bahasa ini dapat juga dipergunakan sebagai gurauan dalam percakapan informal antar teman maupun anggota keluarga di kehidupan sehari – hari. Sebagai contoh, Two Broke Girls adalah sebuah drama TV America yang terkenal dengan penggunaan sarkasme sebagai alat kritik, gurauan maupun bujukan. Melihat dari kepopuleran Two Broke Girls sendiri yang telah diakui sebagai salah satu drama serial yang paling sarkastik, serial ini dipilih sebagai sumber data dalam menganalisis sarkasme.

Terdapat dua masalah dalam penelitian ini yaitu (i) apa saja tujuan dari sarkasme, dan (ii) bagaimana respons pendengar menanggapi sarkasme tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi tujuan dari kalimat- kalimat yang mengandung sarkasme dan untuk mengetahui bagaimana respons pendegar yang menjadi subjek dari kalimat sarkasme tersebut.

Dalam penelitian ini, metode analisis dokumen dan teks diaplikasikan dalam proses analisis. Penulis mengumpulkan data dengan mengobservasi sarkasme yang diucapkan oleh aktor dan aktris dalam serial Two Broke Girls. Terkait dengan rumusan masalah pertama, Salvatore Attardo menuliskan dalam Humor and Irony in Interaction: From Mode Adoption to Failure of Detection (2001), bahwa ada enam tujuan sarkasme, yaitu sebagai afiliasi kelompok, gaya bahasa, evaluasi, alat untuk menunjukan kesopanan, efek persuasif, dan penarikan kembali. Dengan menerapkan teori di atas, tujuan dari sarkasme dapat diidentifikasi. Pendekatan pragmatik dan teori dalil juga diaplikasikan dalam menganalisa rumusan masalah kedua dengan hal – hal terkait seperti konteks, peran dalam percakapan dan juga asas kerja sama dalam percakapan.

Terdapat dua hasil dari analisis di penelitian ini. Yang pertama adalah 5 ungkapan sarkas dengan tujuan afiliasi kelompok, 24 ungkapan sarkas dengan tujuan gaya bahasa, 16 ungkapan sarkas untuk evaluasi, 14 ungkapan sarkas untuk kesopanan, 9 ungkapan sarkas dengan efek persuasif, dan 2 ungkapan sarkas untuk tujuan penarikan kembali. Berdasarkan konteks dari percakapan, dapat disimpulkan bahwa sarkasme sering digunakan untuk mengungkapkan emosi atau sebagai gurauan. Hasil dari analisa kedua yaitu bahwa respons yang ditunjukkan beragam terkait dengan maksud pembicara dalam menyampaikan ungkapan sarkas, dan juga kaitannya dengan konteks percakapan. Karena sarkasme sering digunakan untuk tujuan gaya bahasa, respon yang signifikan dari tujuan tersebut adalah dengan tersenyum atau tertawa jika itu gurauan, atau meminta maaf atau menunjukkan rasa penyesalan jika itu menunjukkan emosi dari pembicara.









Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters


Abigail Lydia Christiani Student Number: 124214094












Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters


Abigail Lydia Christiani Student Number: 124214094










"Have more than thou showest,

Speak less than thou knowest."




the ones who are crazy enough

to think they can change the world,




First and foremost, I am blessed to express praises and immense thanks to Jesus Christ for His continuous guidance and showers of blessings and mercy in every step throughout the process of this thesis.

In particular, my sincerest gratitude is extended to my advisor Harris Hermansyah Setiajid, M.Hum. for his advisory support to conduct this work, motivating discussion and suggestions, and for reading and re-reading various versions of this thesis. My special thanks also addressed to Dr. Bernardine Ria Lestari,M.Sc. as my co-advisor for agreeing to review this thesis and her valuable comments. I also would like to thank all my English Letters lectures at Sanata Dharma University whose teachings have enrich my knowledge.

Most importantly, none of this could have happened without my family. I take this opportunity to convey the profound gratitude to my beloved parents for their unceasing encouragement and support, both for financial and moral and the endless love and prayers.

Last but not least, I deliver my best thanks to all my friends of English Letters Department, especially my lovable 90-nim team, your support was worth more than I can express on paper. Thank you my twinnie hamster and panda sister for the before sleep-sharing, prayers and laughter. To my mace Teguh, thank you for being there with words of encouragement and listening ear. Also I am sincerely indebted to Monica for introducing me to Two Broke Girls TV series.








MOTTO PAGE ... vii





ABSTRACT ... xii

ABSTRAK ... xiii

CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study ... 1

B. Problem Formulation ... 3

C. Objectives of the Study ... 4

D. Definition of Terms ... 4

CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF LITERATURE A. Review of Related Study ... 6

B. Review of Related Theories ... 8

C. Theoretical Framework ... 14

CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY A. Object of the Study ... 16

B. Approach of the Study ... 17

C. Method of the Study ... 17

CHAPTER IV: ANALYSIS RESULTS AND DISCUSSION A. Purposes of Sarcastic Utterances ... 18

1. Sarcasm as a Group Affiliation ... 21

2. Sarcasm as Sophistication ... 27

3. Sarcasm as Evaluation ... 43

4. Sarcasm as a Tool for Politeness ... 51

5. Sarcasm as Persuasive Aspects ... 59

6. Sarcasm as Retract Ability ... 63

B. The Hearer’s Response of Sarcastic Utterances ... 65

1. The Hearer’s Response of Sarcastic Utterances as a Group Affiliation ... 65

2. The Hearer’s Response of Sarcastic Utterances as Sophistication ... 70



4. The Hearer’s Response of Sarcastic Utterances as a Tool for Politeness .. 90

5. The Hearer’s Response of Sarcastic Utterances as Persuasive Aspects ... 97

6. The Hearer’s Response of Sarcastic Utterances as Retract Ability ... 101



APPENDIX ... 107

LIST OF TABLES Table 1. Data Findings : Sarcastic Utterances Based on Purposes ... 16

Table 2. Data Analyzed: Sarcastic Utterances Based on Purposes ... 21

Table 3.1 The Hearer’s Response of Sarcastic Utterances Based on Purposes.. 69

Table 3.2 The Hearer’s Response of Sarcastic Utterances Based on Purposes.. 82

Table 3.3 The Hearer’s Response of Sarcastic Utterances Based on Purposes.. 89

Table 3.4 The Hearer’s Response of Sarcastic Utterances Based on Purposes.. 97

Table 3.5 The Hearer’s Response of Sarcastic Utterances Based on Purposes.. 101



CHRISTIANI, ABIGAIL LYDIA. The Analysis of Sarcastic Utterances and The Hearer’s Responses in Two Broke Girls TV Series Episodes 1, Season 1 To Season 5. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University, 2016.

Sarcasm is one aspect of figurative language which is commonly used in oral conversations. Some people believe that sarcasm only used for mocking or being rude to others. Meanwhile, sarcasm can also be used as a joke among friends and families in daily conversation. The Two Broke Girls TV Series is an example of American TV Series well known with its frequent use of sarcasm for criticizing, joking or persuading. Considering its popularity as one of the most sarcastic TV series, this series is chosen as the data source in analyzing sarcasm.

There are two problems raised in this study. The first one is categorizing the purposes of sarcastic utterances. In categorizing the purposes, the utterances appearing in the conversation of Two Broke Girls TV series episodes 1, season 1 to season 5, first will be analyzed so that it will be easier to find out the purposes. Second is to find out how the responses from the hearer in responding the given sarcastic utterances from the speaker.

In this study, documents and text analysis are applied in the analysis process. The researcher collected the data by observing the sarcastic utterances said by the characters appear in Two Broke Girls TV Series. There were six purposes of sarcasm listed In Humor and Irony in Interaction: From Mode Adoption to Failure of Detection (2001) by Salvatore Attardo namely group affiliation, sophistication, evaluation, politeness, persuasive effect, and retract ability. By elaborating the theory above, the purpose of each sarcastic utterance would be identified. Pragmatic approach and pretense theory is applied in analyzing the second problem which is to find out the responses from the hearer in responding the sarcastic utterances given by the speaker in each conversation related to its context, speech acts, and cooperative principle.

Two findings appear in this study as the result of the analysis. First, it is found that there are 5 sarcastic utterances as the purpose of group affiliation, 24 sarcastic utterance as the purpose of sophistication, 16 sarcastic utterances as the purpose of evaluation, 14 sarcastic utterances as the purpose of politeness, 9 sarcastic utterances as the purpose of persuasive aspects and 2 sarcastic utterances as the purpose of retract ability. Based on the context of the conversation, the speaker often uses sarcasm to express their emotion and as means of humor. The second is that the responses showed by the hearer varies regarding to the speaker’s intention in delivering the sarcastic utterances and also the context of conversation. As the most commonly used is sarcasm as sophistication, the response that is significant is by giving smile or laugh if it is a humor, or apologizes if it shows the speaker’s level of emotion.



CHRISTIANI, ABIGAIL LYDIA. The Analysis of Sarcastic Utterances and The Hearer’s Responses in Two Broke Girls TV Series Episodes 1, Season 1 To Season 5. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma, 2016.

Sarkasme adalah salah satu aspek dalam bahasa kiasan yang banyak digunakan dalam percakapan lisan. Banyak pihak yang beranggapan bahwa sarkasme biasa digunakan sebagai ejekan dan ungkapan kasar. Padahal, gaya bahasa ini dapat juga dipergunakan sebagai gurauan dalam percakapan informal antar teman maupun anggota keluarga di kehidupan sehari – hari. Sebagai contoh, Two Broke Girls adalah sebuah drama TV America yang terkenal dengan penggunaan sarkasme sebagai alat kritik, gurauan maupun bujukan. Melihat dari kepopuleran Two Broke Girls sendiri yang telah diakui sebagai salah satu drama serial yang paling sarkastik, serial ini dipilih sebagai sumber data dalam menganalisis sarkasme.

Terdapat dua masalah dalam penelitian ini yaitu (i) apa saja tujuan dari sarkasme, dan (ii) bagaimana respons pendengar menanggapi sarkasme tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi tujuan dari kalimat- kalimat yang mengandung sarkasme dan untuk mengetahui bagaimana respons pendegar yang menjadi subjek dari kalimat sarkasme tersebut.

Dalam penelitian ini, metode analisis dokumen dan teks diaplikasikan dalam proses analisis. Penulis mengumpulkan data dengan mengobservasi sarkasme yang diucapkan oleh aktor dan aktris dalam serial Two Broke Girls. Terkait dengan rumusan masalah pertama, Salvatore Attardo menuliskan dalam Humor and Irony in Interaction: From Mode Adoption to Failure of Detection (2001), bahwa ada enam tujuan sarkasme, yaitu sebagai afiliasi kelompok, gaya bahasa, evaluasi, alat untuk menunjukan kesopanan, efek persuasif, dan penarikan kembali. Dengan menerapkan teori di atas, tujuan dari sarkasme dapat diidentifikasi. Pendekatan pragmatik dan teori dalil juga diaplikasikan dalam menganalisa rumusan masalah kedua dengan hal – hal terkait seperti konteks, peran dalam percakapan dan juga asas kerja sama dalam percakapan.

Terdapat dua hasil dari analisis di penelitian ini. Yang pertama adalah 5 ungkapan sarkas dengan tujuan afiliasi kelompok, 24 ungkapan sarkas dengan tujuan gaya bahasa, 16 ungkapan sarkas untuk evaluasi, 14 ungkapan sarkas untuk kesopanan, 9 ungkapan sarkas dengan efek persuasif, dan 2 ungkapan sarkas untuk tujuan penarikan kembali. Berdasarkan konteks dari percakapan, dapat disimpulkan bahwa sarkasme sering digunakan untuk mengungkapkan emosi atau sebagai gurauan. Hasil dari analisa kedua yaitu bahwa respons yang ditunjukkan beragam terkait dengan maksud pembicara dalam menyampaikan ungkapan sarkas, dan juga kaitannya dengan konteks percakapan. Karena sarkasme sering digunakan untuk tujuan gaya bahasa, respon yang signifikan dari tujuan tersebut adalah dengan tersenyum atau tertawa jika itu gurauan, atau meminta maaf atau menunjukkan rasa penyesalan jika itu menunjukkan emosi dari pembicara.



A. Background of the Study

There are several things in life which cannot be separable, in this case is language from most of everyday human interactions. One attribute that sets human being apart from other creatures is language. Some nonhuman creatures may be able to communicate, like human, with one another but in complex ways. The definite difference between human and nonhuman language is that none of nonhuman creatures’ communication systems can approach language in its ability to convey information.

There are several ways of communication in human being, some of them known as written, spoken, and sign language. Most people believe that written language is the important one since it has educative aspect by being studied in school through reading the written text or composing their own written text. Meanwhile, spoken language is considered to be in the secondary place in academic simply because it is not being taught in school. In fact, the reality gives different facts which can be seen through the line below stated by Mark,

What set modern linguistics apart, beginning in the nineteenth century, was the realization that the opposite is true: language is primarily spoken and written language is an imperfect reflection of spoken language, conveyed through a fairly new and imperfect technology, writing (Arronof, 2007: 5).

Knowing the primarily of spoken language as written above, this present study focuses more on the utterance since the chosen object is the dialogues in


Two Broke Girls TV Series Episodes 1 from Season 1 to Season 5. Spoken language also allows human for using certain styles of language, either literal or figurative. Contrast with the literal, figurative language allows the speaker to play with language used so that the utterance has the meaning beyond of what it is said. There are several types of figurative language namely metaphor, irony, satire, sarcasm, simile, analogy commonly used in daily communication. One type of figurative language widely used in practice is sarcasm which will be the main subject to be discussed in the present study.

Mostly, sarcasm is used as the expressions revealing the use of sharp language in order to mock, to convey scorn or even to deliver jokes. As an example, after a friend makes a mistake, then you say ‘Oh nice one!’ or‘Oh well done!’ is likely to be considered sarcastic. It is sarcastic because the meaning of this utterance ‘Oh nice one!’ or ‘Oh well done!’ is not what literally meant. This is, presumably, an indirect way to ridicule the hearer.

Similar cases as above are found in Two Broke Girls, one example of TV series that contains a lot of jokes delivered sarcastically with speaker’s utterances and that is the data source used for the present study. Two Broke Girls is an American TV series which mainly has the story of two best friends, Max and Caroline, who met accidentally in a Williamsburg diner, owned by Han Lee, a Korean man who has average tall as the Asians. The story is getting more fun yet complex with the presence of the other character workers named Oleg the chef, Earl the cashier, and Sophie the customer. Each of the character has their types of


joke and often teases their co-workers while they work. However, Max is the character who best known as the sarcastic one.

Even it is harsh and often considered as a rude expression, sarcasm is not totally negative. There are some occasions in which sarcasm can be used in positive manner. For example, in the Two Broke Girls TV series, the Williamsburg diner family frequently uses sarcastic jokes to build a warm relationship between them in the middle of their works. It helps them, as workers, to reduce tense while busy doing the works. In such a way, this series may prove that sarcasm can also be used in positive manners.

The topic in this study is worth discussing because sarcasm used in a purpose of humor somehow can be complicated when delivered in several ways. Regarding to the present study, the sarcastic utterances will be categorized based on its purposes. With the sarcastic utterances said by the speaker, the responses from the hearer in responding the utterances will be analyzed.

B. Problem Formulation

In line to the background of the study explained previously, the problem formulations of the study are formulated as follows.

1. What are the purposes of sarcastic utterances appearing in the Two Broke Girls TV Series in Episodes 1 from Season 1 to Season 5?

2. How are the hearer’s responses due to the sarcastic utterances appearing in the Two Broke Girls TV Series in Episodes 1 from Season 1 to Season 5?


C. Objectives of Study

The first objective is to identify the kind of purposes of sarcastic utterances appearing in the Two Broke Girls TV Series in Episodes 1 from Season 1 to Season 5. Salvatore Attardo lists in his article Humor and Irony in Interaction: From Mode Adoption to Failure of Detection (2001) that there are six purposes of sarcasm. By considering the context of the utterance, the purpose of the sarcasm can be revealed.

Second, the research aims to examine the response (s) from the characters that get the sarcastic utterances in each scene in the Two Broke Girls TV Series in Episodes 1 from Season 1 to Season 5. As the speaker expects the hearer to infer his/her sarcastic utterances properly, the writer will analyze whether the metamessage from the speaker can be understood by the hearer related to presuppositions of the utterance and by considering the co-text and the context of the utterance.

D. Definition of Terms

To avoid some misunderstandings and misinterpretation, several terms provided which used in this present study as follows:

Figurative language is traditionally conceptualized as language in which what is meant is somehow different from that which is said (Grice, 1975; Searle, 1979). This is contrasted with ‘literal’ language use where the speaker’s intended meaning matches some decontextualized construal of the utterance. (Winner et al., 1988).


The word sarcasm stems from Greek word sarkazein, which means to tear flesh, to bite. (Katz, 2000: 7). According to Attardo (1999: 5), sarcasm is an overtly aggressive type of irony, with clearer markers and a clear target. In the same year, McDonald (1999: 21) states that sarcasm is a form of ironic speech commonly used to convey implicit criticism with a particular victim as its target.

Etymologically, the term irony is derived from the Greek words eironeia or eiron and holds various meanings like affected ignorance, dissimulation, or derision. (Pfeifer, 1995: 11). The irony of irony is that we can often recognize ironic situations and language even though we have a terrible time trying to define irony. (Gibbs & O'Brien,1991: 131).

Satire may be defined as a literary composition or form in which human or individual vices, follies, abuses, or shortcomings are held up to censure by means of ridicule, derision, burlesque, irony, or other methods, ideally with the intent to bring about improvement. Although satire often seems to be funny, the purpose of satire is not primarily humor in itself so much as an attack on something of which the author strongly disapproves, using the weapon of wit. (Singh 2012: 68)





A. Review of Related Studies

Some studies about sarcasm are necessary to mention considering their relationship to this study. Reviews of related studies provided below are taken from journal and thesis which analyze the similar topic with this present undergraduate thesis.

1. A Research by Maggie Rulli‟s “„Live from New York It's Saturday Night‟: The Evolution of Humor As Rhetorical Statement In The 35 Years of Saturday Night Live”.

This thesis examines the use of humor in Saturday Night Live by using a comparative analysis of the comedy in SNL season one contrasted with SNL season thirty-five. Thirteen comedic devices are utilized as tools for analytic assessment: clownish/silly, logical implausibility, slapstick, surprise, misunderstanding, irony, satire, parody, socially inappropriate humor, gross humor, self- deprecation, invective, and wordplay. In addition, two types of previous information are requiring for audience appreciation and amusement: prior knowledge of general society and prior knowledge of specific information.

It is revealed in the result that satire and socially inappropriate humor dominate season one, while parody and invective are common to season thirty- five. The viewers of season one must have a broad prior knowledge of general society, while season thirty- five’s audience must have a detailed prior knowledge


of specific information. The following comparative analysis of SNL season one to season thirty - five reveals that the humor of each season reflects the cultural values of that generation.

The differences with this present study lie in the focus aspect which is being analyzed and also the collected data or source. Rulli’s study focuses on analyzing humor in rhetorical statements while this present study focuses on more specific aspect which is sarcasm. Rulli also chose Live from New York it's Saturday Night as the object which totally different with this present study which using Two Broke Girls TV Series to collect the data (Rulli, 2010:1).

2. Carrol A. Capelli, Noreen Nakagawa and Cary M. Madden‟s thesis “How Children Understand Sarcasm: The Role of Context and Intonation”

In the thesis, Carrol A. Capelli, Noreen Nakagawa and Cary M. Madden try to recognize ironic sarcasm. Adults may rely on either of two cues: the context in which the utterance is made, or the speaker's intonation. In two experiments comparing third graders (8-9 years old), sixth graders (11-12 years old), and adults, we investigated the development of children's ability to use these cues.

At first, children were able to recognize sarcasm when the speakers used sarcastic intonation but failed to do so without the intonation cue, even if the context strongly indicated a nonliteral interpretation. In the second experiment, subjects delivered dialogue with intonation they deemed appropriate- and justified their choices-based on contexts that either suggested sarcasm or not. Young children again appeared largely oblivious to contextually implied sarcasm. These


results suggest that children initially depend more heavily on intonation than on context in recognizing sarcasm.

This present thesis has similar topic to be discussed in which it is to find out how the response from the hearer in responding sarcasm which delivered both harsh or in a form of irony. However, it is different in a way that Carrol A. Capelli, Noreen Nakagawa and Cary M. Madden’s thesis doing the experiment to children compared to adult as the data while this present thesis uses the dialogues in Two Broke Girls TV Series Episodes 1, Season 1 to 5 as the collected data.

Also, Carrol A. Capelli, Noreen Nakagawa and Cary M. Madden’s thesis focuses more on how intonation affect the understanding for the children in recognizing sarcasm while this present thesis is more concerned with the purposes of sarcasm itself and the response from the hearer in responding sarcastic utterances (Capelli, 2016: 1).

B. Review of Related Theories 1. Purposes of Sarcasm

Sarcastic utterances serve certain purposes when they are used in conversations. Salvatore Attardo in his article Humor and Irony in Interaction: From Mode Adoption to Failure of Detection (2001) lists six purposes of sarcasm.

a. Group Affiliation

Sarcasm can affiliate a group. In this case, sarcasm works in two ways. First, it highlights the boundary of a group by stating the standards or values


that the group has. Secondly, it expresses an understatement about outsider of the group that does not meet the standards of the group (2001: 183).

For example, when a son is going back from school but he does not greet his mom or dad while they are sitting close from where he passed. Then his

dad says, “Sometimes silence is better, but not this one with ignoring us.” As

the older, his parents obviously hope their son’s greeting when he comes home. It highlights that the son’s act does not meet the values of parents which has the standard for their family there. What parents want is that their son should give respect to them or to the older person even his son is inside the group of family. This example shows sarcasm as a group affiliation. b. Sophistication

Sarcasm shows the speaker’s ability to play with language. Sarcasm as

sophistication usually means as a humor, however, in some cases, it expresses

the speaker’s level of emotion. By playing language, sarcasm shows how the

speaker can take control over his emotion (2001: 183).

As the example, when someone really wants to go swimming in a rainy day then a friend says “Yeah, go on. But don’t blame me if I can’t differentiate you with an ice berg.” As a friend, of course s/he wants to tell

that it is better to not go swimming when it’s raining to avoid getting cold or

freezing. However, when the speaker cannot handle the emotion, s/he tends to use sarcasm as sophistication so that it will not really offends someone’s feeling.


c. Evaluation

Sarcasm can mute negative effects of the criticism that it may emerges. At the same time, sarcasm can mute the positive effects of the praise that it may convey. The way sarcasm mutes those two aspects simultaneously becomes the point of using sarcasm (Attardo, 2001: 183).

When the speaker uses sarcasm as evaluation, s/he usually does not really want to show the negative thing in criticizing someone or s/he does not really want to show the positive way in giving compliment. For example, when a

mother says “you looks calm like you did not do it” to her son who just ate all

the food. Instead of delivering the exact meaning, the mother chooses to use sarcasm for evaluates her son’s act. From the utterance, the mother actually gives compliment for his act that can be calm as nothing happens. On the other hand, the mother also gives critique to his son who eats all the food. d. Politeness

Sarcasm can be used as a “tool for politeness.” Although sarcasm seems aggressive, it is admitted that sarcasm is less damaging the hearer’s face than overt aggression (2001: 184). For example, when a man says “I will buy some food so you do not have to cook today.” can be means that his wife’s food is not delicious or his wife cannot cook well so that he prefers buy it outside. However, sarcasm as politeness used to make the utterance a little less aggressive.


e. Persuasive Aspect

Sarcasm can be a powerful rhetorical tool to be used persuasively. This is achieved in three ways. First, sarcasm provides itself the evident for the utterance to be accepted as a truth. Second, sarcasm is easier to memorize than literal utterance. Thirdly, sarcasm is very informative (2001: 184).

As the example, from the situation among friends when one of them tries

to persuade the other friend by saying “Come on, tell her know or else any

other men will catch her as fast as you will lose her”. From the utterance, the one friend sarcastically persuades his/her friend to make a move in order to get closer with his crush. Instead of saying the literal meaning, the speaker uses sarcasm to show that his/her utterance can be accepted as a truth and also it is easier for the hearer to memorize.

f. Retractability

Sarcasm lets someone “take a noncommittal attitude towards what he/she

is saying” (2001: 184). In other words, by stating something and expressing

its opposite at the same time, the speaker can avoid any responsibility for the falseness that s/he says.

2. Pragmatics

Referring to the second problem formulation, the theory of pragmatics is used to analyze the problem since it deals with conversational analysis among the speaker and the hearer. According to George Yule, pragmatics’ main focus is anything related with the study of speaker meaning as communication and interpretation from the listener. (1996: 3) As one of figurative language, sarcasm


cannot be understood as easy as literal language. Thus, the use of pragmatics is needed in this study.

In his paper Logic and Conversation, Grice discusses about how to analyze ironic language by creating a new model in which the literal interpretation of an utterance is inverted to find its intended meaning. Two major theories which appears are “mention and pretense theory”. Mention theory, also called echoic theory, states that a sarcastic utterance does not use language but rather echoes a belief that is not hold by the speaker at the time of the utterance (Kreuz & Glucksberg, 1989; Sperber & Wilson, 1981; Wilson & Sperber, 2002). Meanwhile, pretense theory, which attempts to modify Grice’s account, argues that the speaker pretends to be an unwise person by speaking sarcastically and addressing a naive audience but intends that the hearer will see through the

pretense to understand the speaker’s true attitude toward the fictional speaker and

the belief expressed (H. H. Clark & Gerrig, 1984).

According to Grice (1975), the cooperative principle can be divided into four maxims. The maxims are maxim quality (do not say things that are false or for which you lack evidence), maxim quantity (do not give too much or too little information), maxim relation (say things that are relevant to the conversation at hand), and maxim of manner (avoid obscurity and ambiguity; be brief and orderly). Speakers are said to be flouting a maxim when they choose not to follow the rules in order to cue the listener in to a hidden meaning, called an implicature. This theory proves that sarcasm commonly used by violating maxim quality since sarcasm often express the opposite of what has been said or happens.


One of the areas that pragmatics concerns about is the contextual meaning (1996: 3). To dig the contextual meaning of a linguistic expression, some pragmatic tools are needed. Since sarcasm is mostly contextual, it is necessary to know about context and co-text to reveal the meaning behind. Co-text is any linguistic material that accompanies the referent expression. For example,

Chelsea plays in Champion Cup 2012”.

The word Chelsea above is the referring expression and the co-text is “plays in

Champion Cup 2012.” This co-text will limit the range of possible interpretation

for the phrase Chelsea, making it easier to result a proper interpretation.

Co-text is part of the broader environment where the referring expression is used. This environment is called context, which is “perhaps more easily recognized as having powerful impact on how referring expressions are to be interpreted” (1996: 21).

As the source data is taken from conversations in TV series, it is important to relate sarcasm with speech acts which still a part of pragmatics. Mc Donald stated that sarcasm is an indirect form of speech intentionally used to produce a particular dramatic effect on the listener or sometimes it is used to convey implicit criticism with a particular victim as a target. (1999: 486)

However in sarcasm, the action that the speaker wants to show is performed through utterances that generally called as speech acts. Even though the speaker wants the listener to do something or have the effect of something, it


is not by the speaker’s force but it is understood through the utterance that the speaker produces.

According to Krikmann (2005), the incongruity theory presupposes an inconsistency or contradiction in a humorous text. It is said that the interpreter of a joke will first tackle the discourse on the basis of the most salient or accessible. After solving the problem successfully, the interpreter experiences emotions of surprise and satisfaction that lead to laughter. Kant (1790) considered that the element of surprise was necessary to induce laughter. He claimed that laughter occurred when something that we did not expect happened. However, one of the drawbacks of this theory is that it does not explain other cases of incongruity which do not invoke humour. Other rhetorical figures, such as metaphors or sarcasm are also considered as instances of incongruity but, unlike jokes, they do not seem to generate humorous effects. It does not account for other cases of incongruity beyond the realm of humour and, as a result, it needs to be reinforced.

C. Theoretical Framework

The mentioned theory is used as the theoretical background in the data and to solve the problems which has shared in the problem formulations. The mention and pretense theory is used as the pre-theory and pre-analysis before the researcher collects the data. After the data is collected, the theory of six purposes of sarcasm by Attardo is used to categorize the collected data. After classifying the purposes, the response from the hearer of sarcastic utterances will be analyzed helps by the theory of pragmatics.


It is indeed undeniable that sarcasm is naturally related to irony, since both of it are figurative language’s devices. John Haiman (1998: 20) gives two distinctive characteristics to identify irony and sarcasm and to prove that it is not exactly the same. First, situation may be ironic, but only human can be sarcastic. Second, irony can occur naturally, but sarcasm only occurs with the presence of an intention from the speaker.

Singh with his perspective states that

Irony differs from sarcasm in greater subtlety and wit. In sarcasm, ridicule or mockery is used harshly, often crudely and contemptuously, for destructive purposes. It may be used in an indirect manner, and have the form of irony, as in What a fine musician you turned out to be! or it may be used in the form of a direct statement, You couldn't play one piece correctly if you had two assistants. The distinctive quality of sarcasm is present in the spoken word and manifested chiefly by vocal inflection. (Singh, 2012: 66)

Briefly, sarcasm and irony is distinctive yet still related. Sarcasm involves both people and intention while irony is more naturally. Sarcasm is more likely use with rude expression to mock someone, but sarcasm can also be delivered in the form of irony, which is more contrast between reality and what is stated.

There is a common misunderstanding about sarcasm which is between sarcasm and irony. Some argue that sarcasm is an expression which means the opposite of what the speaker intends to deliver. Meanwhile, some define irony as a rhetorical device, literary technique, or contrast, between reality (what is) and appearance (what seems to be) (Singh, 2012: 1). These make sarcasm and irony become similar as a figure of speech.




A. Object of the Study

The Two Broke Girls is an American TV Series created by Josh Schwartz. Originally airing on the CBS Television Network from 2011 to presently 2016, this series consisted of about 20 episodes in each season. On its first season, the show attracted more than 9 million viewers. On the polling conducted by, a site of internet movie database, this series gained the rate of 7.5 out of 10 stars.

The story is set in Newport Beach, a city in Orange County, California. It is about the two girls Max and Caroline who met in the diner where they work and unintentionally be friends. However, Max and Caroline come from different background of family. Max come from a troubled and poor family, even she

doesn’t know where her father is. While Caroline is a daughter of the Channings but she lost everything when her father end up in jail and that makes her working in the small diner where Max has been worked before. This TV series offers many

kinds of storylines, including the character’s daily activities, love stories, and struggles in maintaining the carriers. This Two Broke Girls TV series is best

known for its sarcasm comedy and the character’s innocence which makes the


B. Approach of the Study

The approach used in this study is the pragmatic approach, specifically of the presupposition and contextualization theoretical framework. This framework is chosen of the need to analyze the sarcastic utterances of people engaged in sarcastic transactions.

Under the pragmatic theoretic framework, it will be analyzed whether the metamessage of sarcasm can be transferred correctly to the hearer of sarcastic utterances. The assumption was, together with the situational context of the story, then being contextualized by the new information retrieved, all the information entries contained by the logical form of the sarcastic utterances. The process of understanding the intention from the speaker was then demostrated by examining the purposes of the sarcasm and contextual effects emerged from the contextualization but still following the pragmatics theoretical framework.

C. Method of the Study

In conducting a research, an appropriate methodology plays an important role because it deals with a system of ways of studying a major topic. This present thesis uses an explicatory since it focuses on a particular text and attempts to analyze some aspects inside it.

This study is categorized as a qualitative research since it is descriptive, focuses on describing and understanding a phenomenon and includes a detailed account of the context, the activities, the participants, and the processes, and the data collected is in the form of words instead of numbers (Bodgan and Biklen,


2010: 9). The collected data of this thesis is gathered through the document analysis. According to Ary, Jacobs, Sorensen, and Razavieh (2010), document analysis or content analysis, analyzes and interprets recorded material to learn about specific data. The material could be public records, textbooks, letters, films, tapes, diaries, themes, reports, or other documents. This study would like to

analyze the utterance from the participants’ conversation taken from Two Broke Girls TV Series, Episodes 1 from Season 1 to Season 5.

1. Data Collection

According to Brown and Rodgers (2002: 6), before anything useful can be done with research data, you will need to compile your data. Compiling data means putting all the data together in one place in a way that you can more easily analyse and interpret the data. The method of collecting data in this study was observation method.

The data collection of the present research began with the identification. All utterances from the script of Two Broke Girls TV Series Episodes 1, Season 1 to 5 were identified by echoic mention in each utterance, in order to list the sarcastic utterances treated as the data. This step was the first step necessarily conducted in this study. After the sarcastic utterances were listed, they were then analyzed to reveal the purpose of sarcasm. Then, the sarcastic utterances are classified based on their purpose. This step would answer the first problem formulation. Each category of the purpose of sarcasm revealed from the latest step was then elaborated, in order to find out how the sarcastic utterances remarks are understood by the hearer. As already mentioned


earlier, the elaboration of the sarcastic utterances will be examined by applying the pragmatic approach related to presupposition, co-text and context.

Table 1. Data Findings : Sarcastic Utterances Based on Purposes Purposes of

Sarcasm Season 1 Season 2 Season 3 Season 4 Season 5 Total Group

Affiliation 1 - 2 1 1 5

Sophistication 6 4 5 5 4 24

Evaluation 4 4 3 1 4 16

Politeness 4 2 2 3 3 14


Aspect 2 1 - 2 4 9

Retract ability 1 1 - - - 2

Total 18 13 12 12 16 70

2. Data Analysis

In analyzing the data, the writer needs some steps to be done before drawing a conclusion. First step is by identifying the collected data using

Attordo’s theory in his article Humor and Irony in Interaction: From Mode Adoption to Failure of Detection. The writer uses Attordo’s theory to know the purposes of sarcastic utterance said by the characters in Two Broke Girl TV Series.

Second step is to do the conversational analysis by finding out whether the sarcastic utterances are bound with co-text or context. Third step is that the examination about what is the metamessage beyond the sarcastic


utterances. This will need a pragmatic approach to know the presupposition between the speaker and also the hearer. After that, the writer will find out whether the intention of the speaker clearly understood or not by the hearer. If it is not clearly understood, some factors causing the misunderstood will be revealed.

The fourth step is organizing all of the collected data that have been analyzed in the table which is placed in appendices pages to make them easier to be explained systematically.




This chapter consists of two minor chapters related with the problem formulations in this present study. The first subchapter deals with the analysis to answer the first problem formulated in chapter two, which is to classify the collected data by identify the purposes of the sarcastic utterances in Two Broke Girls TV Series Episodes 1, Season 1 to Season 5. The problem will be answered by applying Salvatore Attardo‟s theory in his article Humor and Irony in Interaction: From Mode Adoption to Failure of Detection (2001) which listed six purposes of sarcasm.

The second subchapter covers the analysis of the second problem formulated in this study, which is to identify how the response from the characters which being the hearer of the sarcastic utterances appearing in the Two Broke Girls TV Series in Episodes 1 from Season 1 to Season 5 by applying the pragmatics theories related to how hearer infers the utterance looks at the co-text and the context of the utterance.

A. Purposes of Sarcastic Utterances

In this first subchapter, the writer does the conversational analysis starting by classifying the collected data based on the purposes. The data taken from the subtitles Two Broke Girls TV Series in Episodes 1 from Season 1 to Season 5 are the examples of conversational style among friends, in this case is sarcasm. In order to understand any words spoken by the speaker, one must know


how the words are meant; the speaker is joking, scolding, being friendly or rude to us. Anything that is said must be said in some way, and that way is style (Tannen, 1984 : 2).

The sarcastic utterances are recognized from the appearance of the

sarcasm‟s definition itself and the characteristic which can be identified by echoic

mention. As an example, the distinction between sarcasm and other forms of figurative language will be described in the following situations.

Situation 1

(1A) Han : Max, three weeks in a row you have not yet accepted my request to be a Facebook friend. (silent) Max? I am talking to you.

(1B) Max : Okay, fine. Let's go there. Han, I'm never gonna be your Facebook friend.

(1C) Caroline : That was like watching someone club a baby seal. Why wouldn't you just say yes to his friend request?

Situation 2

(2A) Caroline : If I'm not back when it's our turn to speak, stall them. Fill time. Just go on and on talking about nothing.

(2B) Max : Got it. Pretend I'm you.

In situation A, Han who is the boss of Max and Caroline is asking Max to accept his friend request in Facebook. Max, who is busy counting her tips, pretends not to listen to him because she feels that it is quite disturbing by asking her over and over again about Facebook which she rarely opens. Caroline as the

audience of Han and Max‟s conversation feels pity of Han who gets offended by

Max‟s statement (1B). Therefore „his‟ in Caroline‟s utterance (1C) refers to Han.

However, the word „like‟ used in (1C) showed that Caroline uses the figure of speech which shows the comparison between two things which so called as


simile. As stated by Damon, a simile is an explicit figurative comparison: that is, it is a statement that one thing is like another. Thus it contains a comparative word

such as, „like‟, „as‟, „similar‟ or „same‟.

By saying “that was like watching someone club a baby seal”, Caroline

compares Han with a baby seal since both of them have a mini size body. Besides, Caroline also implies that Max is a way too rude for such person like Han in the way of answering his question. Thus, utterance (1C) is not a form of sarcasm.

In situation B, the personal pronoun “you” in Max utterance (2B) refers

to Caroline since she is the one speaking with her. Max, however, does not use any metaphor or simile in her utterance (2B). Instead, what Max says is clearly straight yet it has the meaning beyond which makes the utterance sarcastic. By replying Caroline statement (2A) with “Got it. Pretend I‟m you.”, Max is being sarcastic, which implies that Caroline used to talk about nothing. Also, Max says the sarcastic utterances to her best friend purposively. This makes the utterance in (2B) sarcastic.

Since sarcasm are said by purpose, in this chapter, there are six purposes of sarcasm based on Attardo‟s theory, namely group affiliation, sophistication, evaluation, politeness, persuasive aspect, and retractability. Each sarcastic utterance is identified by adapting the same method as above. The sarcastic utterances are uttered purposively by the speakers. The pragmatic features of the sarcastic utterances, then, are explored to identify the purposes. There are seventy sarcastic utterances appearing in the script of Two Broke Girls TV Series in


Episodes 1 from Season 1 to Season 5. However, there are several examples chosen as the sample to be analyzed in this chapter as seen below,

Table 2. Analyzed Data : Sarcastic Utterances Based on Purposes Purposes of

Sarcasm Season 1 Season 2 Season 3 Season 4 Season 5 Total Group

Affiliation 1 - 2 - - 3

Sophistication 3 3 3 2 1 12

Evaluation 4 1 2 - 1 8

Politeness 3 1 - 2 1 7


Aspect - - - 2 2 4

Retract ability 1 1 - - - 2

Total 12 6 7 6 5 36

1. Sarcasm as a Group Affiliation

There are five utterances that contain sarcasm utterance serving the purpose as group affiliation. Some of the utterances are being chosen as the examples displayed as follow:

Utterance 1: Would you find it distracting if someone did that to you while you were working? Oh, you don't have a job. Sorry.

No, hipster. Don’t think we're on the same team. We have nothing in common. I wear knit hats when it's cold out. You wear knit hats 'cause of Coldplay. You have tattoos to piss off


your dad. My dad doesn't know he's my dad. Utterance 32: What, like puberty?

Utterance 36: "Nice"? All you got is "nice?" This place was like Great Adventure for rats! They were waiting in line to bite us. Nice? It used to smell like the place poop comes to die. Or death comes to poop.

The situations in which the utterances are produced are necessary to be involved as the sarcastic utterances are related to their contexts. The following situation is the situation in which utterance 1 occurs.

Situation 1

Customer 1 : Waitress? (Snaps) Dude? (Snaps) Max : Hi, what can I get ya?

Customer 1 : We need some...

Max : (Snaps) Is that annoying? (Snaps) Is that obnoxious and rude? (Snaps) Would you find it distracting if someone did that to you while you were working? Oh, you don't have a job. Sorry.

Customer 2 : Damn, dude, she burned you.

Max : No, hipster. Do not think we're on the same team. We have nothing in common. I wear knit hats when it's cold out. You wear knit hats 'cause of coldplay. You have tattoos to piss off your dad. My dad doesn't know he's my dad.

As stated earlier, that sarcastic utterance is produced mostly with the intention of the speaker. In the situation 1 above, Max as the waitress feels disturbed by how the customer calls on her while she is serving the other customer. The customer is two teenager guys wearing knit hats, flannel shirts, and denim trousers make their appearance looks like a member of hipster group. What


most disturbing for Max is the snapping from one of the guys and the fact that he does not even look at her.

In giving a response to her guy customers, Max gives several sarcastic expressions which can be seen through snapping back and rude utterances. The

first sarcastic utterance is “Oh, you don‟t have a job. Sorry.” By saying this, Max

sarcastically pointing out that the teenagers obviously does not have a job yet so that they do not know how distracting it is if someone does such thing while working. Even though the word „sorry‟ is added there, it does not reflect what the speaker feelings to apologize about the utterance.

The second sarcastic utterance is “No, hipster. Do not think we're on the

same team. We have nothing in common.” The word „hipster‟ used also for a sarcastic purpose because the speaker, Max, starts to give her thought about their appearance which looks like a group of hipster and the sarcastic utterances after that remains on their appearance. As seen from this utterance “I wear knit hats when it's cold out. You wear knit hats 'cause of Coldplay. You have tattoos to piss off your dad. My dad doesn't know he's my dad.” Max points out that her thought is totally different from them who are still teenager which focuses more on teenage stuffs such as style, fun, freedom, etc. Contrast with Max who has been through a lot of experiences in life, she gives the comparison about the usage of knit hat and about experience between dad and his child. The teenagers probably have tattoos to show their father that they can do what they like or want. While Max still figure out whom and where her father is.


Max highlights the fact that her customer is not giving some respect to imply that it does not meet the moral values she believes about how a younger people shows respect to the older should be. In other words, she believes that this fact violates what is needed to show respect by treating someone older well without looking at position. From this point of view, the utterance serves the purpose of group affiliation. Besides, the sarcasm is also addressed to a member of society, it is an inclusive a group affiliation highlighting a bond relationship between waitress and customer, as well as old and young people.

Situation 32

Han : Well, I got to go home. I've been watching Dharma & Greg on Hulu. Oh, I missed so much growing up in Korea.

Max : What, like puberty?

Han : Max, in my country I'm average height.

The conversation above happens at midnight when the diner has been closed. Max and Caroline are asking Earl‟s opinion about their new uniform of

Max‟s homemade cupcakes when Han appears from the kitchen interrupting their

conversation. As the diner closes, Han wants to go home since there is an American television sitcom starring Dharma and Greg aired on Hulu, the American online company supporting streaming service offering a selection of TV shows, clips, movies and is available in English, Japanese, Korean, and Portuguese.

Feeling happy to watch his favorite sitcom in Korean subtitle, he gets a nostalgic feeling when he grows up in his hometown, Korea. Max, who often teases his boss, perceives that there is something about Han which she can give


comment on. This time, Max chooses to give response on his nostalgic part which sarcastically asks about the puberty of him which for her, it does not look significant on Han.

As the Americans, Max points out the fact that Han is not as tall as other people who works at the diner. By giving her sarcastic utterances, Max excludes Han as the Asians from the Americans people there by underestimating the physical appearance. From this point of view, the utterance serves the purpose of group affiliation.

In this situation, it is shown that the group affiliation can work in two ways. First, an affiliation is inclusive, if it is addressed by a member of a certain group to a member of the same group. Secondly, it is exclusive if it is addressed by a member of certain group to someone outside the group. Thus, this sarcastic utterance is used as an exclusive group-affiliation.

As an example of elaboration, situation 36, in which utterance 36 occurs, is displayed as follow.

Situation 36

Caroline : Original tan, original tile, original too. What do you think, Oleg? Oleg : Nice.

Max :"Nice"? All you got is "nice?" This place was like Great Adventure for rats! They were waiting in line to bite us. “Nice?” It used to smell like the place poop comes to die. Or death comes to poop.

The situation above takes place at the room behind the diner which is no longer used. The room had to be dirty, dark, smelly, and full of rats which have


been redecorated by Max and Caroline to be a clean, light, and chic cupcake shop as their new business. For the first move, Max and Caroline decides that night as the soft opening of their cupcake shop. Before that, they want to show it to their co-workers at the diner and see their first impression looking at the inside part of their new shop.

Earl, Han and Sophie already give their personal opinion about the new cupcakes shop with compliments which pleases Max and Caroline to hear it as seen below,

Earl : “Girls, I am so proud of you two, getting back up on that horse. After my first jazz record didn't sell, I turned to a life of drinks, drugs, and loose women. Funny how sometimes things just work out right.”

Han : “Whoa! I cannot believe my eyes.” (smile happily with eyes

mesmerizing around the entire shop)

Sophie:“Look, girls, I'm blowing this party horn for you. Oh, I love a soft opening. Honey, look. Look, some customers. Hey, cool guys! Come over here and eat something from the girls' soft opening!”

Earl says his positive attitude by being proud of them and adds the comical motivation from his past experience, Han shows up his excitement more through his action, Sophie not only congratulates them but also brings a party horn and her being excited to call people to come over the new shop considered as a good response for Max and Caroline.

While Oleg, unlike other co-workers, does not show any interest in his face and just say the word „nice‟ which apparently does not make Max satisfied. Feeling the co-worker does not have the same interest as hers, Max is being


sarcastic with playing words which shows both of Caroline‟s and her hard work dealing with rats and the bad smells.

Although the utterance is uttered by Oleg, a member of the co-workers in

the diner, Max‟s utterance as shown above highlights that her sarcastic utterance

is used as an inclusive group-affiliation. It widens the difference between what Max believes how the relation and solidarity of the co-workers supposed to be and what Oleg has done.

2. Sarcasm as Sophistication

Based on the data findings, there are twenty four sarcastic utterances appearing in Two Broke Girls TV series Episodes 1, Season 1 to Season 5. The researcher highlights twelve samples to be used as examples in doing the analysis as follow:

Utterance 12 : Is this where I’m supposed to feel sorry for you?

I mean, I don’t want you to, but just so you know, a well adjusted person would.

Utterance 13 : It didn’t feel pink.

Utterance 18 : Yeah. Oh. 250 grand, that's all? Did freakin' Chestnut here kick you in the head while I was in Starbucks?

Utterance 20 : When the kid is that big, it's called dating.

Utterance 26 : Oh, reach for me like that again and we'll be playing a different game called "guess which part of Han I cut off." Utterance 27: You back up your truck, bearded lady. I'm insensitive? I'm the


this color is happening? Pick up a copy of Polish Vogue. Utterance 35 : I felt the same way when I first saw you.

Utterance 38: Me? Me show some respect? What will you two do next, sell cupcakes at the diabetes wing at the children's hospital? Utterance 39 : This isn't "yolo" it's "hodo". "He Only Died Once." I'm

surprised you aren't selling "hodo" t-shirts.

Utterance 48 : Look, get up, or I will close this bed with you in it, and your new reality show will be "True Life: I Live in a Wall". Utterance 54 : Yeah, now, after the emergency trip to that salon. When you

got done with me, I looked like a baby bird on chemo. Utterance 64 : So you lost both your cheaters.

As an example of elaboration, here is situation 12 in which the conversation happens on the first day Max meets Caroline as the new waitress in the Williamsburg diner. In fact, Max had just know that Caroline is the daughter of Martin Channing, the man who ripped off the entire city and is in jail. Caroline was a billionaire and all of her assets are taken by the bank and everything is gone. Since now she has nothing and nowhere to go, these are the conversation after they finished from the diner.

Situation 12

Max : So where do you live?

Caroline : Our townhouse was taken and bolted up by the bank, so…

Max : Is this where I’m supposed to feel sorry for you?

Caroline : I mean, I don’t want you to, but just so you know, a well adjusted person would.

Max : I’m dead inside.


Max, as the only stranger for Caroline, tries to ask where Caroline will spend the rest of the night since she knows that Caroline has no house anymore. Instead of offering a place, Max rather speaks a sarcastic utterance about whether she should feel sorry for her or not.

Caroline, who is well – raised, well-educated girl and came from a wealthy family, still has her pride high even nothing left on her. It is why Caroline prefers to play with the language in her sarcastic utterance instead of states clearly what she needs to say. In her speaking, Caroline wants to say that she actually

needs help and place to stay a night, but hearing Max‟s question, she produces this

sarcastic utterance rather than what she has to, “I mean, I don‟t want you to, but just so you know, a well-adjusted person would.”

Stated by Attardo, sarcasm as sophistication usually is a humor. However, in some cases, it expresses the speaker‟s level of emotion. By playing language, sarcasm shows how the speaker can take control over his emotion. In the situation above, Max‟s first sarcastic utterance means as humor since she has no hard feeling on Caroline. Hence, by mentioning this fact in a language play, Caroline‟s sarcastic utterance answering Max‟s question shows that she succeeds to express about what she emotionally feels in sophisticated way. It still allows Max to acknowledge Caroline‟s feeling but her emotion is not to bold to be seen.

Knowing what Caroline means, Max prefers to say “I‟m dead inside.” as her sarcastic utterance reply to prove that she does not affect by Caroline‟s statement. Caroline, who still take control her emotion, prefers to play with


language rather than saying “Yes, you are.” Words choices or language play is the indicator that sarcastic utterance is used sophisticated.

Situation 13

Max : Hey. (pokes on her arms)

Caroline : I have a teaser! (turn on the teaser on Max’s stomach) Oh! Max : (falling down on her knees) Oh, my God.

Caroline : (gasps) I am so sorry. I thought I was being raped. I didn‟t think it

would hurt so much. It‟s pink.

Max : It didn’t feel pink!

The conversation above takes place in a subway when Max is going to do her part time job to babysit in Manhattan. Seeing Caroline sleeps in the subway,

Max touches Caroline‟s arm to wake her up. As the respond for being surprise,

Caroline takes out her teaser and put on Max‟s stomach. Even though Caroline apologizes for what she has done, Max still cannot control her emotion by being attacked with the teaser.

Therefore, Max tends to play with language in her sarcastic utterance by her saying that the teaser does not feel pink as what Caroline thought to be not to damage or harm someone. The fact above communicates that the speaker is capable to control her emotion by using some language plays to express her feelings instead of expressing of using some kind of aggressive manner.

Situation 18

Caroline : Ready? To open a bake shop, all we need is 250 grand start-up money, for the real estate, and the basic equipment...

Max : Yeah. Oh. 250 grand, that's all? Did freakin' Chestnut here kick you in the head while I was in Starbucks?


The situation above happens at Max‟s back yard when Caroline and Max are riding Caroline‟s horse named Chestnut. They are talking about Max‟s dream to have her own cupcake shop and Caroline believes that she is capable in manage the business. Thus, Caroline thinks that she and Max can open the new cupcake shop soon since it just needs 250 grand to rent the shop, to buy some equipment and the cupcake ingredients.

Meanwhile, Max does not think the same way as Caroline because she does not have any money and it is impossible for saving from her minimum wage. Besides, Max never plans to make her dream comes true since the condition does not support her to do so. That is why Max uses her sarcastic utterance to reply Caroline‟s statement.

From the utterance, “Yeah. Oh. 250 grand, that's all? Did freakin‟

Chestnut here kick you in the head while I was in Starbucks?” Max wants to

express her disagreement with Caroline‟s statement which sounds fun to open a bakeshop. Contrast with Caroline, Max rarely has so much money in her life so the amount of 250 grand sounds so much and it is non-sense to have it. Caroline, who comes from a wealth family, feels that 250 grand is not a bug number for her as long as she can manage the business. Since it is non-sense for Max, she gives her sarcastic utterance with asks whether Caroline‟s head is kicked by her horse when she left because for Max, she looks like a person who is not right in mind.

Max‟s choice to play with the diction of words in delivering her sarcastic

utterance counts as sarcasm in a purpose of sophistication. Max as the speaker wants the hearer to know that she is capable in playing language in her utterance.


Situation 20

Caroline : I can't believe you guys are still staring over there. Some mothers tend to breast-feed for a lot longer these days. It's called

attachment parenting.

Max : When the kid is that big, it's called dating.

Caroline intentionally gives her comment because Oleg, Han, Earl and Max are still starring at the new customer who is a mother and her son. What makes Oleg, Han, Earl and Max stare at them is that the boy is about 4 years old but her mother still breast-feeding him. It is clearly seen through the table where Oleg, Han, Earl and Max stand and they stare at how the boy stands beside her mom but a half of his body is inside her mother‟s shirt. They rarely seen that weird act so that is why they are just standing and watch from the table.

Caroline with her well-educated background tries to give her friends an explanation about the fact that there are some mothers who tend to breast-feed their children longer than it supposed to be and it is called as attachment-parenting. Meanwhile, Max who does not know about that fact before, tends to ignore what Caroline says. Instead of saying the literal statement in order to ignore the new fact says by Caroline, Max uses her sarcastic utterance which rhyme well with Caroline‟s utterance.

Max sarcastically gives her comment toward the son with “When the kid is that big, it's called dating.” and the „-ing‟ in the word „dating‟ rhymes well with

Caroline‟s „attachment-parenting‟. Max‟s choice to choose the word which


sophistication. Max is not only delivers her sarcastic utterance but also shows her ability in playing language.

Situation 26

Han : Max, what is that thing that you have behind your back? Max : What? No. Nothing.

Han : Yes, right here. (pull up the catalog from Max’s hands) (the catalog falling down)

Caroline : Is that the auction catalog that just fell between your legs? What is this thing doing here? Isn't it enough I have a 2-foot face hair? Max : Nice, Han. She's upset again. Happy?

Han : Sorry, I thought we were playing some kind of hiding game. Max : Oh, reach for me like that again and we'll be playing a

different game called "guess which part of Han I cut off.” The context of the situation above is necessary to be involved since sarcasm has the relation with its context. It happens at the diner when Sophie

brings the auction catalog of Caroline‟s family stuffs and furniture. Max

understands that Caroline still feels sensitive to things which are related to her old life, that is why she asks the catalog from Sophie and hides it behind her back when Caroline suddenly comes and talks to Sophie.

Han, who does not know what Max tries to do, innocently asks her about what is the thing behind her back. Han‟s question makes Caroline who is in front of Max, curious and tries to look at Max‟s back and when Max tries to avoid Caroline, the catalog is snatched by Han which stand behind Max. When Caroline sees the catalog on the floor, she recognizes it easily and is angry because the magazine is the thing that she has been avoiding from for several days.

When Han knows actually what the catalog is and why Max tries to hide it, he apologizes for his thinking that it is a hiding game. Max, feeling fails in


keeping Caroline‟s emotion, is mad with Han since he is the one who ruins it all and she cannot accept his apology at that time. Therefore, Max tends to use her sarcastic utterance as the response for Han‟s apologizing.

In order to show her emotion level, Max as the speaker use the sarcasm as a purpose of sophistication. Rather than saying the rude words with literal meaning, Max chooses to threaten Han by saying “Oh, reach for me like that again and we'll be playing a different game called “guess which part of Han I cut off” ”. Since Han thinks that the previous situation is a kind of game, Max sarcastically gives a kind of warning about a kind of game which they will play if Han messes up again. The speaker‟s level of emotion is seen through Max words which will cut off Han‟s body if something like that happens again.

Situation 27

Sophie : Now, can I have my catalog back?

Caroline : You brought this in here? (raising her tone) I can‟t believe it Sophie.I can't believe you think it's okay for you to just sit here and casually flip through this catalog that contains everything I love from my old life. I just think it's really insensitive and stuff. I mean, what are you thinking? What is wrong with you, I mean, besides your obvious choice of bad fabric and color.

Sophie :Oh, no. (stand up) You back up your truck, bearded lady. I'm insensitive? I'm the thief who stole all those people's money? And you don't think this color is happening? Pick up a copy of Polish Vogue.

The situation above happens as the continuance of the situation 26 mentioned previously. At first, Caroline just mad to see that her auction catalog is in the diner. Later, when Sophie asks for the catalog, Caroline cannot handle her emotion and just throws up words to Sophie. Caroline does not expect that Sophie has the heart to bring the catalog which contains her memories in the diner.


ventriloquist's dummy out of his suitcase alone. Han Hello, Earl. Hello,

Caroline. Hello, reason I do two hours of phone therapy every

Wednesday before work. So, did you all miss me?

Caroline You were gone? 45/ S4/

Sit 45

Han But the hot butter drizzling down my chin was my sticky reward.

Persuasive Accepts Caroline Han, toast is trendy

foodie food. It’ll die here, like my soul did. 46/ S4/

Sit 46

Caroline We'd love it. We're in. What show?

Politeness Persuades more Woman Keeping up with the


Caroline Finally, God opens a door.

Max And I’m closing a window.

47/ S4/ Sit 47

Max What’s going on?

Persuasive Agrees Caroline Even one tweet from

Kim would have exposed us to 22 million followers. Scientology doesn't even have those numbers. They screwed us!

Max I know.

48/ S4/ Sit 48

Max Look, get up, or I will close this bed with you in it, and your new reality show will be "True Life: I Live in a Wall".

Sophistication Refuses Caroline I’m not getting up.

Ever. 49/ S4/

Sit 49

Max I don’t know how a thing like this could happen.


Caroline Uh, you put me up into the wall. And now I’m trapped in a Murphy bed like some walffare Rapunzel. 50/ S4/

Sit 50

Caroline Go into my nightstand and get my cinnamon-flavored make-up remover.

Sophistication Angry Max You mean the lube?

Caroline Can we please call it make-up remover? Please I need us to do that.

Max It’s almost empty. Man, you’ve removed a lot of make up. Caroline Stop it! Just squeeze

some out and put it on the parts that we need to move!

Max Yeah, I’m familiar. 51/ S4/

Sit 51

Caroline Hi, Max. Earl gave me part of brownie. (smiling)

Sophistication Smiles Earl Turns out, glaucoma

and having hair stuck take the exact same prescription.

(laughing) 52/ S4/

Sit 52

Oleg I made the perfect bread.

Evaluation Does not care Max You're a chef who

took 19 hours to make one loaf of bread. Stephen hawking was more successful at the 100-yard dash.

53/ S4/ Sit 53

Max I didn't see anything through the peep-hole, so I'm guessing it's Han. (opening the door)

Sophistication Smiles Han Ah, hello!

54/ S4/ Sit 54

Max And your hair's not bad


Caroline Yeah, now, after the emergency trip to that salon. When you got done with me, I looked like a baby bird on chemo. 55/ S5/

Sit 55

Dannon And here we are on the much traveled Bedford Street right in the very heart of historic

Williamsburg. Sophistication - Max This guy is so boring.

He’s like a roofy with a little flag.

56/ S5/ Sit 56

Caroline Businesses just like Max's Homemade Cupcakes. See, made in Williamsburg. Only 12.95, 100% cotton.

Group Affiliation

Feels offended Max And I'm guessing

cotton oof-ya, ees good! (with German accent)

Dannon Actually, I was referencing booming Williamsburg

businesses. This is one of those small


businesses that won't be here much longer. 57/ S5/

Sit 57

Caroline I can't believe that tour guide is telling people that our cupcake business is gonna fail.

Politeness Refuses Earl I mean, it's one thing

for you, me, and Time Out New York to say it, but...

58/ S5/ Sit 58

Caroline I just hate that tour guy.

Evaluation Smiles Han I hate that tour guy too.

Caroline Han, oh, my God! It took us five years but finally we have something in common.


59/ S5/ Sit 59

Caroline Can you believe he's telling his entire tour that our cupcake business is gonna fail?

Persuades Knows the fault Han Just to play devil's

advocate, maybe he has the most basic

understanding of supply and demand. Caroline Han, don't blow this,

it might be our only connection ever. Han Who the hell does that

dickweed think he is? 60/ S5/

Sit 60

Sophie My biggest dream has come true.

Sophistication Accepts Caroline Kentucky Fried

Chicken now come with free hair extensions? Sophie Okay, my second

biggest dream. I'm pregnant.

Max Oh, no everyone just thinks that after they'd had the chicken Parmesan

here. Sophistication Argues Sophie It’s not official. I

haven’t peed on stick yet, but my boobs are really, really sore. 61/ S5/

Sit 61

Caroline Is it even possible for Sophie to have a baby? I mean, didn't that window close around the same time Blockbuster Video

did? Politeness -

Max Well, we don't know how old she is.

Sophie's ageless, like a unicorn or...

Anderson Cooper. 62/ S5/

Sit 62

Caroline I say we gotta find him


into him.

Han I’m in.

Max That's the first time Han has ever said that to a woman.

63/ S5/ Sit 63

Caroline I can't believe they're replacing us with an IMAX. That subway psychic told me my business would skyrocket. I guess this also means I won't be a contestant on The Voice.

Persuassive Agrees Max That psychic had food

all down her blouse. She couldn't predict her mouth opening, let alone your life. 64/ S5/

Sit 64

Sophie I'm out of sugar, and can one of you read my morning pee stick? I can't read this little window thing and I lost my cheaters and Oleg's not upstairs.

Sophistication Feels offended Max So you lost both your

cheaters. (giggles) Sophie Yeah, See Max? That

kind of joke is no longer funny now that we’re gonna be parents. So no more that!

65/ S5/ Sit 65

Han Let me help. I took a class in motivational speaking.

Persuassive Argues Caroline Well motivate your

ass back down. I got it.

Han Do you? You’re losing this crowd faster than I’m going to lose my diner.

66/ S5/ Sit 66

Caroline Do you think our business dream is as far-fetched as Sophie's


baby dream?

Earl You know Sophie's right there, right? Don't get her mad. I once saw her open up a can of paint with her knees.

67/ S5/ Sit 67

Caroline If I'm not back when it's our turn to speak, stall them. Fill time. Just go on and on talking about nothing.

Sophistication Laughs Max Got it. Pretend I’m

you. 68/ S5/

Sit 68

Sophie Psst, Max, you got a tampon? I just got my period. Either that, or

I've been shot. Politeness Agrees Caroline See miracles can

happen! 69/ S5/

Sit 69

Caroline Those Tiffany windows are over 100 years old, making it a historic, landmark building.

Sophistication Ignores Court Do you have

documented proof of this?

Max So dramatic. I’m loving it.

Caroline Yes, I do, your honor. Living, breathing, boring proof. Your Honor, this gentlemen is an expert on historic Williamsburg. Dannon, tell them about the windows.

70/ S5/ Sit 70

Han Well, girls, it’s official.

Sophistication Ignores Max You’re still short?

Han We won! The entire neighborhood has just been notified there is no IMAX buyout.