Review of Related Studies

B. Review of Related Theories

In analyzing the novel The Fault in Our Stars, the writer uses some theories in order to support and answer the questions that are formulated in the problem formulation. There are the theory of character and characterization and theory of motivation.

1. Theory of Character and Characterization

The author introduces the characters to the readers as one of the important elements of dramatic or narrative work. The character is very important in this analyzing study, and also important to find the definition of it. According to Abrams the definition of character: “Characters are the persons in a dramatic or narrative work, endowed with moral and dispositional qualities that are expressed in what they say the dialog, and what they do the action” Abrams, 1981: 20. According to Holman and Harmon in A Handbook to Literature, they claimed that “Character is used to designate the individual’s speech and action. Therefore, the character can represent human being actions, behaviors and attitudes” Holman Harmon, 1986: 81. In supporting the characteristic of Hazel Augustus Holman Harmon also stated that: Round character is complex in temperament, motivation and is represented with subtle peculiarity. It is also possess many individual and unpredictable human traits. The round characters usually are major figures in the story. They may be considered dynamic in which they demonstrate their capacities to change or to grow Holman Harmon, 1986: 85. In explaining the idea of characterization, Murphy 1972: 161-173 stated that there are nine techniques of characterization used by the author to describe the characters in the story: a. Character as seen by another The author can describe a character through the eyes and opinion of others. b. Personal description The author uses this method to give description of face, body and other physical appearances. c. Past life Describe the character by letting the r eaders learn about a character’s past life and the author give the clue to events that have helped to shape a person’s character. It also can be done by direct comment produced by the author through the person’s though, through its character’s conversation or through the medium of another person. d. Speech The author gives the readers some clues to a person’s character in the book through what the person says. Whenever a character is in conversation with another and whenever a character gives such opinions, character is giving the readers some clues to its character’s personality. e. Reactions The reader can identify the character by know how the person reacts to various situations and events. f. Conversation of Others A person’s character can be identified through the conversation to other people and the things that they say about character itself. g. Thought The author give the readers direct knowledge or what a person thinking about, what the person’s mind and what feels reflect on the character. h. Direct Comment The author can describe or give the comment on a person’s character. i. Mannerism The author describe a person’s way of behaving that particular person has which may also tell the readers something about the character.

2. Theory of Motivation

The writer also analyzes the characters using the psychological criticism, motivation in particular. In psychology, there are also the theories of motivation. According to Pettijohn in Psychology: A Concise Introduction, motivation can be though of as the forces that initiate and direct behavior, and the variables that determine the intensity and persistence of that behavior. Ruch in Psychology and Life Seventh Edition claims that: “The important of certain psychological needs to the individual’s health as well as his happiness-together with the fact that such needs are found in people of widely different cultures- has led some psychologist and anthropologist to speculate that these may be inborn rather than acqu ired” 1967: 395. The statement above means that the most important thing in human life is about their condition and health. Those things belong to physiological need for human. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI The needs are the significant things in human life. Those are the reasons why human must do something in their life. Those needs itself give the motivation for people to act and do their wish, willing or just act whatever they want to. In order to understand more about the characters’ action, there are three chategories of needs which are written by Ruch. a. Physiological It is the needs for essential materials and conditions, for a certain rhythm of activity and rest, and for sexual activity. This need is related to physical need of a human being, for example food, drink and health. b. Social It is the needs for affection, belonging and likeness to others. It is also related to psychological needs, for example love, belonging, and also sharing with each other. c. Ego-integrative The needs for contact with reality, harmony with reality, progressive symbolization, increasing self-direction, a fair balance success and failure, and attainment of selfhood. Ruch, 1967: 396. This need is related to the experience of a human being with the reality, in which the balance between success and failure become t he factor for one to attain one’s selfhood or self-direction. As stated by Dirgagunarsa, a motivation is derived from “the lackness of an individual that may disturb the balance of someone’s soul equilibrium” PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 1975: 92. In other words, an individual who realizes his or her lackness will have the sense of necessity to solve their lackness by achieving something. Therefore, the needs of human is the determining factor of someone for having a motivation.

a. The Need to Achieve by Ruch

The need for achievement is defined operationally as behavior which shows effort to do one’s best, to do better than others or to accomplish something. It is believed that success comes to the one who works hard, for example the parents give such a reward for their children if they do their task until it is accomplished or to learn about new skills and not being quitters. A reward itself can give the children motivation to do the best as they can. Ruch, 1967: 395- 404. Maslow argues that the classification of human has their own hierarchy of needs starting from basic physiology needs and increasing to self-actualization needs 1985: 40. Based on his statement, the necessity of human being that is various becomes the main motivation of them to continue their life for the sake of their self-fulfillment, including fulfilling the needs of basic physiology, and self- actualization.

b. Maslow Hierarchy of Needs

Pettijohn mention that there is Maslow’s hierarchy of needs in motivation Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is a humanistic theory that incorporates several different types of needs. People first must satisfy physiology needs, which include hunger, thirst and sex. Safety needs include security, stability, protection and freedom from fear and anxiety. Belongingness and love needs include motives such as love and PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI