commit to user the speeches, how the processes are employed and why the processes are employed.

B. Problem Statement

Distributing a message or meaning through text can be applied on story, essay, song, or even on a speech. Speech is used by the speaker to deliver the message in front of many people. Speech can be used as a media for showing the attitude or thought of the speaker toward something. It can also be used for persuading the hearers to do something as the speaker wants. The message of the speech can be seen by analyzing the processes and other elements in the transitivity systems of ideational meaning. We can know what the speaker thinks about an issue, how the speaker affects the hearer to have same opinion or to do something, and finally we can understand what the speaker intends to. Related to what the researcher has stated above, Barack Obama is the 44 th and current president of United States who has affected many people by his speeches. Most of his speeches get much attention from the hearers. Hence, the researcher is interested in observing the processes occur in two of his phenomenal speeches. The first one is the speech about Iraq War. This speech conducted on October 2002 in the Federal Plaza, Chicago. In this speech Barack Obama showed his thought about war, especially in the Iraq War. In this case, the researcher wants to know the processes employed in the speeches, how Barack Obama employed those processes and why Barack Obama employed those processes in his speeches in order to know the cultural values and the effects to society. The commit to user following examples are some of the processes employed by Barack Obama in showing his attitude toward war. “I dont oppose all wars. What I am opposed to is a dumb war. What I am opposed to is a rash war ”. We can analyze those texts by using transitivity to know the processes occur as the tables below: Tables1.1: Examples of analyzing process in texts I don’t oppose all wars Behaver Verbal. Behavioral. Process Phenomenon What I am opposed to is a dumb war Token Iden. Rel. Pro Value What I am opposed to is a rash war Token Iden. Rel. Pro Value From the tables above, we can see that Barack Obama uses verbal behavior process in order to show his attitude about war. After showing his attitude through verbal behavior process, Barack Obama uses identifying relational process to give the next explanation about the previous statement. In this case, we can see that identifying relational process occur two times after verbal behavior process. In the transitivity system, identifying relational process is a process in giving entity toward something. If we take a look to the text, off- commit to user course he has a particular purpose by employing identifying relational process in two times. In this case, we need to analysis the text as a whole in order to know why he used those processes. Each process which is used has a purpose and could not be separated from the other processes in creating a meaning as a whole. Besides, we need also the additional information related to the theme as a secondary data in order to support the finding cultural values. For a comparison, the researcher took another speech given by Barack Obama at Eg ypt’s prestigious Cairo University in downtown Cairo, Egypt, on June 2009. The speech was delivered by Barack Obama in a news conference concerning about the situation since the Iran election crisis began. In this case, the researcher wants to know whether there is any different process employed by Barack Obama in both speeches, especially in responding about the issue happened in two conflicting countries through this research entitled “A Comparison of Experiential Meaning Analysis in the Transcript of Barrack Obama’s Speeches about Iraq War and Iran Election Crisis”.

C. Research Objectives