Speech and News Conference

commit to user 15 Green Revolution, Green Wave or Sea of Green, reflecting presidential candidate Mousavis campaign color, and also Persian Awakening. The events have also been nicknamed the Twitter Revolution because of the protesters reliance on Twitter and other social-networking Internet sites to communicate with each other. Islamic politician Ataollah Mohajerani blasted the election as the end of the Islamic Republic. In response to the protests, other groups rallied in Tehran to support Ahmadinejad. The crisis reached into the bad condition. Police suppressed both peaceful demonstrating and rioting using batons, pepper spray, sticks and, in some cases, firearms. The Iranian government has confirmed the deaths of 36 people during the protests while unconfirmed reports by supporters of Mousavi allege that there have been 72 deaths twice as many in the three months following the disputed election. Iranian authorities have closed universities in Tehran, blocked web sites, blocked cell phone transmissions and text messaging and banned rallies. http:en, wikipedia.orgwikiIranElectionProcess

D. Speech and News Conference

Communication could not be separated with human life. As social human being, people communicate with others to express their thoughts and feelings. People communicate in their own purposes to fulfill their needs. There are many ways used by the people to communicate with others. When people communicate to others, they will produce a text as a device to show their ideas or feelings. Text refers to any stretch of language, regardless of length, that is spoken or written for commit to user 16 the purpose of communication by real people in actual circumstances Thomas Bloor and Meriel Bloor. 2004: 5. Speech and news conference are two examples of the texts used to communicate or express ones ideas in social life. They are effective and quick ways used by the people in order to give information to public. Using speech and news conference people can also motivate somebody or group of people to do something.

1. Speech

In general term, speech belongs to the public speaking. It is an act of process of making speeches in public Webters Third New International Dictioanry. Meanwhile, the Cambridge International Dictionary of English defines speech as a formal talk given usually to large number of people on a special occasion. According to Onong Uchjana Effendy in his book of Public Relation- Suatu Studi Komunikologis-, speech in the small sense is not only an informative description contains of information or explanation, but also it must be persuasive. Pidato dalam pengertian sempit adalah seni berbicara didepan utnum atau public. Pidato tidak hanya merupakan paparan informatif yang berisi keterangan atau penjelasan, tetapi persuasif, yakni mengandung ajakan atau bujukan sehingga para hadirin tergerak hatinya untuk melaksanaknnyaOnong Uchjana, 1998:162. From some definitions above we can see that speech is an activity of talk presented to public with the specific purposes. It is done by the people in front of commit to user 17 mass people in order to give information, explain something, and even persuade someone to do something. In this case, the listeners are supposed to think continually, feel, and do as the speaker want. Speech belongs to the formal communication. It is commonly held by a person who has a high position in the social class. Besides, speech is given or presented to a special audience in the particular time and place. There are many examples of speeches in a society such as, inauguration speech, campaign speech, religion speech, and presidential speech. Good speech will give good impression for the listeners. Mastering a good speech will drive a person to reach the good career. Barack Obama has got the advantages because of his skill in giving speech. His great skill in giving speech has influenced many people to have political movement and accept his ideas. Shel Leanne in her book, Say it like Obama, states that Obama could ensure every one through his speech. Besides, a person who is able to master in giving speech, he can control the mass and influence them with his dogma. It shows how great the power of speech can influence the huge number of people in the world. It is similar with the Keraf’s statement: “Peranan pidato, ceramah, penyajian lisan kepada suatu kelompok massa merupakan suatu hal yang sangat penting, baik pada waktu sekarang maupun pada waktu-waktu yang akan datang. Mereka yang mahir berbicara dengan mudah dapat menguasai massa, dan behasil memasarkan gagasan mereka sehingga dapat diterima oleh orang lain. Dalam sejarah umat manusia dapat dicatat betapa keampuhan penyajian lisan ini, yang dapat merubah sejarah umat manusia atau sejarah suatu bangsa ”.Keraf, 2001: 314 commit to user 18

2. News conference

A news conference or a press conference is a media event in which newsmakers invite journalists to hear them speak and, most often, ask questions. In this event, newsmakers possibly get information in the same time and place from the speaker. A joint press conference instead is held between two or more talking sides. It is like with what Emeraldy chatra and Narsullah stated in their book, 2008, Public Relations: Strategi kehumasan dalam mengahadapi krisis. Konferensi pers adalah event yang memungkinkan wartawan secara bersama-sama menerima informasi dari sebuah organisasi Emeraldy chatra and Nasrullah. 2008:163 In a news conference, one or more speakers may make a statement, which may be followed by questions from reporters. Sometimes only questioning occurs; sometimes there is a statement with no questions permitted. A media event at which no statements are made, and no questions are allowed, is called a photo opportunity. A government may wish to open their proceedings for the media to witness events, such as the passing of a piece of legislation from the government in parliament to the senate, via media availability. Television stations and networks especially value news conferences: because todays TV news programs air for hours at a time, or even continuously, assignment editors have a steady appetite for ever-larger quantities of footage. News conferences are often held by politicians such as the President of the United States; by sports teams; by celebrities or film studios; by commercial organizations to promote products; by attorneys to promote lawsuits; and by commit to user 19 almost anyone who finds benefit in the free publicity afforded by media coverage. Some people, including many police chiefs, hold news conferences reluctantly in order to avoid dealing with reporters individually. A news conference is often announced by sending an advisory or news release to assignment editors, preferably well in advance. Sometimes they are held spontaneously when several reporters gather around a newsmaker. News conferences can be held just about anywhere, in settings as formal as the White House room set aside for the purpose or as informal as the street in front of a crime scene. Hotel conference rooms and courthouses are often used for news conferences. http:en,wikipedia.orgwikiNewsConference

E. Systemic Functional Grammar