The Ways of the Processes Applied in the Texts

commit to user goverment efforts to expel journalist and isolate itself and how they must consent in governing. The last circumtance shared with the small numbers are matter, cause- behalf and cause-concession 6.7. Those circumstances realized in this text are only one clause of each circumstance. The circumstance of matter is represented by phrase about the situation as realized in clause 1. This circumtance shows the matter of the process, it is about situation or condition happen in Iran. Then, circumstance of cause-behalf applied in this text is represented by for themselves as in clause 17. This circumstance shows the entity in term of people which the process is undertaken for them, it shows by the pronoun themselves. The last is circumstance of cause-concession. This circumstance is realized by the phrase despite the Iranian government’s effort to expel journalist and isolate itself as represented in clause 20. The prepositional phrase despite realized in the clause above shows that there is concession to its process.

B. The Ways of the Processes Applied in the Texts

As mentioned in the chapter III, the researcher applies componential analysis to answer the second question of this research. In this sub-chapter, it will be described the way of the processes applied in the texts by analyzing those processes as a whole text to see the function and interconnectedness. It is done by analyzing the function of a process and the relation to the others processes in the commit to user texts. It is also compared between text I and text II to see the differences and similarities the processes as well as their function. Therefore, this sub-chapter is divided into two parts. The first part discusses the relationship of each process applied in the texts and the second part discusses the comparison of the use and function of the processes.

1. The Relation of the Processes Applied in the Texts

In order to see the function and interconnectedness of those processes in a whole text, the researcher summarizes and puts those processes in the table of processes and their function in the text. It is done to see one process could affect the occurrence of another process in the text. The outline of the analysis can be seen as in the table below: a Text I In the previous subchapter, it has been explained about the function of each process applied in the text I. Nevertheless, it is needed to see the relation of the processes in a whole text as figured in table 4.5 below: Table 4.5: Types of processes and their function in the text I Clause Types of Processes Activity sequences Rhetorical functions 1 2 - V.B.P Greeting Opening the speech To greet the audience To open the speech and introduce the general theme commit to user 3 4-7b 8 9-12 13 14-18 19 Ma.P I.R.P, A.R.P, M.B.P, Ma.P V.B.P Ma.P V.B.P Me.P, M.B.P, Ma.P V.B.P Showing his action as s omeone who isn’t opposed to war in all circumstances Providing example by giving value and attribute toward „civil war’ and telling the story about the union slavery. Stating his statement directly that I don’t oppose all wars Giving example by telling the story and happening Restating about his statement directly that I don’t oppose all wars Telling the happe-ning and showing his mental activity and his action. witnessing, support, hunt down, root out, etc Restating about his statement directly that I don’t oppose all wars that will be delivered to To show his attitude by creating a point of view toward himself through his action To give reason in order to support his attitude stated before. To show his outlook or attitude directly through his statement To give reason in order to support his attitude stated before To emphasize his outlook or attitude directly by restating his statement To show the attitude through his action as follow up his statement stated before. To emphasize his outlook or attitude directly by restating his statement commit to user 20-25 26-30 31a- 31b 3235 36-39 40-41 42 I.R.P, M.B.P I.R.P, A.R.P V.B.P, Me.P A.R.P Me.P, A.R.P, Ma.P, M.B.P V.B.P V.B.P Giving example what „I’ Obama oppose to, explaining the action he oppose to Giving the conclu-sion about the wars he oppose to by identifying the war and giving attribute Opening new topic by showing his feeling thought about Saddam Husein. Giving attribute toward Sadam Hussein as a brutal man and Iraqi people would be better without him, Showing his thought that Barack Obama understands about bad effects will be brought by Invasion of Iraq. Restating his statement directly that „I’ don’t oppose all wars but „I’ oppose to dumb war Inviting people to send a To show his attitude by identifying what kind of wars he opposes to as his arguments To give emphasis his statement To give emphasis in order to drive into another topic To show his thought by giving attribute toward Sadam Hussein To argue in order to support his statement by describing the situation and predicting the effects will be brought by invasion of Iraq. To emphasize his statement To invite the audience to do something as the solution commit to user 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51-57 Me.P M.B.P Me.P V.B.P M.B.P Me.P V.B.P M.B.P Ma.P Me.P V.B.P Ma.P I.R.P message to president Bush. Showing his felling by asking question to president Bush. Asking to finish the fight with Bin Laden through the correct way Showing his felling by asking question to president Bush. Asking people to fight with the other problems Showing his felling by asking question to president Bush. Asking people to fight with the other problems Showing his felling by asking question to president Bush. Asking people to fight with the other problems Concluding what the really he offers To make direct contact by asking question to president Bush To invite the audience to do something as the solution he offers To make direct contact by asking question to president Bush To invite the audience to do something as the solution he offers To make direct contact by asking question to president Bush To invite the audience to do something as the solution he offers To make direct contact by asking question to president Bush To invite the audience to do something as the solution he offers To state the conclusion of commit to user 58 59-60 A.R.P M.B.P battles „we’ have to join Describing the situation in the war Describing what should „we’ do the battles that must be joined To argue why he make the statements before Concluding the action that should „we’ do as the solution that Barack Obama offers Based on table 4.5 above, it figures the sequences which build the text as a united form of speech. The process which occurs in the previous has interconnectedness with the following processes. In revealing experiential meaning, Barack Obama also uses such strategy to bring the message of his speech by applying some particular processes in the arrangement and repetition. The repetition often occurs in the biggest number of processes applied in this text. It has been stated that verbal behavior process is more employed in this text. The function of verbal behavior process is mostly used by Barack Obama to show his attitude through verbal activity and physical action. There are some repetitions in applying this process. Barack Obama uses this process with the same statement, “I don’t oppose all wars”, in four times. It can be seen in clauses 8, 13, 19, and 40. It indicates that Barack Obama intends to give more emphasis toward what he has stated. He shows his attitude strongly in order to give understanding to the listeners about his thoughts toward war. It also can be commit to user seen in clauses, 42, 44, 45, 48, and 50. In those clauses Barack Obama uses verbal activity to ask people to do something. Verbal phrase “let’s fight..” is used in five times. It also indicates that the participant stressing his statement. This process occurs after mental process which also in repetition, “you want a fight p resident Bush?”. This process can be seen in clauses 43, 45, 47, and 49. It occurs in repetition to give emphasis in delivering the message, especially toward president Bush who wants to invade Iraq. In other processes, identifying relational process and mental behavior processes are usually used by Barack Obama to give explanation about his statement which is stated through verbal behavior process. It can be seen in the clause 20, 21, 22, 25a, 25b, 25c, 26 “what I’m opposed to is…..” It means that after giving his statement, ” I don’t oppose all wars” then he gives value by identifying toward something which one he opposes to. Meanwhile, mental behavior process is used to follow identifying relational process as behavior. It is represented by verbal phrase such as to make sure, supported, encourage, and to distract. On the other hand, material process is used to give information by telling some event or happening. This process is used to argue and support the statement stated by Barack Obama. This process occurs after verbal behavior process, mental process and mental behavior process. It can be seen in clauses 3, 7b, 9, 10, 11, 17b, 18b, 48c, and 48d. Meanwhile, attributive relational process occurs after some mental process. In this case, attributive relational process is used by Barack Obama after using mental activity about Sadam commit to user Hussein and invasion against Iraq. After using his mental activity, Barack Obama gives Attribute to Sadam Hussein and invasion against Iraq. It can be seen in clauses 32, 36b, 38b, and 39b. Generally, the repetition is applied by Barack Obama in revealing his experiential meaning of verbal process, identifying relational process and mental process in order to give emphasis to his statement. By using repetition in those processes, Barack Obama is able to make his statement strengthen in the purpose to show his attitude related to the issue. b Text II The relation of all processes applied in a whole text can be seen in table 4.6 below: Table 4.6: Types of processes and their function in the text II Clause Types of processes Activity sequences Rhetorical functions 1 2 3-4 V.B.P Me.P V.B.P, Ma.P, M.B.P Saying about the situation in Iran Showing his horrified about the situation in Iran Stating directly his disapproval of unjust actions and showing the physical To open and give theme of his speech by saying the situation in Iran To describe the situat-ion Iran through his feeling To show his attitude in facing the cruelty actions. commit to user 6 7 8 9 10 11-13 14 15-16 A.R.P, M.B.P M.B.P V.B.P V.B.P M.B.P, V.P A.R.P I.R.P A.R.P action Stating his statement by giving attribute toward that US has done in Iran Describing the willing of Iranian people in this situation Stating his statement to deplore the violence Telling what the Iranian people are doing Telling about the Iran government which accused the US Giving attribute that those accusations are false and as a trick Stating the background that it is not US and West Giving attribute to what he To emphasis his statement about his attitude and United government To add his statement by describing the situation in Iran To show his thought about the violence To give information and drive to another topic To show the audience about the accusation which came from Iran Government To show his thought by explaining about the accusations and the condition To give emphasis to support his thought To emphasize the topic commit to user 17-18 19 20-22 23-26 27 28 29-30 V.B.P, I.R.P A.R.P Ma.P, Me.P, I.R.P, Me.P A.R.P Me.P, A.R.P V.P, Ma.P is talking about Describing about the condition in that time Giving attribute to the power of truth Telling the happening of Iranian people doing that „we’ have witnessed Expressing felling by using mental activity about what „we’ have seen as the cruelty and the struggle of Iranian people to face it. Giving attribute by concluding those phenomenon is raw and painful Showing his under-stand about the condition and giving attribute to people who are in the right side Saying the attempt to force them go away never To give information to the audience To give information in order to support the statement To give information about the condition To give information in order to attract audience to feel the terrible phenomenon To give emphasis the statement before To describe his statement to show his support to the Iranian people To give information commit to user 31 32-35 37-38 A.R.P M.B.P I.R.P, V.B.P succeeds Giving attribute to the Iranian people that they have universal right Showing what Iranian government should do Concluding by identifying what Iranian want and what they will do To describe his statement to show his support to the Iranian people To show and pursue the advice for Iranian government To give conclusion about the statements stated before Based on table 4.6 above, it can be seen that there is a different way applied between text I and text II in term of applying their processes. In order to figure the message of his speech, there is a little process which precisely arranged in repetition like in text I. Nevertheless, attributive relational process is employed in text II as the objective for the occurrence of other processes applied in this text. It seems that this attributive relational process is as if the focus or the center of other processes. The occurrences of other processes are used to support this process. It can be seen in the beginning of this speech, realized in clause 1 up to clause 6. In clause 1 until clause 6, Barack Obama uses some processes such as; verbal behavior process, mental process, material process, and mental behavior process to open the speech, explain the condition and show his attitude responding commit to user the condition. They are used to give such overview or information to the audiences. After that, Barack Obama gives an attribute which is ascribed to the entity as we can see in clause 6. Barack Obama concludes his previous statements by using attributive relational process in I have made it clear. In this case, he emphasizes that the United States respects the sovereignty of the Islamic Republic of Iran and is not at all interfering in Iran’s affairs. In the other places, attribute relational process is also used to conclude the other processes which have been used to explain and describe the condition in Iran. As we can see in clause 9 o clause 10, Barack Obama uses behavior process and verbal process in describing the condition that some in the Iranian government accused US and others outside of Iran of instigating protests over the election. Then, it is followed by attributive relational process realized in clause 11-12. Using this process, Barack Obama gives attribute toward those accusations that they are patently false, absurd and they are an obvious attempt to distract people from what is truly taking place within Iran’s borders. Attributive relational process in clause 15 and 31 show how Barack Obama describes the condition by giving attribute which is ascribed to Iran people. It is done after he describes the condition in Iran, the people and the accusation of some Iran government. He gives attribute universal right to assembly and free speech for Iranian people. It has been stated before that this text more describes the condition in Iran or gives information rather than provides the statement of participant in order commit to user to show the attitude. It is also indicated by the use of mental behavior process and mental process which are applied in this text as the second highest after attributive relational process 20 and 17.5. It is represented by some verbs of mental behavior process such as mourning, respect, must bear witness to, are trying to avoid, seeks, must respect, heed, and must govern that we can see in clause 5, 6b, 7, 10a, 32, 33, 34, and 35. Those verbal phrases have function in this text to give information about the condition and give advice to the Iran government. Meanwhile, mental process occurs to follow the happening about the Iran government has done which has been represented by material process. It can be seen in the clause 21, 23, 24, 25, and 26. The use mental activity is realized by the verbal phrase such as; have watched, seen and experienced. Those verbal phrases are used by Barack Obama to describe the condition through mental activity perception. While another process of using mental activity only occurs affection one time after opening the speech. The verbal phrases have been appalled and outraged are used to respond the condition in Iran. On the other hand, there are six clauses which represent verbal behavior process. Nevertheless, only three clauses which have function to give statement which figure out the attitude of participant. Those processes realize in clause 3, 8, and 38. It can be seen by applying some verbal phrases such as condemn, deplore, and judge. Those verbal phrases represent the attitude of participant by using verbal activity through the physical action. It is firstly used in the beginning of speech after Barack Obama uses mental process to feel the cruelty in Iran. After showing his feeling, Barack Obama uses verbal behavior process to show his commit to user attitude by stati ng his statement directly „condemn’ to those unjust actions. The second is used after Barack Obama applied mental behavior process to explain the condition or phenomena in Iran. The verbal phrase deplore is used through verbal behavior process as a directly attitude in responding violence. The other process, verbal process is applied in order to give example in supporting the statement through process of saying. It can be seen in clause 29, the verb said in as I said in Cairo is a pure verbal process which is done in Cairo. This process is used to tell to the audience that Barack Obama has said in Cairo about same issue. It can be concluded that some processes applied in this text have function mostly in describing the condition in Iran and giving argument to it. There is no specified arrangement in applying processes used by Barack Obama in conveying his massage of speech.

2. The Comparison of the Use and Function of the Processes.

In revealing experiential meaning, Barack Obama uses different way in terms of transitivity system. The different way realized in the applying of the type of processes and their function in the texts. The table 4.7 below figures the comparison of the processes applied between text I and text II: commit to user Table 4.7: The comparison of the processes applied between text I and text II Text Processes Ma. P Me. P V.P M.B.P V.B.P A.R.P I.R.P E.P Text I 12 19 9 14 - 12 19 13 20.6 8 12.7 9 14 - Text II 3 7.5 7 17.5 2 5 8 20 6 15 9 22.5 5 8 - Based on table 4.7 above, there is different number of the processes applied between the text I and the text II. In the text I, the biggest number of processes is verbal behavior process 20.6. Barack Obama applies more verbal behavior process than other processes. It indicates that the participant wants to emphasize on the verbal activity through the physical action. For examples, it can bee seen in clause “I don’t oppose all war”, and clause “I’m opposed to a dumb war”. Those examples indicate that Barack Obama tends to show his behavior in responding war using verbal activity. Meanwhile, Barack Obama uses attributive relational process much more than other process in the text II 22.5. The dominant use of attributive relational process indicates that the participant wants to emphasize in giving attribute toward something. The attribute false and absurd are ascribed by Barack Obama to the accusations stated by some Iran government. In order to see the comparison as a whole, the following table provides the function of each process in comparison. There are some differences and commit to user similarities of the processes occur in both texts. They are realized as in table IV.8 below: Table 4.8: The comparison of the function of processes applied in the texts Types of Processes Rhetorical function of the process Text I Text II V.B.P To open the speech and introduce the topic theme To show his attitude by giving his statement To ask invite people to do something To open the speech and introduce the topic theme To show his attitude by giving his statement To give information M.B.P To show his attitude by giving his statement To give explanation toward statement To give information tell story or happening To give advice what should do To give explanation toward statement To give information tell story or happening To give advice what should do commit to user A.R.P To define and give information To give attribute to someone To give prediction To give emphasis before statement To define and give information I.R.P To give information about happeningevent To concludeemphasize the argument To give explanation the previous statement To identify the condition To give information about happeningevent To concludeemphasize the argument To give explanation the previous statement To identify the condition Ma.P To show attitude through the action To tell the happeningevent To explain the previous statement To concludeemphasize the argument To tell the happeningevent commit to user Me.P To show the perception seeing To show the cognition knowing To show someone willing To show the affection horrified To show the perception seeing V.P To give information To give information Based on table 4.8, there are five processes which have different function in revealing the meaning: verbal behavior process, mental behavior process, attributive relational process, material process, and mental process. a Verbal behavior process In text I, Barack Obama applies verbal behavior process which functions to ask or invite people to do something. This process does not occur in the text II. This verbal behavior process is represented by verbal phrases such as; “let’s send …” which is realized in clause 42 and “let’s fight …” which is realized in clause 46, and then it is repeated in clause 48 and 50. It shows that Barack Obama wants to show his attitude using verbal behavior process. Another aspect, repetition is often used by Barack Obama when he applies verbal behavior process in the text I. It indicates that Barack Obama tends to give emphasis in using verbal activity for delivering his message. In addition, the use of mental behavior process which functions to show the attitude of its participant is applied in the text I, but it does not commit to user occur in the text II. This process is realized by some verbal phrases supported in clause 17a and would willingly take up in clause 18a. These verbal phrases with its participant indicate that the participant “I” show his attitude by using mental activity through the physical action. This function does not occur in text II. It also indicates that Barrcak Obama also use mental behavior process maximally in order to show his attitude in responding the issue. b Attributive relational process On the other hand, Barack Obama applied more attributive relational process in text II. In this case, there are no many types of function which are realized in this process. There are two functions which are realized in this process, giving emphasis and defining or giving information. The function of giving emphasis to the previous statements is used in text II, but it does not occur in text I. For example, it can be seen in clause 6a “I have made it clear that…” The attribute clear which is ascribed to it by the attributor I indicates that Barack Obama as attributor I tends to give emphasis to the statement. Another example, the process in clause 15 this is about the people of Iran is functioned by Barack Obama to give emphasis to the previous statement. This process is used to make audience understand that the US’ attempts to help them are not instigating protest over the election. Meanwhile, there are two functions which are realized by attributive relational process used in text I, but it does not occur in text II. They are process of giving attribute toward someone and predicting something. The commit to user function of giving attribute toward someone is realized in clause 32, “he is a brutal man”. The carrier he refers to Saddam Hussein who has identified using identifying relational process in the previous clause. The function of predicting something is realized in clause 38b and 39b. The verbal phrases used to reveal that function are will require and will fan. Those verbal phrases are used to predict the effects that will be brought by the invasion. c Material process The different function of the process also occurs in the use of material process. In the text I, Barack Obama uses material process mostly is used to give information happening and event and explain the previous statement. Nevertheless, there is one material process which is functioned by Barack Obama to show his attitude trough the physical action. The process which reveals that function can be seen in clause 3, “I stand before you as someone who is not oppose to war in all circumstances” The verb stand shows the physical action which is done by Barack Obama to show that he does not oppose war in all circumstances. d Mental process The last process which has some different function is mental process. In text I, Barack Obama functions mental process to express cognition and someone willing that does not occur in text II. In the process of cognition, Barack Obama uses mental activity of knowing “I know that…” as realized in clause 34a, 38a, and 39a. In those clauses, Barack Obama reveals the experiential of knowing toward the effect that will be brought by the commit to user invasion. Meanwhile, the process of someone willing is figured by verb want as realized in clause 43, 45, 47, and 49. The verb want in you want a fight president Bush? reveals the experiential of willing which is asserted to President Bush as the senser. In this case, Barack Obama does not act as the senser but as the outer man who catch someone willing. Both process of cognition and someone willing are applied in repetition. It is because Barack Obama tends to give emphasis in delivering the message. On the other hand, mental process which reveals experiential meaning of affection is used in text II, but it does not occur in text I. The verb which is used to reveal this process is have been appalled and outraged as realized in clause 2. Barack Obama uses this verb to reveal the feeling of horrified and annoyed which is asserted to United States and international community as the senser. It is used to describe the people felling in the general. Generally, the use of processes and how they are applied to reveal experiential meaning will affect the texts. For example, the dominant verbal behavior process used in text I makes the attitude of the speaker Barack Obama can be seen clearly. It is caused by many statements stated directly from the speaker. Through verbal activity which is still concerning to the physical action, Barack Obama show his attitude in responding the war the invasion to Iraq. On the other hand, the dominant attributive relational process which is used in text II makes it tends to give description or information. Since, most of attributive relational processes applied in this text functions to explain the condition and situation about the issue. commit to user

C. The Reasons of the Processes Employed in the Texts