Types of Processes Employed in the Text

commit to user 52


This chapter contains findings or answers of the research questions that have been stated in the chapter I. As mentioned in chapter I, there are three questions stated in the research questions. Therefore, this chapter is divided into three subchapters. The first subchapter explains the types of the proccesses employed in the text I and text II. The second subchapter discusses the ways of the processes applied in the texts. The last one describes the reasons of the processes applied in those texts.

A. Types of Processes Employed in the Text

According to Halliday, experiential meaning which is represented in the transitivity system has three main types of processes. They are material process, mental process, and relational process. Other types of process might be found in transitivity system are behavioral process, verbal process, and existential process. Behavioral process occurs on the borderline between material and mental process. Verbal process is on the borderline between mental and relational process. The last one is existentsial process which occurs on the borderline between the relational and material process 1994: 106. However, it is not all of those processes applied in the texts of this research. commit to user There are some differences occur in the text I and text II related to the type and the number of processes. In order to make the description clear, the researcher separates it into different part in analyzing types of processes. It is realized as the explanation below:

1. Text I

There are six types of processes which are employed in the texts I. They are verbal behavior process V.B.P, material process Ma.P, mental behavior process M.B.P, attributive relational process A.R.P, mental process Me.P, and identifying relational process I.R.P. The number and precentage of each procces can be seen as in table 4.1 below: Table 4.1: Types of processes employed in the text I No Type of processes Clause number Numbers Procentage 1. 2. 3. 4. V.B.P Ma.P M.B.P Me.P 2a, 2b, 8, 13, 19, 31a, 40, 41, 42, 46a, 46c, 48a, 50a 3, 7b, 9, 10, 11, 17b, 18b, 37a, 38b, 48c, 48d, 50b 7a, 17a, 18a, 25b, 25c, 39c, 39d, 44, 46b, 48b, 59, 60 15, 31b, 36a, 38a, 39a, 43, 45, 47, 49 13 12 12 9 20.6 19 19 14 commit to user 5. 6. I.R.P A.R.P 4, 20, 21, 22, 25a, 26, 51, 52, 56 5, 29, 32, 35, 36b, 38b, 39b, 58 9 8 14 12, 7 Total 63 100 Based on table 4.1 above, it can be seen that the biggest number of processes used in the text I is verbal behavior process 20.6. The second biggest numbers of processes are mental behavior process and material process shared in same percentage 19 . Then they are followed by mental process and identifying relational process 14 . And the last one is attributive relational process 12.7 . In the transitivity system, each process has different function in revealing experiential meaning of a clause in the text. In this text, the domination of verbal behavior process shows that the participant applies more dominant attitude. It shows that the participant employs the combination of material process and verbal process in order to show his attitude or his thought toward the issue. It is done by using verbal activity in doing the action. In order to make clear, each type of process which is used in the text I will be explained in the following explanation as figured below: a Verbal behavior process It has been stated that verbal behavior process is the biggest number of processes applied in this text I 20.6. This process is applied in 13 clauses. Some verbal groups which realized in; saying, has been billed, don’t oppose, am commit to user opposed, let me clear, let’s send, and let’s fight, are used to reveal the experiential meaning of the participant by using verbal activity and physical action to show his attitude in responding the issue. The examples can be seen in the underlined words at this clause 2, “Let me begin by saying that although this has been billed as an anti-war rally ”. In this clause, we can see that behaver, Barack Obama, uses verbal behavior process of saying to open his speech. What Barack Obama said is verbiage. The verbiage in this clause also contains verbal behavior process. The verbal phrase has been billed shows that there is a process of using verbal activity through a physical action. In this clause, Barack Obama reveals his experiential meaning of has been billed toward something his speech which is recognized by the people as an anti- war rally. In other examples, Barack Obama uses verbal behavior process to show his thoughts directly toward war by stating his statement. It can be seen in clause 8, 13, 19, and 40. In this case, Barack Obama is showing his attitude directly by saying “I don’t oppose all wars”. In this statement, he shows his position in responding war. He states that he is not in opposition to all wars. It means that there are some particular wars that he opposes to. For instance, it can be seen in clause 41, by using verbal behavior process, he states about the war he opposes to. “I’m opposed to dumb war”, this statement shows about kind of war that he opposes to. He shows his experiential meanings about what he calls as a dumb war to be the object that must be opposed. Those statements are examples commit to user of the use of verbal behavior process which are applied by Barack Obama to show his attitude directly. Verbal behavior process is also used by Barack Obama as a starting point to give emphasis before he provides following explanation about his statement. It can be seen in clause 31 ”Now let me be clear...”. Based on the clause above, it shows that Barack Obama uses verbal behavior process to build atmosphere before he shows his thoughts. It is needed to reach the focus of the hearers before he gives the statements. On the other hand, verbal behavior process is used by Barack Obama to invite or persuade the hearers to follow as his thoughts. It can be seen in the clauses 42, 46a, 46c, and 48a. Those processes are indicated by verbal groups such as; “Let’s send” and “let’s fight”. In this case, Barack Obama invites the agreement of the audiences to do something as their action. b Material process The second dominant process in this text is material process 19. Material process indicates physical action of the participant or happening. In this text, the physical action is employed more than happening. The physical action is employed with nine clauses 3, 7b, 9, 10, 17b, 18b, 37a, 48c, and 50b while the happening is only employed with three clauses 11, 37b, and 48d. The process of physical actions in this text are indicated by employing some verbal groups such as; stand, drive, signed up for, fought, to hunt down, to commit to user root out, to prevent, can be contained, stop oppressing, and to wean. All those verbal groups indicate that there are actions done by the participants. Meanwhile, the happening processes are indicated by the verbal groups such as; from happening, fall away, and grow up. All those verbal groups indicate about the events or happenings happened. Both the physical actions and happenings are used by Barack Obama to tell story or give information. For the example, the verbal group “signed up for” in clause “my grandfather signed up for a war the day after Pearl Harbor was Bombed ”. Based on the clause, we can get the information about what Barack Obama ’s grandfather did after Pearl Harbor was bombed. c Mental behavior process It has been stated that the second dominant process is also mental behavior process with the same percentage 19. Mental behavior process indicates the combination of mental process and material process. It means that mental behavior process uses mental activity in doing the physical action. The use of this process is indicated by employing some verbal groups such as: could begin to, supported, would willingly take up, to distract, to make sure, ought not, and should allow. Those mental behavior processes can be seen in the clause 7a, 17a, 18a, 25b, 25c, 39c, 39d, 44, 46b, 48b, 59, and 60. Based on all of the verbal groups above, we can see that mental activity is done through physical actions. It indicates the experience of the participants when they do physical action with still concerning to the mental or psychological activity. commit to user In term of participant, the behavers of those proc esses mostly are “I” Barack Obama. It means that Barack Obama used mental activity through physical action in order to show his behavior or attitude toward war. For instance, the process “supported” in clause “I supported this administration’s pledge”. Based on the clause, we can see that there is a process of consciousness that is being represented by Barack Obama as forms of behavior in order to show his attitude. Barack Obama shows his attitude by supporting the administration’s pledge. In this case, he reveals his experiential meaning in supporting to the decisions made by the administration in responding the issue. d Mental process The next process employed in this text is mental process 14. This process is realized in clause 15, 31b, 36a, 38a, 39a, 43, 45, 47, and 49. Mental process is a process which employs mental activity such as; process of sensing perception, thinking cognition and feeling affection. The verbal groups used by the writer to show the psychological action in this text are witnessing, know, and want. Based on those verbal groups above, we can see that the writer used mental activity of perception witnessing, cognition know, and other sub-types of mental process want. Meanwhile, the process of felling affection does not occur in this text. All the mental processes employed in this text give information to the audience about the psychological action of the participant. For instance, it can be seen in the clause “witnessing the carnage and destruction”. Based on the clause above, we can see the participant give us commit to user information that he uses mental activity in the term of perception in witnessing the bloodshed and ruin. e Identifying relational process The next process applied in this text is identifying relational process 14. Identifying relational process is a process of giving value toward something. In this text, identifying relational process mostly is used to give value toward war. It can be seen in the clauses 20, 21, 22, 25, 26, 51, and 52. In those clauses, Barack Obama gives values toward war. He explains what kind of war he is going oppose to. For instances, it can be seen in the clause 20 and 21 “what I am opposed to is a dumb war” “what I am opposed to is a rash war”. In this case, Barack Obama reveals his experiential meaning of the war he opposes to by giving value like what he calls dumb war and rash war. f Attributive relational process The last process used in this text is attributive relational process 12.7. This process is realized in clause 5, 29, 32, 35, 36b, 38b, 39b, and 58. Attributive relational process is a process giving attribute toward something. In this text, attributive relational process is used to give attribute toward Saddam Hussein as in clause 32, 35, and 36b. One of the example is “He is a brutal man”. Besides, attributive relational process is also used to give attribute toward the invasion of Iraq as we can see in the clause 29, 38b, and 39b. In the clauses above, Barack Obama gives attribute toward the war against Iraq will require a US occupation of undetermined length, at undetermined cost, with commit to user undetermined consequences. He also states that an invasion of iraq without reason and international support will fan the flames of the middle east. It has been stated before, ttransitivity system includes not only the process and participant itself, but also the circumstances around the happening or the process. According to Riyadi Santosa, circumtance is physical and non- physical process environment covering the process Santosa, 2003:87. It is realized by adverbial pharse. In the text I, there are seven types of circumtances; location of place, location of time, accompaniment, manner of quality, cuase- behalf, role and matter. The number of each circumtance applied in the text can be seen as in table 4.2 below: Table 4.2: Types of circumstances applied in text I No Types of circumstances Clause number Number Percenta ge 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Cir: location. Place Cir: location. Time Cir: accompaniment Cir: manner. Quality Cir: cause. Behalf Cir: role 7b, 25b, 25c, 37b, 48b 9, 18b, 31a 34, 39b, 48d 43, 46c, 50b 11, 41 4 5 3 3 3 2 1 27.8 16.7 16.7 16.7 11.1 5.5 commit to user 7. Cir: matter 37a 1 5.5 Total 18 100 Based on table 4.2 above, we can see that the biggest number of circumstances used in this text is location of place 27.5. This type of circumstance is indicated in some phrases, for example from our soil, into the dustbin history, in the Middle East, etc. They show the places where the process or event happens. The second dominant circumstances are location-time, accompaniment, and manner-quality. Those circumstances share in the same number 16.7. The circumstance of location-time is used to describe the time when the process or event happens. In this text, this circumstance is indicated with the phrases such as; the day after Pearl Harbor was bombed, and now. The circumstance of accompaniment functions to accompany its participant in a process. In this text, this circumstance realized in without him, without a clear rationale, without strong international support, without education, without prospect, without hope etc. This circumstance is used as additional information toward process and giving emphasis to accompany the participant. The circumstance of quality-manner indicates in respect of any variable that makes sense. In this text, this circumstance realized in through effective coordinated, vigorously, through an energy policy etc. commit to user The next circumtance is cause-behalf 11.1. Some phrases represent this circumtance are in the name of a larger freedom and for those of us. This circumtance shows for the entity or person on whose or for whose sake the action is undertaken. In this case, this circumtance is used to show on behalf for what Barack Obama ’s father fought clause 10 and for the sake of whose we as behaver send a clear message to the president 41. The smallest percentages number of circumstances used in this text are role and matter 5.5. The circumstance of role describes the role or position of participant in the process. In this text, it can be seen in the phrase as someone who is not opposed to war in all circumstances. This circumstance above shows Barack Obama position’s toward war. It explains the processes before by the role that he is someone who is not in opposition to all wars. Meanwhile, the circumstance of matter refers to the matter of a process. In this text, this circumstance is realized in “in concert with the international community”. It shows about the matter of the process tell about.

2. Text II

There are seven types of processes which are employed in the text II. They are attributive relational process A.R.P, mental behavior process M.B.P, mental process Me.P, verbal behavior process V.B.P, identifying relational process I.R.P, material process Ma.P and verbal process V.P. The number and precentage of each process can be seen as in table 4.3 below: commit to user Table 4.3: Types of processes applied in text II No Type of processes Clause number Numbers Procentage 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. A.R.P M.B.P Me.P V.B.P I.R.P Ma.P V.P 6a,11, 12, 13, 15, 19, 27, 28b, 3 15, 6b, 7, 10a, 32, 33, 34, 35 2, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28a 1, 3, 8, 9, 17, 38 14, 18, 22, 37 4, 20, 30 10b, 29 9 8 7 6 4 3 3 22.5 20 17.5 15 10 7.5 7.5 Total 38 100 Based on table 4.3 above, we can see that the biggest number of processes employed in the text II is attributive relational process 22.5. Then it is followed by mental behavior process 20, mental process 17.5, verbal behavior process 15, identifying relational process 8, material process and verbal process 7.5. The dominant use of attributive relational process in the text shows that the process of giving attribute toward something is used more by the speaker than other processes. It means that Barack Obama as the speaker does the process in his speech by concerning to give attribute toward something. The function of each type of process is explained as below: commit to user a Attributive relational process In this text, attributive relational process firstly is used to give attribute to Barack Obama ’s statement in his beginning speech. It can be seen in clause 6a. The verbal group have made realized in I have made it clear that shows that there is a process of giving attribute clear toward carrier it by attributor I Barack Obama. The carrier it in the clause refers to the statement that has been stated by Barack Obama in the previous statement. He tries to give emphasis toward his statement by giving attribute clear in purpose to make audiences understand about his statement. The next attributive relational process applied in this text can be seen in clause 11. The verb are in these accusations are patently false and absurd shows that Barack Obama gives attribute toward the accusations which has been stated in the previous clauses. By using attributive relational process, Barack Obama explains that those accusations are incorrect and unreasonable. In this case, Barack Obama shows his opinion toward the accusations which are delivered by some Iranian government to United States concerning to the protest over the Iran election. Besides, Barack Obama still uses attributive relational process to show his opinion toward the accusations as realized in the clause 12. In this clause, Barack Obama shows his argument that those accusations are only the real attempt to distract people from what is truly happened in Iran. In clause 15, Barack Obama applies attributive relational process to give attribute toward his speech in the general based on the situation in Iran and commit to user the problems that have been being faced. From the clause, this is about the people of Iran, we can see that Barack Obama tries to give emphasis that his speech is for the sake of Iran people. His speech is about Iran people and the problems they face. The similar function concerning to the use of attributive relational process also occurs in clause 31. The verb have in the clause the Iranian people have universal right to assembly and free speech shows that Barack Obama argue that Iranian people also have universal right to build his country and have free speech about Iran’s future. Attributive relational process is also used by Barack Obama to explain about the situation and the effect of Iranian protest over the Iran election. It can be seen in clause 19 and 27. In clause 19, Barack Obama gives his opinion by describing the situation that in 2009, there is no iron fist strong enough off the world from bearing witness to the peaceful pursuit of justice. Meanwhile in clause 27, Barack Obama describes the loss and death as the raw and painful. He gives attribute raw and painful in order to show that the effect of crisis in Iran is very terrible. b Mental behavior process The second dominant process applied in this text is mental behavior process 20. This process in the transitivity system is used to show the process of mental activity done through the physical action. It indicates the experience of the participants when they do physical action with still concerning to the mental or psychological activity. Some verbal groups realized this process are; mourning, commit to user respect, must bear witness to, are trying to avoid, must respect, heed, and must govern. Those processes can be seen in clause 5, 6b, 7, 10a, 32, 33, 34, and 35. In this text, mental behavior process is applied firstly in clause 5. The verb mourning in clause in mourning each and every innocent life that is lost shows that there is a process using mental activity through the physical action. Before this process, the participant “I”, refers to Barack Obama, uses material process that tells his physical action by joining the American people in mourning of the innocent people that is lost. Based on the process, Barack Obama shows how he uses his mental activity in the verb mourning to describe his feeling through his physical action for showing his disapproval toward the cruelty that causes many innocent people dead. It means that mental behavior is used by Barack Obama to describe his feeling and his action to against the cruelty. The second process of mental behavior is used in clause 6b. The verb respect is used to show the mental activity of his esteem. In this process also contains some physical action as the consequence of his attitude. Commonly, the person who respects to something, he or she will show the physical action as the consequence of what he respects to. In this case, Barack Obama respects to sovereignty of the Islamic Republic of Iran. As the consequence, Barack Obama will not interfere to the Iran’s affair. It also has been stated in clause 6b. The next mental behavior process is used in clause 7 of this text. The verbal groups which are realized in this clause, must also bear witness to, is as the commit to user additional explanation in describing Barack Obama ’s statement stated in the previous clause. In this case, Barack Obama states his attitude through mental activity and physical action toward the phenomenon. He uses his perception in doing the action toward the situation happened in the Iran. In this clause, Barack Obama also persuades the audience to follow his attitude as he performed. It can be seen in the participant “we” as the behaver in this process. It means that Barack Obama does not only show his attitude but also try to persuade the audience as the action in applying mental behavior process. The other mental behavior processes are applied in clause 10a, 32, 33, 34 and 35. The verbal groups realized in these clauses are are trying to avoid, seeks, must respect, heed, and must govern. In clause 10a and 32, mental behavior process is used by Barack Obama to give information about the action of Iranian government which is also still concerning to the use of mental activity in doing the physical action. It is realized by applying the Iranian government as the behaver. Meanwhile in clause 33, 34, and 35, Barack Obama gives the information what the Iranian government has to do in regarding to the phenomenon. It can be seen in the use of verb and modality such as must respect, heed, and must govern. c Mental process The third dominant process applied in this text is mental process 17.5. In this text, mental activities used in this process are affection process of feeling, perception process of sensing, and cognition process of thinking. The commit to user processes of feeling affection realized in this text are represented by applying the verb such as; have been appalled, outraged and have experienced realized in clause 2 and 26. The processes of sensing perception are represented in the verb; have seen realized in clause 23, 24 and 25. Meanwhile, the process of thinking cognition is only represented the verb know in clause 28a. The process of feeling affection is does not used in this text. In this text, mental process is used by Barack Obama to show how he uses his mental activity in looking upon the phenomenon happened in Iran. Most of those mental processes are used by Barack Obama to describe how the Iranian people face the cruelty and unjust treatment. In this case, Barack Obama uses mental process is not only for himself but also for representing the general participant as the senser. It can be seen in the sensers of those mental processes such as the international United States and the international community, and we. d Verbal behavior process The next process applied in this text is verbal behavior process 15. Some verbal group which represent this process are such as would like to say, condemn, deplore, are trying to have, can speak, and will judge as realized in clause 1, 3, 8, 9, 17, and 38. Verbal behavior process firstly is used by Barack Obama to begin his speech and deliver what he is going to talk about the situation in Iran. It is represented by the verb would like to say as realized in clause 1. The next function, this process is also used by Barack Obama to show his attitude using verbal activity in doing the physical action. It can be seen in this commit to user process which is represented by some verb such as condemn and deplore. Besides, this verbal behavior process is also used to describe the other behaver, the Iranian people, in doing the action by using verbal activity. e Identifying relational process The next process applied in this text is identifying relational process 10. In this text, this process can be seen in clause 14, 18, 22, and 37. The verbs which represent this process are is and is not. This process is used by Barack Obama in giving value toward something. As the function of identifying relational process, Barack Obama uses this process to identify something. For example, the verb is not in cluse this is not the United States and West shows that token this is being identified by the value the United States and West. In this case, Barack Obama gives value toward this, as the token, by identifying that this, which refers to the situation in Iran, is not like in his country United States in specially and Western country in generally. In the general, identifying relaitonal processes which are applied in this text are used by Barack Obama to give value toward the effects of crisis by identifying the situation in Iran. f Material process The next process is material process 7.5. In this text, material process is used by Barack Obama to describe the physical action and happening. Some verbs realized in this process are join, have made, and never succeds in making go away. The verbs join is used to describe the physical action of Barack Obama in joining with American people in order to show his thought about the cruelty commit to user happened in Iran. Meanwhile, the verbs have made and never succeds in making go away represent the happening happened in Iran. The verb have made is used by Barack Obama to describe tha happening a bout the Iranian Goverment’s efforts in describing the situation in Iran. Then the verbs never succeds in making go away is used by Barack Obama to describe the situation that suppresing ideas never succeds in making the Iranian people go away. g Verbal process It has been stated that verbal process is also the small process applied in this text with the same precentage as material process 7.5. There are two verbal phrases used in this text to represent verbal process. They are by accusing and said as we can see in clause 10b and 29. These processes are the pure processes of saying. The „sayer’ of these processes are the Iranian people and Barack Obama. In clasue 10b, the Iranian people are accusing the United States and other countries of instigating protests over the election. Meanwhile, the process of saying given by Barack Obama can be seen in clause 29. The verb said in as I said in Cairo shows that Barack Obama has done process of saying. What Barack Obama said called verbiage is explained in following process in the next clause. It has been stated before that there are three basic components realized in the transitivity system. They are the process, participant and the last circumstance. In thext II, there are seven types of circumtance. Those circumtances are location of time, location of time, manner of quality, manner of commit to user means, cause of behalf, cause of concession, and matter. The types and number of those circumstances can be seen as in table 4.4 below: Table 4.4: Types of circumstances applied in text II No Types of circumstances Clause number Number Percentage 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Cir: location. Place Cir: location. Time Cir:manner. Quality Cir:.manner Means Cir:cause. Behalf Cir: cause. concession Cir: matter 1, 8, 13, 29 2,13,19 3, 11, 18 20, 35 17 20 1 4 3 3 2 1 1 1 26.7 20 20 13.2 6.7 6.7 6.7 Total 15 100 Based on table 4.4 above, we can see that the highest number of circumstances used in the text II is circumstance of location-place 26.7. In this text, this circumtance is realized by, in Iran, anywhere that it takes, and in cairo. They are used to show the place where the process or happening is undertaken. For example, the phrase in Iran which is realized in clause 1 shows the place commit to user where the process of environment is undertaken. In this case, Barack Obama provides information about the place where the environment of the process happens. The next circumtance is location-time 20. This circumatance is indicated by the phrase of the last few days,anymore and in 2009. They are used in this text to show the time when the process or happening is undertaken. In this case, Barack Obama shows the time clearly when the process or happening is done by the participant. For example, the phrase of the last few days realized in clause 2 shows the time of the cruelty ever happened in Iran. The next circumtance applied in this text is circumstance of manner- quality 20. This circumtance is represented by some adverbials such as; strongly, and patently. This circumtance express how the participant does the process. For example, the adverb strongly which is realized in clause 3 shows how Barack Obama gives emphasis to what he has stated in that clause. We can see that Barack Obama expresses the quality of his attitude by saying strongly before he says his statement. The next circumtance used in this text is circumstance of manner-means 13.2. This circumtance is represented by two phrases as follow; through cell phones and computers and through consent. Those phrases are started by the preposition through in order to show the means whereby a process takes place. In this case, those circumtance shows with the phones and computers Iranian commit to user goverment efforts to expel journalist and isolate itself and how they must consent in governing. The last circumtance shared with the small numbers are matter, cause- behalf and cause-concession 6.7. Those circumstances realized in this text are only one clause of each circumstance. The circumstance of matter is represented by phrase about the situation as realized in clause 1. This circumtance shows the matter of the process, it is about situation or condition happen in Iran. Then, circumstance of cause-behalf applied in this text is represented by for themselves as in clause 17. This circumstance shows the entity in term of people which the process is undertaken for them, it shows by the pronoun themselves. The last is circumstance of cause-concession. This circumstance is realized by the phrase despite the Iranian government’s effort to expel journalist and isolate itself as represented in clause 20. The prepositional phrase despite realized in the clause above shows that there is concession to its process.

B. The Ways of the Processes Applied in the Texts