Research Objectives Research Questions Research Benefits

commit to user course he has a particular purpose by employing identifying relational process in two times. In this case, we need to analysis the text as a whole in order to know why he used those processes. Each process which is used has a purpose and could not be separated from the other processes in creating a meaning as a whole. Besides, we need also the additional information related to the theme as a secondary data in order to support the finding cultural values. For a comparison, the researcher took another speech given by Barack Obama at Eg ypt’s prestigious Cairo University in downtown Cairo, Egypt, on June 2009. The speech was delivered by Barack Obama in a news conference concerning about the situation since the Iran election crisis began. In this case, the researcher wants to know whether there is any different process employed by Barack Obama in both speeches, especially in responding about the issue happened in two conflicting countries through this research entitled “A Comparison of Experiential Meaning Analysis in the Transcript of Barrack Obama’s Speeches about Iraq War and Iran Election Crisis”.

C. Research Objectives

Based on the problem statement above, the objectives of the research are to describe the experiential meaning of each text and to compare the experiential meaning of the Barack Obama’s speeches about Iraq War and Iran Election crisis. They are written down in three points below: commit to user 1. To find out the comparison of processes and circumstances employed by Barack Obama both in his speech about Iraq War and Iran election crisis. 2. To find out the ways of the processes and circumstances employed in Barack Obama’s speeches about Iraq War and Iran election crisis. 3. To find out the reasons why Barack Obama uses those processes both in his speech about Iraq War and Iran election crisis.

D. Research Questions

The research contains some questions dealing with the experiential meaning. The questions proposed in this research are: 1. What processes and circumstances are employed by Barack Obama both in his speech about Iraq War and Iran Election Crisis? 2. How are the ways of the processes and circumstances employed in both his speech about Iraq War and Iran Election Crisis? 3. Why does Barack Obama use the processes by Barack Obama both in his speech about Iraq War and Iran Election Crisis?

E. Research Benefits

There are some benefits of this research that can be proposed by the researchers into three points below: commit to user 1. This research is aimed to know what the experiential meaning occurs behind the speech of Barack Obama both in the speech about Iraq War and Iran Election Crisis. 2. This research is important to give better understanding of experiential meaning as a part of ideational meaning as one of the other functions in the metafunctions. 3. This research is presented as reference for other researchers and steak-holder for the sake of linguistic studies especially in Systemic Functional Linguistic Studies.

F. Scope of the Research