Variabel Financial Behavior Variabel Financial Literacy Manfaat pengetahuan keuangan


2. Variabel Financial Behavior

Correlations Total Soal1 Pearson Correlation ,507 Sig. 2-tailed ,004 N 30 Soal2 Pearson Correlation ,535 Sig. 2-tailed ,002 N 30 Soal3 Pearson Correlation ,659 Sig. 2-tailed ,000 N 30 Soal4 Pearson Correlation ,420 Sig. 2-tailed ,021 N 30 Soal5 Pearson Correlation ,518 Sig. 2-tailed ,003 N 30 Soal6 Pearson Correlation ,598 Sig. 2-tailed ,000 N 30 Soal7 Pearson Correlation ,576 Sig. 2-tailed ,001 N 30 Soal8 Pearson Correlation ,393 Sig. 2-tailed ,032 N 30 Soal9 Pearson Correlation ,367 Sig. 2-tailed ,046 N 30 Soal10 Pearson Correlation ,433 Sig. 2-tailed ,017 N 30 . Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level 2-tailed. . Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level 2-tailed. Universitas Sumatera Utara 93 Case Processing Summary N Cases Valid 30 100,0 Excluded a ,0 Total 30 100,0 a. Listwise deletion based on all variables in the procedure. Reliability Statistics Cronbachs Alpha Cronbachs Alpha Based on Standardized Items N of Items ,654 ,670 10 Universitas Sumatera Utara 94 LAMPIRAN IV Output SPSS Pada Frekuensi Identitas Responden Gender Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid Laki-Laki 39 40,2 40,2 40,2 Perempuan 58 59,8 59,8 100,0 Total 97 100,0 100,0 Jurusan Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid IPA 53 54,6 54,6 54,6 IPS 44 45,4 45,4 100,0 Total 97 100,0 100,0 Pendapatan Orangtua Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid Rp5.000.000,- 59 60,8 60,8 60,8 Rp5.000.000,- s.d. Rp10.000.000,- 27 27,8 27,8 88,7 Rp10.000.000,- 11 11,4 11,4 100,0 Total 97 100,0 100,0 Universitas Sumatera Utara 95 LAMPIRAN V Frekuensi Jawaban Responden Untuk Setiap Butir Pertanyaan

1. Variabel Financial Literacy

01. Manfaat pengetahuan keuangan

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid a. terhindar dari segala bentuk penipuan uang 20 20,6 20,6 20,6 b. tahu cara mengkredit barang yang menguntungkan 1 1,0 1,0 21,6 c. tahu cara memilih tabungan yang tepat 11 11,3 11,3 33,0 d. menuju keamanan finansial dengan pola belanja sehat 65 67,0 67,0 100,0 Total 97 100,0 100,0

02. Kuliah sebagai bagian dari investasi