British Council Animation as the Media General Concept of Writing

Harmer in How to Teach Wnting states, Writing is a process that what we write is often heavily influenced by the constraints of genres, then these elements have to be present in learning activities 2004: 86. Randal Holmes states, Writing is an ability to make a form of words that in general it may have a higher truth value than the fact that it has set it down 2004: 160. Meanwhile, Meyers says that writing is a way to produce language when you do and when you speak. Writing is communicating with others in a verbal way. Meyers states Writing is a way to produce language, which you do naturally when you speak. Writing is communicating with others in a verbal way. Writing is also an action-a process of discovering and organizing your ideas, then patting them on a paper and reshaping and revising them 2005: 2. From the definitions above, the writer can conclude that writing is a way to produce language that comes from our thought. By using writing, we can share oar idea, feeling or anything that exist in our mind. It is written on a paper or a computer screen. It is influenced both by the personal attitudes and by social experiences that the writer brings to writing and the impacts of the particular political and institutional contexts. It is also a process that what we write is influenced by the constraints of genre and has to be present in learning activities. 19

2.8 General Concept of Narrative Text

A narrative is a story that is created in a constructive format as a work of speech, literature, pictures, song, motion pictures, television, video games, theatre, musical theatre, or dance that describes a sequence of fictional or non-fictional The social function of narrative text is to entertain or amuse the reader or listener. Parera 1993: 5 had opinion that a narrative was one of the forms of developing writing, for example characters told the history of something based on the development of writing from time to time.

2.8.1 Generic Structure of Narrative Test

According to Derewianka 1990: 32, narrative text consists of some parts. The generic structure of narrative text are consist of four parts, they are: 1 Orientation In which the writer tells the audience about who the characters in the story are, where the story is taking place, and when the action happens. It can be a paragraph, a picture or opening chapter 2 Complication The story is pushed along by a series of events, during which we usually expect some sort of complication or problem to arise. It just would not be so interesting if something unexpected did not happen. This complication will involve the main characters and often serves to temporally toward 20 them, for reaching their goal. Narratives mirror the complications we face in life and tend to reassure us that they are resolvable. 3 Resolution In a satisfying narrative, a resolution of the complication is brought about; the complication may be resolved for better or for worse, but it is rarely left completely unresolved although this is of course possible in certainly type of narrative, which leave us wondering how is the end?. 4 Re-orientation Optional-closure of events.

2.8.2 Lexicogrammatical Features of Narrative Text

1 Focus on specific and usually individualized participants. Example: Once upon a time there was a little girl. Her name was Goldilocks . 2 Use of material processes refers to the doings the actions and happening we observe taking place around us. For example: Goldilocks was walking in the forest. She saw and knocked the door. 3 The use of verbal processes refers to the talking saying verbs. For example: “Someone’s been eating my porridge” said daddy bear. 4 Use of temporal conjunctions and time connectives to put events in the right order. For example: Once upon a time, one day and soon. 5 Use of past tense. Example: The bears came home. 21