The Experimental Class Treatment The Control Class

The treatment was conducted on May 13, 14 , and 20 2011 for the class VIII B as the control group. This class is consist 25 students. The students were taught using conventional technique to improve their reading comprehension. Below is the table of each meeting. Table 4.2 List of Control Class Activities No Activities Materials Time 1 First Treatment The students were given the definition of narrative text, past tense, structure. It was held on May 13, 2011 2 Second Treatment Student was given an example of narrative text It was held on May 14, 2011 3 Third Treatment Students had to write a narrative text based on their own sentences. It was held on May 20, 2011

4.1.4 Post-test

After conducting the experimental treatment, the writer conducted the post-test. The aim of conducting post-test was to know the result of the students’ achievement after the treatments. The post-test was conducted on Tuesday, May 41 21, 2011 for class VIII C and VIII B. The data of post-test were analyzed to see whether there was significant difference of students’ result in writing achievement between those who were taught using the treatments and without that.

4.2 Significant Difference between Two Means

In this section, it determined the different effectiveness of treatment given to both groups, which was reflected on the means gathered. t-test formula would be applied to count the difference. The value of the t-test is calculated and the result of the calculation that shows the significance different is attached in the appendices. There are three steps in computing the statistical analysis. First is calculating the mean scores of the experimental and the control groups. Second is calculating the deviation of each group and finally applying the t-test formula. For the first step, the writer tried to find the increase of the score in control group between pre-test and post-test. Table 4.3 The table of control group CODE PRE TEST POST TEST IMPROVEMENTy y 2 C-01 61 68 7 49 C-02 58 71 13 169 C-03 70 78 8 64 C-04 63 68 5 25 C-05 65 71 6 36 42