Fermentabilitas dan Kecernaan in vitro Ransum Sapi Perah yang diberi Biomineral Dienkapsulasi

in vitro Fermentability and Digestibility of Dairy Ration Supplemented with
Encapsulated Biomineral
A. Puspandari, A. S. Tjakradidjaja and D. A. Astuti
Rumen fluid contains nutrients such as proteins, vitamins, minerals and others
that are produced by the rumen microbes. Based on the potency of its nutrients, the
rumen fluid can be utilized and processed into biomineral supplements. However,
this biomineral must be protected to provide more nutrients into the post ruminal
digestive tract. Heating or caramelization process using xylose can be expected to
prevent nutrient degradation, from rumen microbes. This is an encapsulation process
and the product is an encapsulated biomineral. However, the levels of protected
biomineral that is optimum for rumen degradation and digestion have not yet been
known. The purpose of this study is to determine the optimum level of protected
biomineral with 4% xylose as mineral supplements in ration for dairy cows.
Treatments applied were R1 = control ration consisting of field grass and
concentrate, R2 = R1 + 1.5% commercial mineral mix, R3 = R1 + 1.5% control
biomineral (without encapsulation), R4 = R1 + 0.5% encapsulated biomineral with
xylose, R5 = R1 + 1% encapsulated biomineral with xylose, R6 = R1 + 1.5%
encapsulated biomineral with xylose, dan R7 = R1 + 2% encapsulated biomineral
with xylose. This experiment was conducted in a randomized block design with four
replications. Rumen fluid from different cattle was used as replications. Varibel

measured were ammonia and volatile fatty acid (VFA) concentrations, dry matter
(DM) and organic matter (OM) degradabilities, DM and OM digestibilities. The data
were analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and differences between
treatments were determined by the contrast orthogonals. The results show that there
were no significant effects of treatments on all variables measured; on the other
hand, all variables measured were significantly affected by rumen fluids as inoculum
sources (P