Adjustment Mechanism Theory of Psychology a. Definition of Love

kinds of frustration. An example of sublimation is maladjustive behavior of a person who resorts to alcoholism 216-219 b Identification is a mechanism of adjustment by which an individual establishes a strong emotional tie with another person, a group, a group of persons, or an institution, and then achieves his satisfaction at least in part, by proxy, basking in reflected glory 220. c Rationalization involves the process of devising socially acceptable reasons for an act or an opinion which is socially unacceptable and so deemed blameworthy by an individual 222. d Negativism is an aggressive withdrawal. A negativistic person is one who strongly resists suggestion from others. It may be used as a means in achieving respect and of maintaining self-respect 226. e Daydreaming is a satisfying imaginative fulfillment of desires. It is an escape from the difficulties of real life into a realm where all obstacles to success can be ignored or effectively surmounted 227-228. f Regression is a form of adjustment involving a retreat from the complexities of the present to the earlier and simple form of behavior. The person who chooses this mechanism is usually introverted, non-suggestible, and lacking in self-confidence 232. g Repression is an adjustment mechanism by which thoughts and experiences that are in the conflict with the individual’s standards or frame of reference are forced into the unconscious 233.

B. The Criticisms on Thornton Wilder and His Work

For the references of my analysis, I take some criticisms and sources. From the description in the criticism we can understand the novel better. The criticisms are taken from books and website and also from the previous researcher on the Thornton Wilder’s work. According to Stuckey in his book entitled The Pulitzer Prize Novel: A critical Backward Look, Wilder’s narrator undertakes to answer the question raised by Brother Juniper, to show that for each of the five people involved in the bridge accident, Friday noon, July twentieth, 1714, was the possible times to die. It’s just because that was the day on which that person was destined happier than he would ever again become 74- 75. He also states that the novel is artfully constructed; there are no loose ends, no blind alleys or false leads, no lapses into vulgarity, or no wildly improbable assertions about the intellectual or more profundity of the characters. Neither are there any obvious appeals to popular prejudices or any sermonizing in which personal morality is equated with financial success. Edmund Wilson admires Wilder’s felicity of style.” It has nothing of the pose of the self-conscious effort to write beautifully, of the professional beautiful writer but is felt through the whole of his work and as much in the conception of the characters and the development of the situations in the structure of the sentences themselves.

C. Context

The Bridge of San Luis Rey is a 1927 novel by American author Thornton Wilder that tells the story of several interrelated people who happen to be on an Incarope-fiber suspension bridge in Peru and the events that lead up to their being on the bridge at the time of its collapse and their deaths Peru. The setting of place in the novel is in Peru in 1714. Peruvian territory was home to theNorte Chico civilization, one of the oldest in the world, and to the Inca Empire, the largest state in Pre-Columbian America. It was conquered by the Spanish Empire in the 16th century, who established a Viceroyalty with jurisdiction over most of its South American domains. Independence was declared on 1821 but consolidated only after the Battle of Ayacucho, three years later Peru. When the Spanish landed in 1531, Perus territory was the nucleus of the highly developed Inca Civilization. Centered at Cuzco, the Inca Empire extended over a vast region, stretching from northern Ecuador to central Chile Peru. The story of The Bridge of San Luis Rey makes use of two historical characters. The man who was Vicaroy of Peru at the time and his lover, a street singer known as La Perichole, although the historical Perichole lived considerably later than the events in Wilders novel occur 1748- 1819; Wilder places the bridge collapse in 1714 who, in real life, was named Micaela Villegas. La Périchole is an opera bouffe. Its title character is based on Micaela villegas 1748- 1819, a beloved Peruvian entertainer and the famous mistress of Manuel de Amat y Juniet, Viceroy of Peru from 1761 to 1776. Their son, Manuel de Amat y