Behavior Definition of Terms


In order to conduct the study, the writer uses some theories to support the analysis in chapter IV. The related theories are explained briefly in this chapter in order to help the reader have a clear description about the foundation of the study. In this chapter the review of the related theories, criticisms and sources will mainly be discussed. In the theoretical review, the writer discusses theories of literature. While in criticism and sources, the writer will mainly discuss the criticisms that are concerned with my discussion and some sources that are taken from books and website to support my analysis.

A. Review of Related Theories

In this part, the writer would like to present some related theories used in this study. They are theory of character and characterization, theory of definition of love, theory of rejection, theory of motivation and theory of adjustment mechanisms.

1. Theory of Character and Characterization

Before analyzing a novel, we need to understand the character well because a character plays an important role in the novel. According to Abrams in A Glossary of Literary Terms, characters are the persons presented in dramatic or narrative work who are interpreted by the readers as being endowed with moral and disposition qualities that are expressed in what the say the dialogues and what they do actions 20. Here the character has a quality as human beings. A 7 character brings the readers a description about how the story flows therefore the readers can imagine what the story is about. Abrams also mentions that there are two types of character, simple or flat character and round or complex character. Flat character is character that possesses just one certain dispositional quality. He seems less to have trait behavior that can give a surprising effect to the reader. The flat character can be easily recognized and more familiar whenever they come in and easily be remembered by the readers afterward. A round character is more lifelike rather than flat character because we may see all sides of this character. He possesses many kinds of traits or various attitudes. The character is also capable of surprising us 20- 21. Flat character is easy to describe rather than round character because flat character does not make any significant development. Henkle states in his book Reading a Novel, that characters are categorized into “main or major characters” and “minor characters”. Major character is the most character in the story. The readers give him her fullest attention because heshe performs the key structural function; upon himher we build expectation and desires. Minor characters only perform a limited function in the story. They may be less sophisticated, so that their responses to the experience are less complex and important 22 While according to Horman and Harmon in A Handbook to Literature 81, the characterization is the way of the author to reveal the character in the story. There are three methods that can be used in characterization of the character. Those are: