Critical Approach Review of Related Theories

considered sharing the same universal belief to certain community mind. Generally, the patterns involve death or rebirth, guilt and sacrifices, primitive rites, or patterns behavior basic to Christian theology. Psychological approach involves theories of psychology to explain the character’s personality in the story. The proponents of this approach insist that each character’s behavior could be referred to the psychology of human being. By the approach, the character’s thought and behavior can be traced more profoundly because it has close relationship with human’s life.

3. Theory of Psychology a. Definition of Love

Since the analysis deals with the influence of the absence of love, so it is necessary to use theory of love. According to Hauck in his book How to Love and be Loved, love is a powerful feeling one has for persons, animals or things that has satisfied, is satisfying or will satisfy our deepest desires and needs. From the definition, the writer may infer that actually not people that we love but what people do for us that we love. 1 Types of Love According to Eric Fromm According to Fromm, in his book The Art of Loving 1963, states “love in all aspects, there is not romantic love which is surrounded by wrong conception. There are also parental love love of parent and children, brotherly love, erotic love and love of God. Here are the explanations of those five types of love: a. Brotherly Love The most important kind of love which underlies all types of love is brotherly love. Erich Fromm in his book The Art of Loving, states this love as “the sense of responsibility, care, respect, knowledge of any other human being, the wish to further life. This kind of love the bible speaks of when it says: love thy neighbor as thyself. Brotherly love is love for all human beings” 47. b. Motherly Love In contrast to brotherly love, motherly love is love between equal the relationship of mother and child by its very nature of inequality. Motherly love is unconditional affirmation of the child’s life and his needs. This affirmation has two aspects; those are the care and responsibility. Motherly love has been considered as the highest kind of love, the most sacred of all emotion bonds. It seems, however, that the real achievement of motherly love lies not in mother’s love for a small infant, but in her love for growing 49- 52. c. Erotic Love Erotic love is the desire for complete union with another person. For instant, sexual desire aims at fusion and is by no means only a physical lust, the release of painful tension. A sexual desire can be stimulated by the anxiety of aloneness, by the wish to conquer and be conquered, by egotism, by the wish to hurt and even destroy, as much as it can be stimulated by love. It seems that a