Problem Formulation Benefits of the Study

D. Benefits of the Study

There are at least two groups of people who will gain benefits from this study. They are the readers in general and the students. Hopefully, by reading this study the readers will be able to enrich their knowledge about literary works especially American literature and Thornton Wilder’s The Bridge of San Luis Rey For the students of English Language Education Study Program, this study hopefully may give them knowledge about American Literature and give them understanding of Thornton Wilder’s The Bridge of San Luis Rey. For the teachers of English Language Education Study Program, this study could be used as one of the teaching references. The novel can be used as teaching material for teaching literature classes. This study is also beneficial, especially for me because I have had experiences of how to analyze a novel and have had an understanding about the value of love from books of references for the study.

E. Definition of Terms

In analyzing this novel, the writer needs to know first about the meaning of influence, absence of love and behavior.

1. Influence

According to Drever, the terms influence is defined as any past or present condition experienced as or actually playing a part in determining ones behavior, or course of thought, in the present: a common type of delusion”134. In this study, influence is bad effects as a result of bitter past experience on Dona Maria’s character.

2. Absence of Love

Hauck states that love is a powerful feeling one has for person, animal or things that has satisfied or will satisfy our deepest desire 16. Therefore, in this study, the absence of love is a situation in which someone’s deepest desire is not satisfied.

3. Behavior

According to Loftus, behavior is physical realization of someone’s psychological condition, meaning to say that people behave on their psychological condition 155. In this study behavior is the reaction of Dona Maria in relation to her psychological condition.