Love or Belongingness Needs

16 behaviour and personality is the result of the interactions among three component parts of the mind: the id, ego, and superego. According to Abrams 1999, psychoanalytic criticism has been a very common form of psychological literary criticism since 1920s. Freud developed the form of psychology called psychoanalysis as a means of analysis and therapy for neuroses. However, later it was expanded to explanation for many developments and practices in the history of civilization, including warfare, mythology and religion, as well as literature.

6. Literal Meaning and True Meaning

Quinones 2002 states that literal meaning of literary work is what actually happen in it. Literal meaning is on a purely superficial level. It is about what the story or observation found in the literary work. Literal meaning is the meaning which appears or can be seen or noticed directly. It is not hidden and it can be seen explicitly. This meaning can be seen by reading the literary work because it is written explicitly in it. Case and Marshall 2009 note that a literal approach in learning is the tacit acceptance of information and memorization. It does not promote understanding for long term retention of knowledge pp. 9-18. True meaning is generally associated with the theme. It is usually more abstract which means could be in the form of concept, rather than a concrete physical description Quinones, 2002. It is the meaning behind the action. Additionally, Barnet, Burto and William 1994 state that true meaning is the meaning which is told for us because it is implicit p. 28. Frederick in 1964 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 17 says that the deeper meaning of the story is a meaning which has value for every reader p. 75. Case and Marshall 2009 also state that deep learning involves the critical analysis of new idea and promotes the application for life pp. 9-18.

7. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

According to Harvey 2002, trauma is a term refers to extreme psychological and physiological reactions to major losses p. 23. On a daily basis people might experience minor losses from losing notes to losing strands of hair. However major losses are the losses of something in a person’s life which involves emotional involvement. All losses are not trauma but all traumas involve loss. While according to Janoff-Bulman 1992, in Harvey 2002, trauma is defined as unusual events involving loss to the individual whether a death, the loss of body parts or functioning, the loss of a job, the loss of one’s home or the loss of one’s trust in others or in the safety of the worlds p. 6. Traumatic reactions may create loss of concentration, sleeping and eating problems, flashbacks and nightmares. Traumatic reaction may be so severe that it becomes posttraumatic stress disorder PTSD. As stated in Helping Children Cope Robinson et al., 2004, traumatic events may be public knowledge such as earthquakes or hurricanes or more private trauma such as physical, sexual or psychological abuse p. 29. As stated in Diagnostic and Statistical Manual IV Scott and Stradling, 2001 there are common symptoms associated with this disorders. Typical