Thoughtful The Characteristics of Charlie

33 shows effort in order to have social interaction with somebody else. Charlie does not enjoy being alone by himself. He actually is very concerned in having social interaction with other people. Even though he is very silent, he loves being surrounded by people. He loves attention and does not mind being the centre of attention. The evidence that shows Charlie is an extrovert person can be seen in his reaction below. I wont go into detail about the whole show, but I had the best time I ever had in my whole life. Im not kidding. I got to pretend that I was singing, and I got to dance around, and I got to wear a feather boa in the grande finale, which I wouldnt have thought anything of because its part of the show, but Patrick couldnt stop talking about it p. 110. The show that is played by Charlie is The Rocky Horror Picture Show. He plays Rocky who is the main character of the show. It is his first time participating in the show. Even though he needs to dance and pretends singing in front of many people, Charlie feels that he has the best time in his whole life. While Patrick keeps bringing up the topic about Charlie wearing a feather boa in the performance, Charlie thinks that it is nothing to be ashamed of. Charlie does not mind performing in front of a lot of people. He does not mind being the centre of attention. He eventually likes it. Other evidence which shows Charlie is an extrovert person can be seen in his reaction below. After I handed in the final, I asked Bill if he wanted me to write an essay about The Fountainhead, since I told him that I had finished it, and he hadnt told me to do anything. He said that it wouldnt be fair to have me write another essay when I have so many finals this week. Instead, he invited me over to his town house to spend Saturday afternoon with his girlfriend and him, which sounds like fun p. 174. 34 Charlie asks Bill whether Bill wants him to write an essay about the book he finishes reading or not. Instead of asking to write another essay, Bill offers Charlie to visit his house and spend time with him along with his girlfriend. Charlie is very excited about the invitation. He thinks that it will be fun to spend time together with his teacher and his teacher’s girlfriend. Some students might feel awkward visiting their teacher ’s house alone. Furthermore the teacher also invites somebody else that they have not met before. However, Charlie does not reject the invitation. He also does not accept it merely because if he rejects it he might hurt his teacher ’s sincerity. He accepts and wants to come because he enjoys having interaction with people. Charlie’s extrovert characteristic can be seen in his reactions to different situations Murphy, 1972. From his reactions, he always enjoys spending time with people. Charlie loves having conversation and getting to know people more.

5. Emotionally Unstable

The author describes Charlie as a person with unstable emotion. There are several times especially when he is a kid that shows Charlie’s emotion is unstable. He can be aggressive and right after that he can be very soft. The evidence which shows that Charlie is emotionally unstable can be seen on the statements below. Then, he got mad and started hitting me, and I just did the things my brother taught me to do. My brother is a very good fighter. Go for the knees, throat, and eyes. And I did. And I really hurt Sean. And then I started crying. And my sister had to leave her senior honors class and drive me home. I got called to Mr. Smalls office, but I didnt get suspended or anything because a kid told Mr. Small the truth about the fight p. 7. 35 Some kids look at me strange in the hallways because I dont decorate my locker, and Im the one who beat up Sean and couldnt stop crying after he did it. I guess Im pretty emotional p. 8. The two statements above show that Charlie is both aggressive and easy to cry. It happens when Sean gets into a fight with Charlie. Charlie learns how to fight from his brother and somehow manages to beat up Sean. Sean is hurt while Charlie wins. However, right after that Charlie starts crying. He cannot control his emotion. He cannot get a hold of himself and her sister must drive him home in the middle of her class. According to Murphy 1972, Charlie’s unstable emotion can be seen through his reaction and direct statement. Charlie has difficulties in controlling his emotion. He says that he is emotional. He also does not understand why he beats up Sean and cannot stop crying after that.

B. The Meaning of Wallflower

In this part, the meaning of wallflower as seen in Charlie is analyzed. The meaning of wallflower is divided into two parts. F irst is the literal meaning. The literal meaning of wallflower can be found explicitly in the novel. Second is the true meaning. The true meaning of wallflower can be found after reading the novel for several times and understanding Charlie’s characteristics.

1. Literal Meaning

The literal meaning of wallflower in the novel is the meaning that can be found explicitly in the novel. The meaning of wallflower can be understood by