Object of the Study

25 motivation, the theory of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and the theory of personality were used. The researcher applied psychological approach to answer the formulated problems. The fifth step was making a conclusion based on the answered found and the discussion written. The study was also be assisted and consulted to the experts of literature for validation. 26


This chapter discusses the analysis of the two problem formulations. The first part discusses Charlie’s characteristics. The second part discusses the true meaning of wallflower in the novel. In analyzing the problem formulations, the researcher uses the theories presented in chapter two.

A. The Characteristics of Charlie

Abrams 1999 states characters are people presented in a dramatic or narrative work. Those people are interpreted by the readers according to their particular moral, intellectual, and emotional qualities from what the persons say. They can also be interpreted through their distinctive ways of saying or the dialogue as well as from their action p. 32. From the beginning to the end of a work, a character may remain essentially stable in attitude and temperament, or undergo a radical change p. 33. In addition Stanton 1965 says that the term character designates the individuals who appear in the story which can be found in how many characters there are in the story. Character also refers to the mixture of interests, desires, emotions and moral principles that makes up each of these individuals which can be found in how the character is described p. 17. While Forster in Aspects of the Novel as seen in Abrams’s, 1999 emphasizes that character are not real people but rather like real people. Common 27 activities such as sleeping and eating engage little space in the novels while love is greatly over-represented. Forster divided characters into two which are flat character and round character. Flat character draws a single idea or quality and is presented without much individualizing detail. Flat character can be practically sufficiently described in a single phrase or sentence. While round character is complex in temperament and motivation and is presented with slight uniqueness. According to Abrams 1999, Charlie is one of the characters in The Perks of Being a Wallflower. Charlie is presented in the novel and his characteristics can be interpreted through his way of saying and his behaviour. According to Forster, Charlie is categorized as a round character. Charlie’s characteristics cannot be described in a single phrase or sentence. His characteristics are described through the conflicts that appear in the novel. Charlie undergoes a changing personality throughout the story. In the beginning of the story, Charlie is afraid of starting high school. He always worries how to fit in with the other people and enjoys observing people from afar instead of participating. He also has difficulties in figuring himself out. He is confused of himself and does not know what he really wants to do in life. However, during the story, he faces a lot of events that involves in changing his characteristic. Charlie meets Sam, Patrick and Bill as well as his psychiatrist, from whom Charlie receives encouragement. In the end of the story, Charlie is no longer confused of himself. He is able to really feel himself. He knows where he stands and what to do in his life. Charlie even says that he feels infinite and is not afraid to start high school. He states that he will no