Perk Wallflower Definition of Terms

8 two-dimensional, is built around a single idea or quality and is presented without much individualizing detail. Therefore, flat character can be practically sufficiently described in a single phrase or sentence. While round character is complex in temperament and motivation and is represented with slight uniqueness. Therefore, such a character is difficult to describe with any sufficiency as a perso n in real life, and like real persons, is capable of surprising the readers.

2. Characterization

According to Abrams 1999 there are two different methods used for characterizing or establishing the distinctive characters of the persons in a narrative, which are by showing and telling. In showing, which is also called as the dramatic method, the author simply presents the characters talking and acting and leaves the motives and dispositions that lie behind what they say and do to the readers. The author may show not only external speech and actions but also a characters inner thoughts, feelings and responsiveness to events. In telling, the author interferes convincingly to describe the motives and dispositional qualities of the characters p. 34. Murphy 1972 argues that there are nine ways in which an author attempts to describe the characters so that it can be understandable and more alive for the readers. The nine ways are presented as below. 9

a. Personal Description

The author describes a character through his appearance. The author describes a character’s through its face, skin, eyes and the clothing. The clothing that the character wears, what color his skin or eyes are, how the outer appearance looks like are used by the author to describe a character. The readers then are able to tell a character’s from its outer appearance described by the author. b. Character as Seen by Another The author uses other character to describe the characteristics of a certain character. From the point of view of another , that certain character’s characteristics are described. The other character tells what that certain chara cter looks like, feels, thinks or behaves. From the other character’s point of view in describing that certain character, the readers can tell what the characteristics of that certain character are.

c. Speech

The author gives the readers an insight into the c haracter of a person in the novel through what that person says. Whenever that person speaks, gives opinion or has conversation with the other, the person gives the readers clues about his character. The speech spoken by the character describes the character’s characteristics.

d. Past Life

The author gives clues to the readers about a character ’s characteristics through his past life. The character’s past life is told during the story. The character’s past life is involved in determining the characteristic of the character 10 since it has helped to shape the character ’s character. This can be done through direct comment by the author, the person’s thoughts, the person’s conversation or the medium of another person.

e. Conversation of Others

Conversations between characters might be included in a literary work. Through the conversation of the characters, the characteristic of a character is described. The characteristic is described through the things they say about the character. Through this way, the author gives the readers clue about a character ’s characteristics.

f. Reactions

In a literary work, the character gives reaction to various situations presented in the story. By showing the character ’s reactions to various situations and events in the novel, the author gives clue about a character’s characteristics. From the reactions shown, the characters described can be concluded.

g. Direct Comment

The author gives clue about a character’s characteristics by describing the characteristics directly. The author may also give comments on the characters directly during the story presented in the literary work. From the direct description or comment, the reader is able to know the characteristics of the character.

h. Thought

Throughout the story told in the literary work, the character might give his opinion. His thoughts are expressed and shown directly in the literary work. The author gives the readers direct knowledge of what a character is thinking about. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI