Account of Teacher’s Shared Beliefs

Table 3.4 Sample of Individual Account Mr. Inu Mr. Inu’s Individual Beliefs Category Response Indicator Interpretation Teacher‟s belief about hisher status A8. Certification program of course influences my teaching Certified teacher regulation influences teacher to do his her best teaching performance. In relation to teacher‟s background, not only teacher education and experience that influence teacher‟s works but also teacher development which is admitted in the form of certification. Teaching and learning condition A9. Personally, I enjoy interacting with my students... Even though I have many students with various competences, I can find the solution that is using a middle course. Heterogeneous of students‟ competence does not constrain successful learner development as long as there is fun interaction. He does not mind with the heterogeneous students‟ competence. It is very normal phenomenon to face. The sample of individual belief in Table 3 .4 explains teacher‟s point of view about teaching and learning condition. I did not include the questions and put the responses only in order to focus on the shared points. The indicator was made by making a summary of the responses whereas the interpretation was formulated by making a general conclusion from the indicator.

3.5.2 Account of Teacher’s Shared Beliefs

After the individual accounts of each informant were finished, I organized the accounts of shared belief by finding similar responses. Shared accounts of this study were made similarly with the individual beliefs. They were put into four columns. The first column is the category containing the reference of the belief. The second column is for the indicator containing my interpretations derived from the responses related to the category. The third column contains catalogue. It shows the codes of informan ts‟ responses showing the beliefs. The last column is the interpretation derived from the indicator. Table 3.5 shows the sample of informants‟ shared accounts and the rest can be seen in Appendix 4. Table 3.5 Sample of informants‟ shared accounts Category Indicator Catalogue Interpretation Teacher‟s intention All informants view that teacher‟s self intention supports the success of teaching. Inu Q1-A1 to Q4- A4 Lilin Q1-A1 to Q2- A2 Anggi Q1-A1 to Q5-A5 Realize  self awareness about the nature of teaching.  inner motivation Teacher‟s forum involvement All informants view that teacher‟s forum, such as seminar, workshop, and training supports the success of teaching. Inu Q5-A5 to Q6-A6 Lilin Q3-A3 to Q4- A4 Anggi Q6-A6 to Q15-A15 Supplement to open mind and get recent information through teaching forum. Teacher‟s belief about the nature of EFL All informants view that the nature of a language is a means of communication. Inu Q16-A16 Lilin Q11-A11 Anggi Q31-A31 Means of communication not to get high score in final examination because it belongs to compulsory subject. Table 3.5 represents how shared beliefs are organized. I did not include the responses into the table to focus on the summary of responses which are put in the indicator part. Nevertheless, I included the catalogue to ease checking where the responses were from. The codes used in the catalogue consist of the informants‟ initial and number of questions and answers. In Table 3 .5, column 1, teachers‟ shared beliefs about intention are derived from all informants , namely Mr. Inu‟s interview of question and answer 1 until question and answer 4, Mrs. Lilin‟s question and answer 1 to 2, and Mrs. Anggi‟s question and answer 1 to 5. The three informants said that intention supports the success of teaching thus it can be interpreted that self awareness about pedagogy leads teachers‟ inner motivation which contributes in the teaching achievement.

3. 6 Trustworthiness

Realizing the trustworthiness of the findings, it is necessary to triangulate the data. Cohen, et al. 2007 state that triangulation refers to the use of two or more approaches of investigation to collect data in the study of some aspects of human behavior to give supporting evidence. Neuman 2000: 124-125 proposes four types of triangulation, “i.e. triangulation of measures, triangulation of observers, triangulation of theory, and triangulation of method. ” In this study, I chose triangulation of method by taking multiple measures of the same phenomena that the focused aspects can be seen, i.e. interview and classroom observation. The main data that I got from the in-depth interview were confirmed using a follow-up interview to ensure and convince that my interpretations were in line with what the informants meant in the interview. Afterwards, I compared the data with the field notes taken from the observations in order to get suitable data. 69


This chapter aims to present the description and interpretation of the data qualitatively as a result of data analysis. All data were presented in the form of words and sentences as a qualitative research study should be. The data in this study present two kinds of beliefs i.e. the individual beliefs and the shared beliefs of how to develop successful English learners. The individual beliefs contain the description of each of the three informants while shared beliefs containing similar beliefs between or among the three informants. The components of the data which are used as the references are classified into schooling, professional coursework, contextual factor, and classroom practice Borg, 2003.

4.1 Schooling

Beliefs investigated in the schooling part discuss the information about the teachers‟ cases related to their experience as a learner. Schooling identifies teachers‟ beliefs about the nature of a language, the benefit of learning it, the constraints of learning it, and the solution of the constraints. Regarding the nature of a language, all informants agree that the nature of a language is a means of communication. Language is not regarded as materials to learn as it is a subject but it is purely learnt to be able to communicate appropriately. A language is used for communication so the emphasis is indeed to understand and interact each other hence practices should have more portions…Inu, A16. A language is of course a means of communication. Lilin, A11.