Grammar Involvement Classroom Practice

meaning, he formulates some supporting components, namely, organizational competence grammar and pragmatic competence language function.

4.4.2 Grammar

Even though grammar based instruction has no longer existed, grammar is considered to be an important thing in language learner development. In relation to a grammatical competence, the data reveal two major perspectives that teaching grammar is ideally conducted through integrated and separated way. Two informants have the same view that teaching grammar can be done through integrating a grammar material into a particular language skill Inu A47, Anggi A103. I usually use integrated technique... Inu, A47. I usually integrate grammar when I discuss a topic. Sometimes through reading... Anggi, A103. On the other hand, two informants have another same view that teaching grammar can be done through drilling or putting it in one special session. In this case, Inu shares two kinds of beliefs that is teaching grammar through integrated and separated techniques Inu A47, Lilin A65. I usually use integrated technique followed by separated... Inu, A47. Using drill... Lilin, A65. To sum up, teaching grammar, in the informant s‟ point of view is best done through integrated way followed by separated drilling. Integrated way is done to see the context example while drilling is to give enrichment. These beliefs strengthen Brown 2001 that teaching grammar can be done through inductive integrated and deductive separated. He argues that inductive is more appropriate in most contexts since it can keep the natural language acquisition, facilitate interlanguage development, facilitate communicative competence, and lead students to discover rules.

4.4.3 Involvement

Learning and teaching process is considered to be ideal when there is an interaction between the teacher and the students. In other words, students‟ involvement contributes the success of learning and teaching activity. In fact, the students‟ involvement does not remain the same among students. Some are very active, active enough, and passive. In relation to the students‟ involvement, the informants in this study have their similar and different perspectives. Two informants have the same view that giving reward can involve students actively Lilin A67-69, Inu A50. Lilin proposes to improve students‟ involvement actively, she stimulates them using motivation that is giving reward and mark for any assignment. Motivate them. Students will be active when they know I will assess it. Lilin, A67. Some students are introvert, they are not active if the task is not assessed, but some are active whether it is assessed. But, most of them are active for mark. Lilin, A68. In the same way, Inu has a perspective that he involves both active and passive students by giving a lot of opportunities and feedback. Feedback as a reward is given for any volunteer and correct response in an assignment while feedback as a fun punishment such as singing English song is for incorrect response. I give a lot of opportunities to practice . For active students, it doesn‟t matter but for passive students, it is difficult so once more I give opportunities for the active volunteers that they will get extra mark…. Inu, A50. Based on the observation it can also be seen that Inu encourages the students to get involved in the learning activity actively as stated in the following field note. He asked the students to move to homework Number 2. As Number 1, he asked one representative of each group to come in front. He asked the students who had not yet participated to take turn writing down on the board Observation 2, 09.10. He asked the students who had not yet participated to take turn writing down on the board. Similarly, Anggi also opens more opportunities to practice. She involves the students using group work consisting of the heterogeneous students and point certain students randomly based on the attendance list. This belief is reflected in her teaching practice particularly which was seen in Observation 4 Appendix 3. In this teaching activity, she assigned presentation for the whole lesson hour. The class had presentations on the concept of descriptive text. Having a presentation session, all students got involved in the learning activity. She also did an evaluation toward the group as well as individual achievement so that each student could do a self reflection. From the perspectives mentioned previously, it can be concluded that for Lilin, developing external motivation is seen as the best technique to involve students actively. She realizes the fact that not all students are aware of the significance of learning process. So, some should be extra encouraged to get involved in a learning process. That is the normal condition if the teacher should promise a reward for activating the students. As for Inu with his fun style says that opportunity and feedback are two inseparable things in involving students actively. Students are the learning centre so widening more opportunities to practice as the learning emphasis followed by giving feedback is best implemented to involve students actively. Whereas for Anggi, group work and random call roll are the two best techniques. In group work, she mixes heterogeneously fast learners and struggling learners so there will be a taking and giving process and transferring of knowledge and motivation. As we know, fast learners tend to be active. By group work, it is expected the struggle learners will be active as well. The random call roll is chosen as it is considered as a fair technique. It looks forcing but good technique. The three beliefs are correlated each other. It is stated by Richards and Renandya 2002 that students may not get involved since they feel anxious. The solution is giving as large opportunity as possible for students to take part in learning activity. Group work reveals to be a strategy to open more opportunities in which the passive students can decrease their anxiety in the group which is smaller than classical context.

4.4.4 Learning awareness