Curriculum of 2006 The current English curriculum in Indonesia

The dynamics of curriculum likely influences teachers in developing successful English learners as curriculum determines the indicators should be reached in an English program. In relation to the need of English education improvement, Indonesia has gone through some curriculum changes following what happened universally. Broadly, there are five curriculum changes in Indonesia; Curriculum of 1968 and before, Curriculum of 1975, Curriculum of 1984, Curriculum of 1994, and competency based curriculum. The last curriculum, competency based curriculum is classified into four curriculums; version 2002, 2004, 2006, and 2013. Considering the up to date-ness of curriculum development, this research describes, compare, and interpret the essence of the last two recent curriculum, curriculum of 2006 and 2013. Curriculum of 2006

Curriculum of 2006 is well known as school based curriculum KTSP= Kurikulum Satuan Pendidikan. Derived from the name, the focus of Curriculum of 2006 is giving autonomy for the educational institution school to develop the curriculum as much as possible based on government regulations, graduate standard of competence and standard of content Depdiknas : 2008. The standard of content includes the minimum material scope and the minimum competence standard to achieve minimum graduate competence at particular education level nationally. Whereas graduate standard of competence is used to do a measuring and determine learners‟ graduate. It is nationally applied however the achievement may depend on the school condition. In relation to English subject at junior high school level, the goal of English instruction in Curriculum of 2006 is to develop communicative competence in spoken and written form to achieve functional literacy level. Functional literacy for junior high school students is able to communicate in a spoken and written form in a daily life context. Secondly, English learning is intended to develop awareness about the nature and significance of English to improve global competition power. The third, the goal of English instruction is to develop learners‟ understanding about the relation between language and culture Depdiknas : 2006. In order to achieve the goals, scopes of English instruction need to be covered. School based curriculum includes three scopes for junior high school level. The first scope is competence in terms of discourse that is identifying and producing spoken and written text. The second is competence in identifying and producing functional text, monologue, and essay which consists of procedure, descriptive, recount, narrative, and report. The third scope is supporting competences including 1 linguistic competence in using grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and punctuation, 2 socio cultural competence in using expression, 3 strategic competence in solving possible problems in communication, and 4 discourse competence in using tools to produce a discourse. Besides identifying the scopes of English instruction, a standard of content is spelt out into standard of competence and basic competence. The standard of competence is determined based on the four language skills; listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Each standard of competence in a language skill is described more in some basic competences. Determining the success of a curriculum cannot be seen only from the final achievement but also see the process inside. Therefore, standard of process is proposed according to Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional RI No. 41 Year 2007. Standard of process is defined as criteria about learning implementation at an educational program to achieve graduate standard of competence. It includes learning process planning, learning process activity, learning achievement assessment, and learning process control. In the learning process planning, some tools need to prepared, such as syllabus and lesson plan. Furthermore, the elements in the learning process activity include ideal number of learners in a class, classroom management, textbook, and teaching and learning procedure. The result of instruction can be reviewed by a teacher using test and non-test assessment, spoken and written assessment, observation, portfolio, homework, or project. In a process of conducting school based curriculum, it also requires learning process control. It is divided into control, supervision, evaluation, report, and follow-up action. The next standard characterizing school based curriculum is the standard of assessment. BSNP 2007 defines standard of assessment as a benchmark used to collect and manage information to determine learners‟ achievement. The tools to assess learners‟ achievement in school based curriculum are in the form of daily assignment, mid-term examination, semester examination, up grading examination, school examination, and national examination. The principles of assessing learners‟ achievement are genuine, objective, fair, integrated, open, comprehensive, continuous, systematic, based on criteria, and accountable. The techniques of assessment can use test, observation, individual or group assignment, homework, and project. Boards who are responsible for assessment are teacher, educational institution, and government. During the implementation of Curriculum 2006, there is a breakthrough to develop students‟ not only students‟ competence but also their character. It is inspired by law No. 20 Year 2003 Chapter 3 that national education is intended to develop competence, character, and national civilization. Thus, government started to develop character education integrated in the school subjects in 2010. Character education is not only law and government demand but also religion demand. Kemendiknas 2011 describes that character education is carried out to 1 develop multicultural human life, intelligent, 2 develop intelligent national civilization and be able to contribute to human life development, and 3 develop peaceful, creative, and independent citizen and able to socialize with other nations harmonically. The more attempts to realize character education is executed in the Curriculum of 2013.