This chapter aims to present the description and interpretation of the data qualitatively as a result of data analysis. All data were presented in the form of words and sentences as a qualitative research study should be. The data in this study present two kinds of beliefs i.e. the individual beliefs and the shared beliefs of how to develop successful English learners. The individual beliefs contain the description of each of the three informants while shared beliefs containing similar beliefs between or among the three informants. The components of the data which are used as the references are classified into schooling, professional coursework, contextual factor, and classroom practice Borg, 2003.

4.1 Schooling

Beliefs investigated in the schooling part discuss the information about the teachers‟ cases related to their experience as a learner. Schooling identifies teachers‟ beliefs about the nature of a language, the benefit of learning it, the constraints of learning it, and the solution of the constraints. Regarding the nature of a language, all informants agree that the nature of a language is a means of communication. Language is not regarded as materials to learn as it is a subject but it is purely learnt to be able to communicate appropriately. A language is used for communication so the emphasis is indeed to understand and interact each other hence practices should have more portions…Inu, A16. A language is of course a means of communication. Lilin, A11. … Well, the soul of a language is a means of communication, can communicate through more than one modes, written and oral… Anggi, A31. Concerning the nature and position of EFL and the instruction in Indonesia, three informants have different concepts. Lilin states that as a foreign language, teaching and learning English need special treatments. She believes that the nature of EFL as an absolute foreign language affects the technique it is learnt and taught. She considers the technique as the major factor influenced by the EFL instead of other elements such as media and curriculum. English is still an absolute foreign language not second language at all so I think it indeed for the instruction needs particular and special treatments. Lilin, A12. Related to the problems in EFL instruction, on her point of view, English is easy to learn, but on the students point of view, moreover for the 9 th graders, it is likely difficult particularly on the vocabulary aspect. From her statement, it can be inferred that she considers final examination is such a big problem in EFL learning. Vocabulary is seen as the most difficult matters to learn as the appearance is unpredictable. ...on my point of view it is easy but for my students especially grade nine becaus e government‟s demand is the final examination, vocabulary is very difficult for them because sometimes they can find strange vocabulary in the examination. Lilin, A13. Furthermore, Inu articulates his belief in a different point of view. He mentions learning English is important in a globalization era to communicate with foreigners moreover a lot of information sources are written in English. It can be interpreted that for him, EFL is learnt not because it belongs to a compulsory subject and to pass final examination but to equip a human future development in the globalization era. Here, he realizes the goal of learning as a base for learners‟ self actualization. ... is an international language so I think it is important to interact internationally and in the globalization era there are a lot of books written in English. Inu, A17. He adds the problem of EFL instruction in Indonesia lies on the environment which does not always provide a facility to practice. In other words, the problems do not exist in terms of materials, curriculum, or human resources but the environment that only provides very small scopes. Hence, the schools as well as the students themselves join a number of English courses. … basically it is not difficult. What makes difficult is because of the environment. English instruction is conducted in short times in class so after being out from the classroom the students do not have English environment anymore. To create supported environment, school sends the students to a particular English course or hold an English extracurricular activity. Inu, A20-A21. Furthermore, Anggi with her national and international experiences describes learning English in Indonesia is like a vicious circle. In her perspective, government as the policy maker has already decided English as a foreign language compulsory subject for junior and senior high school level. It is intended to make Indonesian human resources are equal to other human resources in the world. In Anggi‟s point of view, a policy maker can expand further goals of learning English, i.e. to make Indonesian human resources more qualified such as equipping international Olympiad participants able to communicate in English and equipping students to study abroad as quoted in the statement below. Well, it is like a vicious circle. The policy maker includes English as a compulsory subject and it will make Indonesian human resources at least equal to the other human resources around the world, in the world. Nevertheless, the policy maker forgets that it is not enough. That language itself can be used to equip Indonesian generations to be more qualified. Anggi, A33-A34. Different with Lilin and Inu, she does not find problems in learning English. She states English is a subject which is not difficult to learn. It depends on how to facilitate the teaching and learning activity, “Now, it depends on the facility and facilitator ... Anggi, A40.” In relation to Lilin‟s belief that English instruction needs special treatments and Anggi‟s belief that English instruction depends on the learning facility, Inu shows his teaching practice refl ecting his two colleagues‟ beliefs. In Observation 3, it can be seen that Inu used various teaching media as stated in the following field note. The teacher greeted the students and they answered it. The teacher observer and I introduced ourselves and asked for permission to observe their learning activity that morning. Some were still busy with other things. While they were preparing the lesson, the teacher prepared his teaching media, i.e. laptop, LCD projector, and speaker since they would have listening section. Observation 3, 10.30 Besides, he also gave freedom to the students to use any kinds of media and materials as stated in the following field note. Some students were busy with their laptop because the materials were not only provided in the form of printed book but also in the form of electronic book. Observation 3, 10.30 From the informant s‟ explanation, it can be interpreted that the nature of EFL and the instruction in Indonesia reveal some points. The first, as a foreign language, English needs special treatment to learn for the uniqueness. Besides, vocabulary is considered to be the most difficult problem because the appearance in the passage especially in the final examination is very unpredictable. The third, EFL is useful to communicate in globalization era and as a source to learn new knowledge since lots of books are written in English. The constraint of EFL instruction is the environment which is limited on the classroom activity. The fifth, EFL instruction is not in line with the decided goal that is making human qualified. Government as the policy maker does not provide the mechanism of achieving that goal because it still uses mark in final examination as the indicator.

4.2 Professional Coursework