Problem Limitation Problem Formulation Research Goal Benefit of the Study

language learners as even though they have spent much time in the classroom, still they need to learn by practice on their own. To identify teachers‟ belief on how to develop successful English learners, this is essential to know what the teachers believe related to the indicator about successful English learners in Indonesia and globally. Moreover, is important to relate what the teachers say and what the teachers do. Therefore, the research applies a qualitative method. It assists education practitioners to take the benefits of the teachers‟ belief model which can improve the quality of teaching and learning process. In this research, interpretive phenomenology is applied to give description and interpretation about how to develop successful English learners .

1.3 Problem Limitation

Nowadays, English is taught in Indonesia in almost all levels of education, starting from very young learners to university students. Considering the limitation in terms of time, area, and methodology, this research attempts to focus on junior high school scope as this level is seen as ideal phase where English starts becomes a compulsory subject. Moreover, junior high school students are in the transition phase between childhood and adult in which they need special treatment to teach. Therefore, it can be assumed that the teaching and learning have unique phenomena to investigate.

1.4 Problem Formulation

With regard to the identified problems and the limitation of the identified problems, the research question framing the current study is What is teachers‟ belief of how to develop students to become successful English learners? .

1.5 Research Goal

The goals in doing the research are to reveal, describe, and interpret junior high school teachers‟ belief. It may be derived from what the teachers say and do about their beliefs as a result of their constructed experience, observations, training, and other ideas of how to develop their students to become successful English learners. The different beliefs are included into teachers‟ individual belief whereas the similar beliefs are included into teachers‟ shared belief.

1.6 Benefit of the Study

This research is expected to contribute to the improvement in teaching and learning of English in Indonesia. Theoretically, this research aims to reveal, describe, and interpret teachers‟ belief in developing students to become successful English learners. The investigation result of teachers‟ belief here is expected to give valuable information as a means of teachers‟ foundation in their professional teaching, reflection, evaluation, and improvement. Practically, this research is expected to help English teachers in developing their students to learn better . In investigating teachers‟ belief, some real conditions might be found in teaching and learning activity and what the teachers do to help their students learn better. By looking at those samples of real phenomena either shared or individual beliefs and the teachers‟ action, other English teachers can reflect it in their teaching and learning activity to develop successful English learners. 9