Writing Language skills .1 Listening

From the previous discussion, it can be interpreted that there are two factors influencing teachers‟ beliefs about developing students‟ reading skill, namely government‟s demand and the technique. Inu and Lilin share the same view that developing reading is influenced by government‟s demand on the final examination program thus the teachers give more attentions to the reading skill. This treatment is directed especially for grade 9 students. Whereas, for grade 7 and 8, reading skill is fairly developed with other three skills. Differently, Anggi does not pay attention on the final examination demand. She puts reading skill development fairly with other three skills. She distinguishes it into two parts, namely intensive and extensive reading. She also integrates it with other micro language skills, such as pronunciation and grammar. Writing

In a language skill cycle, writing places the last phase that is the productive skill of written cycle. Grenville 2001 proposes six steps of working on writing. They include getting ideas, selecting ideas, outlining ideas into the best order, drafting beginning ideas to the end, revising the draft, and editing the grammar, spelling, and paragraph. In relation to English curriculum in Indonesia, writing is basically divided into writing functional text, monologue, and essay. For some teachers, developing writing skill seems difficult because it needs micro writing skills such as spelling, punctuation, coherence, and cohesion. Concerning to this case, two informants have the same view that writing skill is effectively developed if it is developed using an assignment and project Inu A88-89, Anggi A141. I prefer giving assignment or project. Like writing a review on certain works Anggi, A141. In Observation 1 09.45 Anggi integrated grammar with writing skill. She checked students‟ sentences. She checked students’ sentences. Some did grammatical mistakes. She corrected the mistakes right away in front of the class Observation 1, 09.45. Similarly, Inu develops writing skill by giving an assignment, homework, or project in which he can pay attention on the grammar and context. I integrate writing with grammar. I give them homework to write a recount text about their experience for example. There, I can check the context and grammar Inu, A88. In Observation 2 08.50, Inu also integrated writing with grammar. After all groups finished writing down all of their homework, he checked the answer. He wrote down the question of the homework and translated it in Indonesian Observation 2, 08.50. For Lilin, as mentioned in the part of reading skill previously, she does not share about the practical technique but she describes that she integrates it with the reading skill and positions it fairly with other skills. To summarize, the data in this study reveal that the teachers develop writing skill using an assignment and project. It can be interpreted that assignment and project are chosen as they require longer time, carefulness, process, and more complicated phase to accomplish. To sum up, successfu l English learners in the teachers‟ belief in this study are characterized into three points. The first, successful learners have a proper character value as it is integrated in the instruction. Having the values, successful learners are not only good academically but also personally. The second, successful learners are able to maximize learner variable that is a number of indicators which already attached to every learner before the learners experience a learning program. The third, successful learners are able to develop learning variable that is a number of indicators to be mastered by a learner in a learning program. 133


This chapter contains three sections, namely conclusion, implication, and suggestion. The conclusion is derived from the investigations and also as the answer of the research question. It also presents implication for the teachers and the policy makers. The last part, suggestion is presented to provide encouragement for further research.

5.1 Conclusion

According to the literature review and the data analysis, successful English learners are defined as students who are able to accomplish the learning activity, practice English for communication, and have meta cognition. Accomplishing the learning activity, the students are expected to achieve every learning objective successfully so that they are able to communicate in English orally and in the written form and capable to manage their ability using meta cognition. In addition, the findings indicate that teachers‟ beliefs of how to develop students to become successful learners are influenced by the four factors presented in the conceptual framework of this study. The factors consist of 1 the schooling phase which is achieved from the teachers‟ experience as a learner, 2 the professional coursework which is achieved from the experience as a teacher, 3 the contextual factor which includes the teachers‟ forum and 4 the classroom practice which