Management of in-depth interview data

learners‟ parameters. In conducting the interview, I used lists of questions as the guidance in throwing the questions to the informants and gave snowballing responses toward the required clarification answers. The sample of questions is presented in Table 3.1 and the complete questions can be seen in Appendix 1. Table 3.1 Sample of questions in the in-depth interview Category Questions Schooling How do you define a language? How about the nature of English? Professional coursework How do you teach effectively and efficiently? How is the concept of learning in your classroom? Contextual factor Have you ever been the participants of a teacher‟s forum? Classroom practice How do you develop your students‟ communication skill? How do you develop your students‟ grammar competence? The questions were provided in Indonesian and I conducted the interview in Indonesian as well in order to ease the informants in giving the answers since even though they are English teachers it is often difficult to express their mind in English. Considering the qualitative study with snowballing technique, not all lists of prepared questions were rigorously used. They were adapted and adopted based on the situation so adding and omitting occurred if necessary. The adding actions were done when I needed more clarifications toward the answers. Meanwhile, the omitting actions were done when the teachers already stated or implied the information which was not asked yet. Management of in-depth interview data

In managing the interview data, firstly I consulted the instrument list of interview questions to the supervisor to make sure that the questions were on the track. The supervisor gave a number of suggestions that I revised the instruments. At the first, the scope of instruments did not ask the learner and learning variables yet as the parameters of successful English learners included learner and learning variables. Thus, I added both aspects in order to suit to the construct. As the instruments were ready, I had to manage the time to interview my informants. I asked permission to the administrative office and told what the research would be like in order to meet the appropriate informants. It was not easy to be able to match the time with the informants since it was planned to be conducted close to the national examination schedule. Even though the informants came from the different schools state and private schools, all of them became the people in charge in preparing final examination so I had to wait until they had available time. After the administrative cases were completed, I met each informant of the three informants to make an appointment in conducting an in-depth interview. I interviewed each informant once and did an additional appointment each to share my interpretations based on the previous interview. The first interview was conducted for Mr. Inu on April 1, 2013. He taught grade seven at that time. The interview was taken place at the school language laboratory because other rooms were noisy that I could not record the interview well. He was around 45 years old. He graduated from a private reputable university which is good at English education program. He is a smart and creative teacher. In his teaching, he likes using multimedia and recording in the classroom activity very often to document the activities. He has become the person in charge of the school very often in serving student teachers from some educational institutions for their teaching practices that he is very friendly and open-minded. He has quite long teaching experience that is about eighteen years. The second interview was conducted for Mrs. Lilin on April 6, 2013. She taught grade nine at that time. The interview was taken place at the school lobbying room. It was quite crowded as the position was in front of the main entrance door that the recording sometimes was annoyed. She was around 28 years old. She graduated from a university which is good at English education program as well like Mr. Inu. She has quite short teaching experience still. Since she was still young, she looked very energetic. She started teaching English in that school in 2009. Even though she belongs to a junior teacher, she has good teaching dedication. She had been trusted to handle grade nine students who would face final examination. Moreover, she has close relationship with her students. While she was being interviewed, some students greeted her using English closely and shook hand like peers. The last interview was conducted for Mrs. Anggi on April 9, 2013. She taught grade seven at that time. The interview was taken place in her room. Since she became a vice principal of curriculum affair, her room was separated with the general teachers‟ room. It was only for the curriculum boards; for 3 teachers that I could record the interview well. She is a very active English teacher. She joins many forums and the most inspiringly is an annual Australian teacher exchange. Like the two other informants, she graduated from the same university which is good at English education program. Fortunately, she is the only informant with master degree in this study. Interviewing the informants, I got their views on how to develop successful English learners. The result of the interview was varied in some aspects that I should elicit further. However, in managing the interview transcription, I wrote all the statements as exactly similar as possible with what the informants shared. I did not omit the unneeded statements to keep the originality of the interview data. They were put into tables using code Q for the question delivered by me and A for the answer shared by the teacher informants. Here is a sample of the interview and the complete one is put in Appendix 2. Table 3.2 Sample of interview transcription Interview 1 April 6, 2013 SMP X Yogyakarta Mrs. Lilin Transcription R: Good morning, Mrs. xxx. T: Good morning. R: Well, today I will interview you as my thesis data resource entitled Teachers‟ Belief in Developing Students to Become Successful English Learners. Q1. The first question, how long have you been teaching English and what encourages you to be an English teacher? A1. I started my career at junior high school in 2009, April 1, 2009 exactly, so it is about four years. And then, what encourages me to be an English teacher is because I graduated from English education, so I think I have learnt to be a teacher that‟s why I use my knowledge. Q2. Well, did you enter English education because of your external or internal motivation? A2. Because I have been keen on English since I was in the junior high school. At that time it seemed that I was bored of exact subjects, honestly, so I was more interested in a social science and I found that I had a competence in English so when I graduated from the senior high school I decided to enter English education. The data revealed two kinds of data categories, namely shared beliefs and individual beliefs. After I finished managing all the interpretations of the interview data, I made the trustworthiness by sharing the interpretations data to the informants. This procedure was conducted to confirm, ensure, and convince that the interpretations were in line with what the informants meant in the interview.

3.4.2 Classroom Observation