Account of Teacher’s Individual Beliefs

Figure 3.1 Data analysis procedure

3.5.1 Account of Teacher’s Individual Beliefs

Based on the result of in-depth interview, all informants tended to show different beliefs about how to develop successful English learners. This different belief is called an individual belief. The individual beliefs derived from the in-depth interviews and observations were interpreted and managed into table consisting of four tables; category, response, indicator, and interpretation. Here is the sample and the complete one is put in Appendix 5. Field Notes Texts Themes Subthemes Classifying Shared Beliefs Individual Beliefs Describing Interpretation Interpreting Narrative Accounts Presenting Reading and Memoing Managing Data Interviews Observations Audio Recordings Transcriptions Table 3.4 Sample of Individual Account Mr. Inu Mr. Inu’s Individual Beliefs Category Response Indicator Interpretation Teacher‟s belief about hisher status A8. Certification program of course influences my teaching Certified teacher regulation influences teacher to do his her best teaching performance. In relation to teacher‟s background, not only teacher education and experience that influence teacher‟s works but also teacher development which is admitted in the form of certification. Teaching and learning condition A9. Personally, I enjoy interacting with my students... Even though I have many students with various competences, I can find the solution that is using a middle course. Heterogeneous of students‟ competence does not constrain successful learner development as long as there is fun interaction. He does not mind with the heterogeneous students‟ competence. It is very normal phenomenon to face. The sample of individual belief in Table 3 .4 explains teacher‟s point of view about teaching and learning condition. I did not include the questions and put the responses only in order to focus on the shared points. The indicator was made by making a summary of the responses whereas the interpretation was formulated by making a general conclusion from the indicator.

3.5.2 Account of Teacher’s Shared Beliefs