Recipient Beneficiary Manner Purpose Direction

1. He walked to school. JP25102010 To school stands for the direction = Direction :where the action is directed towards. 2. She went to the market. JP25102010 To the market stands for the direction = Direction: where the action is directed towards. 3. He drove to the town. JP25102010 To the town stands for the direction = Direction : where the action is directed towards. Recipient

1. He sent Jane the letter. JP26102010 Jane is said to be recipient = Recipient a special kind of goal associated with verbs expressing a change in ownership, possession. 2. He gave her the book. JP26102010 Her is said to be recipient = Recipient ; a special kind of goal associated with verbs expressing a change in ownership, possession. 3. She received him this answer. JP26102010 Him is said to be recipient = Recipient a special kind of goal associated with verbs expressing in change in ownership, possession. Time 1. The book was given yesterday. JP26102010 Yesterday is used as time = Time in which the action occurs. 2. They played the football last week. JP26102010 Last week is used as time = Time in which the action occurs. 3. The cake was made two days ago. JP26102010 Two days ago is used as time = Time in which the action occurs. Beneficiary

1. She baked John a cake. JP27102010 John said to be beneficiary = Beneficiary, the entity for whose benefit for the action occurs. 2. She made the boy the kites. JP27102010 The boy said to be beneficiary = Beneficiary, the entity for whose benefit for the action occurs. 3. Mother gave the guest coffee. JP27102010 The guests said to be beneficiary = Beneficiary, the entity for whose benefit for the action occurs. Manner

1. With great urgency, the girl phoned the police. JP29102010 With great urgency said to be manner = Manner ; the way in which an action carried out. 2. With the knife, he cuts the bread. JP29102010 With the knife said to be manner = Manner ; the way in which an action carried out. 3. With the helps of the dog, he saved her life. JP29102010 With the helps of the dog said to be manner = Manner ; the way in which an action carried out. Purpose

1. She studied English seriously I order to get job. JP29102010 In order to get job said to be purpose. = Purpose ; the reason for which an action is performed. 2. Tuty phoned the police right way in order to get some help. JP29102010 In order to get some help said to be purpose. = Purpose ; the reason for which an action is performed. 3. He came earlier to the test in order to get the seat. JP29102010 In order to get the test said to be purpose. = Purpose ; the reason for which an action is performed. Cause