Background of The Study


1.1 Background of The Study

To understand what is communicated through language the meaning is the most vital part without which no communication can be called a communication. So, the study of meaning becomes a very important aspect of linguistic and semantic. Since meaning is important, it becomes inevitably to study it deeply. The study of meaning, one of the major areas of linguistic study. Linguistic have approached it in a variety of ways. In linguistic semantics is the subfield that is devoted to the study of meaning, as borne on the syntactic levels of words, phrases, sentences, and even larger units of discourse referred to as texts: as with any empirical science, semantic involves the interplay of concrete data with theoretical concepts. Traditionally, semantics has included the study of conditions, argument structure, thematic roles, discourse analysis, and the linkage of all these to syntax. There are only seven types of meaning. Meaning plays a vital role in understanding what is communicated. Thus, there are seven types of meaning and they contributed much to the field of semantic. The study of meaning is a new field of this century, in days to come; this field of study will progress and will have much value in analysis of meaning in field of linguistics. Almost all the students who enter the university are literate in English, that is they are able to read in English but many of them are not in the habit of actually using this ability t practice reading outside the demands of the classroom. While they are in the public school system, these students rarely practiced ability to read in English outside the English classroom. This description is the result of classroom experience in which English language newspaper were used among the students. At the same time, the students were also provided with the necessary experience to improve their reading skills, enhance then knowledge of current issues and improve then writing skills. Enriching classroom activity can be done an on going basic using any of the local English newspaper. The goal is to encourage the students to read of these local English dailies. At the same time, students are provided with the opportunity to improve then reading skills as well as enhances their knowledge of current issues. Get the students to buy at least one copy of the newspaper per week-usually the Sunday edition of the English daily of out choice. Then talk to them about the advantages of reading, writing, grammar and vocabulary skills. Besides, this also talk to them the importance of developing schemata so as widening their general knowledge. Explain to them that reading is a critical skill that is essential for the undergraduates, not only in preparing them for the various English languages examinations, but also for ensuring their academic success. The editorial page of a newspaper is an opinion on any certain topic. Articles appearing on a newspaper’s editorial pages represent the views of the newspaper’s edition or it’s editorial board. Many print publications feature an editorial or letter from the editor, which is followed by “letters to the editor” section where members of the public write in with comments on the editorials in that publication. Most editorial pieces take the form of an essay or thesis, using arguments to promote a point a view. Newspaper often publish as editorial pieces that are in line with their publication’s editorial Slants. However, dissenting opinions are often given space specifically to promote balance and discussion. Editorials are the most pages which criticized by government and society how far they react for the issue’s public. At this point they the editorials still do not use the good English. Negatively, this will influence the implementation of the use of good English. The edition itself is a place to express idea. Editorials are written in newspaper with certain purposes such as to critize, to appreciate, or to push someone to write. The topic of this discussions is “identification of seven types of meaning in Jakarta Post’s editorial Newspaper,” In this discussion, the writer describes the factual data. The data she analyzed is the use of English which is written by the editors from Ougust-October in 2010. to make this analysis easily the writer uses the linguistic Category Classification, this study covers the seven types of meaning.

1.2 The Problem of The Study