Reflected Meaning Collocative Meaning

43. appreciation JP2982010 - to value properly. 44. perspective JP2982010 - in a picture, the impression of distance given by the relative size and district ness of the objects or parts shown. 45. scope JP2982010 - ability to understand. 46. concept JP2982010 - a mental image or general idea. 47. disciplines JP2982010 - obey orders. 48. pragmatics JP2982010 - concerned with practical results and value. 49. basic JP2982010 - the lowest part of anything. 50. illustrative JP2982010 - explain by example, picture.

4.2.5 Reflected Meaning

Reflected meaning arises when a word has more than one conceptual meaning or multiple conceptual meaning. In such cases while responding to one sense of the word we pertly respond to another sense of the word too. In such type cases of multiple meaning, one meaning of the word pushes the other meaning to the background. The dominants suggestive power that word prevails. This may happen because of the relative frequency or familiarity of the dominant meaning. This dominated meaning which pushes the other meaning at the background is called the reflective meaning. For example : No. Word The word is now used for 1. ejaculate JP3082010 coitus sexual intercourse to the point of mutual orgasm, between two human beings, the insertion of the penis into the vagina. 2. best seller JP3082010 novel novel that is sold in very large numbers 3. print JP3082010 computer copying the book, picture, letter. 4. plagiarism JP192010 academician one takes and uses else`s idea 5. impeach JP192010 president crime against the state 6. court JP292010 judge place where law-cases are held 7. couple JP292010 marriage two person like man and woman united together 8. concert JP292010 music the performance is held at night 9. fever JP3082010 JP392010 disease high temperature of the human body in 10. accommodation JP492010 hotel providing rooms and foods. 11. academic JP492010 year studying; of schools, colleages 12. catalogue JP3082010 library list of names, books, etc 13. domestic JP592010 flight having to do with home 14. insurance JP592010 life the contract by which such an agreement 15. Dong JP592010 Abuse substance used in making medicine

4.2.6 Collocative Meaning

Collocative meaning is the meaning which a word acquires in the company of certain words. Words collocative or co-occur with certain words. Collocative meaning refers to associations of a word because of its usual or habitual co- occurrence with certain types of words. Collocative meanings need to be invoked only when other categories of meaning don’t apply. Generalization can be made in case of other meanings while collocative meaning is simply on idiosyncratic property of individual words. Collocative meaning has its importance and it is a marginal kind of category. For example : No. Word Company of certain words Meaning 1. abbey JP692010 Westmister Abbey - church that was one part of monastery. 2. port JP692010 airport - a place for taking off, landing, loading, feeling, repairing of. 3. mail JP692010 airmail - mail carried by aircraft 4. air JP692010 air condition - to bring air to the desired temperature, humility, and state of purity, in room, building, bus, train, or the like. 5. school JP792010 Boarding school - a school where students live during the school year. 6. book JP792010 Bookstore - store where books are sold. 7. man JP792010 camera man - a man who operates the camera, especially a motion picture camera. 8. civil JP7102010 civil war - a war between different areas or groups of the same nation. 9. side JP7102010 country side - rural region or landscape. 10. day JP1192010 day break - the first appearance of light in he morning. 11. down JP1192010 down town - in or toward the business centre or lower part of a city. 12. fire JP1192010 fire engine - a truck equipped to fight fires. 13. home JP1292010 home sick - longing for home 14. work JP1292010 homework - school lesson to be done at home. 15. moon JP1292010 honeymoon - holiday by a man and woman just after their wedding.

4.2.7 Thematic Meaning