Conceptual or Denotative Meaning

word when it has two meanings and meaning because of habit occurrence Broadly speaking, “meaning” means the sum total of communicated through language. Words, phrases and sentences have meanings which are studied in semantics.

4.2.1 Conceptual or Denotative Meaning

Conceptual meaning is also called logical or cognitive meaning. It’s the basic propositional meaning which corresponds to the primary dictionary definition. Such a meaning is stylistically neutral and objectives as opposed to other kinds of associative meanings. The example : No. Words Meaning Sentence 1. Community JP882010 1. all the people live in one place. 2. group of people who live together. Everyone should do his bit for the good of the community 2. World JP882010 1. the earth. 2. the universe. Space travel will teach us more of the world. 3. Frayed JP882010 1. fight. 2. context The world have been frayed over many years. 4. Mistrust JP982010 1. feel no confidence She had a strong mistrust of anything new and strange. 5. Suspicion JP982010 1. a believing that something is wrong with little or no evidence He had a suspicion that he was being followed. 6. Volcanic JP1082010 1. a break in the earth’s crust which throws out melted rock, asked, and steam. 2. like a volcano, violent explosive. He was forced to leave Indonesia a little earlier than planned because of the volcanic ask spewing from Mount Merapi. 7. Postpone JP1182010 1. to delay. 2. put off till a later time. Two previous trips to Indonesia were postponed because of events in Washington. 8. Tolerant JP1282010 1. willingness to allow other people to hold opinion or follow customs which differ from one’s own. The world’s most populous Muslim nation, as a fast of developing democracy and a tolerant nation. No. Words Meaning Sentence 9. Audience JP1282010 1. a group of people gathered to hear or see something. 2. people within hearing range; listeners. The president’s speech was intended to echo his address to Muslim audiences in June 2009 in Cairo. 10. Innocent JP1282010 1. free from guilt or wrong doing.. 2. harmless in meaning and affect. Innocent deaths in the United States, Indonesia and across the world caused by violent extremism are still an ever present problem. 11. Apartments JP1382010 1. room or group of rooms for a single household and generally located in a large building. Commenting on Israel plans to build 1.300 new apartments in East Jerusalem the President said. 12. Conflict JP1382010 1. a battle, fight, struggle. 2. a clash failure to be agreement or harmony. The Israelis and Palestinians are engaging in to try to resolve their conflict. 13. neighboringJP1582010 1. near, nearby. 2. adjoining. Israel captured East Jerusalem during its June 1967 war with neighboring Arab countries. 14. Administration JP1582010 Part of the government which directs the business of nation, state, or city. The Obama administration worked to bring about the resumption of direct talks between Israeli and Palestinian leaders in early September. 15. Peace JP1682010 1. calm, tranquility. 2. freedom from war. The United States will continue its efforts to get the two sides to resume peace negotiations.

4.2.2 Connotative Meaning