Connotative Meaning Social Meaning

13. neighboringJP1582010 1. near, nearby. 2. adjoining. Israel captured East Jerusalem during its June 1967 war with neighboring Arab countries. 14. Administration JP1582010 Part of the government which directs the business of nation, state, or city. The Obama administration worked to bring about the resumption of direct talks between Israeli and Palestinian leaders in early September. 15. Peace JP1682010 1. calm, tranquility. 2. freedom from war. The United States will continue its efforts to get the two sides to resume peace negotiations.

4.2.2 Connotative Meaning

Connotative meaning is the communicative value of an expression over and above its purely conceptual content. It is something that goes beyond mere referent of a word and hints as its attributes in the real world. It is something more than the dictionary meaning. Still further connotative meaning can embrace putative properties of a referent due to viewpoint adopted by individual, group, and society as a whole. For example : No. Connotative Meaning Examples 1. catch one’s eye attract one’s attention The president tried to catch the student’s eyes but they didn’t notice. JP1782010 2. behind the times old fashioned She is a little behind the times. JP1782010 3. change one`s mind change one`s discussion he changed his mind and said that he won’t go to he movie tonight. JP1882010 4. come across find something he came across an interesting story in the newspaper. JP1982010 5. crocodile tears a show of sorrow that is not really felt. He said that he was very sorry but his tears just crocodile tiers. JP1982010 No. Connotative Meaning Examples 6. got up raise suddenly the student got up from his seat. JP2082010 7. To catch the wind difficult Waiting for one student was like to catch the wind. JP2082010 8. upto you free decision the work is upto you. JP2082010 9. look over inspect the boss looked over the boy. JP2182010 10. went up rise he went up to reach parent. JP2182010 11. calm down because quiet His father was trying hard to calm him down. JP2282010 12. go on continue he went on the tell her. JP2282010 13. catch up findsee they caught up him in the airport. JP2282010 No. Connotative Meaning Examples 14. fill out write other are filling out the form. JP2382010 15. drop out leave he had to drop out. JP2382010 16. absent minded forgetful my friend is very absent minded and forgets his key. JP2382010 17. all ears eager to listen to someone okay, I am all ears, please tell me about the party. JP2382010

4.2.3 Social Meaning

The meaning conveyed by the piece of language about the social context of its use is called the social meaning. The decoding of text is dependent on our knowledge of stylistics and other variations of language. We recognize some words or something about the regional or social origin of the speaker. Social meaning is related to the situation in which an utterance is used. It is concerned with the social circumstances of the use of a linguistic expression. Stylistic variation represents the social variation. This is because styles show the geographical region social class of the speaker. Style helps us to know about the period, field and status of the discourse. Some words are similar to others as far as their conceptual meaning is concerned, but they have different stylistic meaning. If we understand synonymy as complete equivalence of communicative effect, it is indeed hard to find an example that will disprove this statements. For example : 1. queer, strange, miraculous, unique JP2482010 No. Word Sentence in different context 1. 2. 3. 4. queer strange miraculous unique - coming doubt or suspicion. - not previously known, seen, felt on heard of : for this reason surprising. - act or event which does not follow the known laws of nature. - having no like or equal. 2. pretty, attractive, beautiful, smart, handsome, sturdy JP2482010 No. Word Sentence in different context 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. attractive beautiful handsome pretty smart sturdy - pleasing - giving pleasure or delight to the mind or senses. - good – looking of men. - charming. - well - dressed - strong and solid 3. village, countryside, kampong JP2582010 No. Word Sentence in different context 1. 2. 3. countryside village kampong - rural areas. - A place smaller them town, where there are houses and shops church, mosque, and school. - In Malaysia enclosed space. 4. holy, secret, vigorously JP2582010 No. Word Sentence in different context 1. 2. 3. holy secret vigorously - of God, associated with God or with religion. - connected with religion. - energetic. 5. intellect, through, sense, logic JP2582010 No. Word Sentence in different context 1. 2. 3. 4. intellect thought sense logic - power of the mind to reason contrasted with feeling and instruct. - way to thinking characteristic of particular period, class, nation. - Any one of special powers of the body by which person is conscious of things sight, hearing, smell, taste. - science, method, of reasoning, person’s ability to argue and convince. 6. obedient, surrender, conquer, loyal JP2582010 No. Word Sentence in different context 1. 2 3. 4. conquer loyal obedient surrender - defeat or overcome enemies. - true and faithful - willing to do, what one is told to do. - give up to the enemy. 7. shore, border, beach bay JP2682010 No. Word Sentence in different context 1. 2. 3. 4. bay beach border shore - part of the sea on of a large lake. - shore between high-and low water mark. - live dividing two states or countries. - stretch of land bordering on the sea or a large body of water. 8. week, market, bazaar JP2682010 No. Word Sentence in different context 1. 2. 3. bazaar market week - that part of a town where the market and shopping streets are. - public place where people meet to buy and sell goods, - a period of rest or any period of seven days where people sell and buy the goods. 9. moment, period, season, time JP2682010 No. Word Sentence in different context 1. 2. 3. 4. moment period season time - point or very brief period of time. - Length or portion of time. - according to the weather, eg spring, summer. - the passing of all the days, months, and the years, taken as a whole. 10. conscious, realize, recover JP2782010 No. Word Sentence in different context 1. 2. 3. conscious realize recover - knowing things because one is using the bodily senses and mental power. - be fully conscious of . - getting well after an illness. 11. thief, pickpocket, snatcher, theater, robber JP2782010 No. Word Sentence in different context 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. robber snatcher pickpocket thief threater - a person who robs. - put out the hand suddenly and take. - steals one’s belonging quietly. - the person who steals. - sign or warning of coming trouble, danger. 12. promise, confers, swear JP2782010 No. Word Sentence in different context 1. 2. 3. confession promise swear - say or admit that one has done wrong. - written or spoken undertaking to do. - say solemly. 13. ally, colleage, friend, mate JP2782010 No. Word Sentence in different context 1. 2. 3. 4. ally colleage friend mate - unite by treaty. - One of two or more persons working together and having similar rank and duties. - Person, not relation, when one knows and likes well. - companion. 14. capable, smart, intelligent, clever, adroit, active JP2782010 No. Word Sentence in different context 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. active adroit capable intelligent clever smart - able to do thing. - skilful. - person who his power, or ability. - power of perceiving, learning, understanding and knowing. - quick in learning or understanding things. - skilful. 15. calm, peaceful, safe, welfare JP2782010 No. Word Sentence in different context 1. 2. 3. 4. calm peaceful safe welfare - not excited. - state of freedom from war. - free from. - condition of having good health, comfortable, living and working condition.

4.2.4 Affective or Emotive Meaning