Affective or Emotive Meaning

15. calm, peaceful, safe, welfare JP2782010 No. Word Sentence in different context 1. 2. 3. 4. calm peaceful safe welfare - not excited. - state of freedom from war. - free from. - condition of having good health, comfortable, living and working condition.

4.2.4 Affective or Emotive Meaning

For linguistic it refers to emotive association or effects of words in reader, listener. It is what is conveyed about the personal feelings or attitude towards the listener. In affective meaning, language is used to express personal feelings or attitude to the listener or to be the subject mutter of his discourse. So, affective meaning refers to what is conveyed about the feeling and attitude of the speaker through using of languageattitude to listener as well as attitude to what he is saying. Affective meaning is often conveyed through conceptual connotative content of the words used. For Example : No. Words For 1. university JP2882010 - the highest instruction of learning, usually divided into schools of law, medicine language, art, music, etc. 2. palace JP2882010 - official home of a ruler. 3. democracy JP2882010 - the treating of others as equal. 4. summit JP2982010 - highest point. 5. significant JP2982010 - important. 6. government JP2982010 - management 7. security JP2982010 - a feeling of safety 8. setback JP2982010 - a stop; check to progress or advancement. 9. solution JP2982010 - act of solving 10. apartments JP2982010 - room or group of rooms for a single household and generally located in a large building. 11. negotiations JP2982010 - to discuss and make arrangements for, as for a business deal, treaty, lows. No. Words For 12. construction JP2982010 - way of building. 13. sovereign JP2982010 - having independent power. 14. resolution JP2982010 - formal statement. 15. balanced JP2982010 - equality or proportion in weight 16. global JP2982010 - the earth. 17. crisis JP2982010 - time of Unusual difficulty or danger. 18. surpluses JP2982010 - excess. 19. deficits JP2982010 - a shortage. 20. protectionist JP2982010 - safekeeping. 21. policy JP2982010 - way or principle of doing things. 22. consumer JP2982010 - person who buys and uses food, clothing, services, etc. 23. stabilized JP2982010 - firmness. 24. banking JP2982010 - place of business which receives money for safekeeping and which exchanges and lends money. 25. growth JP2982010 - increase in quality. 26. currency JP2982010 - money I present use in a country. 27. advantage JP2982010 - beneficial 28. progress JP2982010 - to more forward. 29. invested JP2982010 - to put money into 30. childhood JP2982010 - the time when a person is child 31. mall JP2982010 - a market where goods are sold. 32. hawkers JP2982010 - cry out goods for sale. 33. community JP2982010 - all the people who live in out place. 34 anticipate JP2982010 - to look forward. 35. lecture JP2982010 - a talk or address before an audience or class. 36. mosque JP2982010 - Moslem place for prayer. 37. helicopter JP2982010 - a kind of airplane supported and driven by horizontal rotating wings above it. 38. schedule JP2982010 - written or printed list of times for certain events. 39. cemetery JP2982010 - burial ground 40. demonstration JP2982010 - a meeting, parade, or the like to show public feelings. 41. References JP2982010 - source of information as an encyclopedia. 42. assumption JP2982010 - to take for granted. 43. appreciation JP2982010 - to value properly. 44. perspective JP2982010 - in a picture, the impression of distance given by the relative size and district ness of the objects or parts shown. 45. scope JP2982010 - ability to understand. 46. concept JP2982010 - a mental image or general idea. 47. disciplines JP2982010 - obey orders. 48. pragmatics JP2982010 - concerned with practical results and value. 49. basic JP2982010 - the lowest part of anything. 50. illustrative JP2982010 - explain by example, picture.

4.2.5 Reflected Meaning