Data Collecting Method Translation Procedures In The Tale Teller Book The Grouchy Giant

3.3 Data Collecting Method

The data that are considered to be relevant for this study are collected by using technique of sampling. Purposive sampling is used to collect the required data. Bailey 1987:94 also cites: “In purposive sampling the investigator does not necessarily have a quota to fill from within various strata, as in quota sampling, but neither does ge or she just pick the nearest warm bodies, as in convenience sampling. Rather, the researcher uses his or her on judgement about which respondents to choose and picks only those who best meet the purposes of the study.” In addition Arikunto 2006:139 says, “Sampel bertujuan atau purposive sample dilakukan dengan cara mengambil subjek bukan didasarkan atas strata, random atau daerah tetapi didasarkan atas adanya tujuan tertentu. Teknik ini biasanya dilakukan karena beberapa pertimbangan, misalnya alasan keterbatasan waktu, tenaga, dan Dana sehingga tidak dapat mengambil sample yang besar dan jauh” purpose of sample or purposive sample is done by taking a subject not based on strata, random or area, but is based on a certain purpose. This technique is usually done because of some considerations, for example the limitation of time, energy, and find, so it cannot take a great and far sample.

4. Data Analyzing Method

In analyzing the data in this thesis, the writer uses the descriptive qualitative method. Qualitative research is more descriptive because the data shaped of words and more emphasize on process more than product. As quoted from Bungin’s book, “Penelitian kualitatif adalah penelitian yang dilakukan dengan keterbatasan sasaran penelitian, tetapi kedalaman datakualitas data tidak terbatas. Semakin berkualitas data yang dikumpulkan, semakin berkualitas penelitian tersebut” qualitative research is a research that is done with a limitation of target research, but the deep of dataquality of data unlimited. More quality the data is collected more quality that research. The data is analyzed in three steps. First, the writer tabulated all of the data. Second, the writer tabulated all of the data consisting of literal and oblique translation Universitas Sumatera Utara procedures. Third, the writer classified the kinds of literal and oblique translation procedures and finally characterized the literal and oblique translation procedures. The classification is done by grouping the data depending on the problem. The purpose of the tabulation here is to classify the literal and oblique translation procedures. This analysis is done by finding the literal and oblique translation, classifications and characterization through the context of both SL and TL. After classifying the procedures found in the data, the writer will make a percentage by using Bungin’s Formula : N = f N x 100 With : f = the frekuensi N = the total of frekuensi Descriptive research consists of explaining the variable examined, by giving the definition, complex explanation from another reference, so that something that is searched is more completed and directed. The systematic procedures in conducting the analysis are as follows: 1. collecting the data from three fable books 2. reading the data 3. identifying the data 4. analyzing the data and find out the literal and oblique translation procedures 5. classifying and characterizing the data 6. drawing the conclusion and suggestion From the way above, the writer tries to analyze the data to find out the literal and oblique translation procedures. After that the writer draws tables for making classification of each literal and oblique translation procedures literal translation, borrowing, calque, modulation, transposition, equivalence, and adaption. Universitas Sumatera Utara


4.1 Data Analysis