Equivalence Adaption Literal Translation

rule over the Israelites 64. I26 It wasn’t Goliath but David who would win this day Daudlah yang menang hari ini bukan Goliat 65. I26 I28 The Israelites began to marvel at David 66. I28 They began to run away as David an the Israelites chased them Mereka mulai melarikan diri saat Daud d an tentara Israel mengejar mereka 67. I30 On the outside, David looked small and weak Dari luar, Daud terlihat kecil dan lemah 68. I30 But I made it back without David knowing anything about my escape Tetapi aku berhasil pulang tanpa ketahuan Daud 69. I30 Strange thing, though Tapi aneh Equivalence

These following table shows the data which is concluded into Equivalence where is often desirable for the translator to use an entirely different structure with different meaning from that of the source language test so long as it is considered appropriate in the communicative situational equivalent to that of the source language test. Table 4.5 : Equivalence No. No. Data SOURCE TEXT TARGET TEXT 1. I4 He quietly sneaked up on us… and pounced”Baa Baa” we all shouted. Pelan-pelan ia mendekati kami..dan menerkam “Mbee Mbee” kami semua berteriak. 2. I4 Rats Now Lionus could track us easily Aduh Sekarang Lionus bisa mengikuti kami dengan mudah 3. I4 Ahhh I was trapped inside one Ahhh Aku terperangkap dalam Universitas Sumatera Utara of Bearootus’ home-spun nets jaring yang dibuat Bearootus 4. I6 Gulp I needed help and fast. Glek Aku benar-benar memerlukan bantuan segera. 5. I10 Now, David didn’t appear to be much of a hero, but to me he was the greatest Saat ini Daud tidak terlihat seperti seorang pahlawan, tetapi bagiku ia adalah yang terbaik. 6. I10 Whew Now I could relax Nah Sekarang aku bisa santai. 7. I18 Wow He was the giant of giants He was over nice feet tall. Wah Ia raksasa yang amat besar Tingginya lebih dari Sembilan kaki 8. I20 All right I turned to see..David Gulp Bagus Aku menoleh dan aku melihat..Daud Aduh 9. I22 I ran toward David to cheer him on, but stopped short Aku berlari menuju Daud untuk mendukungnya, tetapi aku segera berhenti 10 I22 “Hail ,mighty Israelite” he teased “ Halo domba Israel yang kuat” ia mengejek 11. I22 Hah He’ll never deferat our Goliath Huh Ia tidak akan bisa mengalahkan Goliat Adaption

These following table shows the data which concluded into Adaption where the extreme limit of translation which is used in cases the translator has to create a now situation that can be considered equivalent. It involves changing the culture reference when a situation in source cukture does not exist in target culture. Table 4.6 : Adaption No. No. Data SOURCE TEXT TARGET TEXT 1. I1 The Grouchy Giant Si Raksasa Penggerutu 2. I8 “You bumbling brute” “ Dasar tidak bisa tutup mulut” Lionus Universitas Sumatera Utara roared Lionus. mengaum. 3. I8 Those villains roared toward him growling and snarling. Penjahat itu mengaum dan menggeram mendekati dia. 4. I10 Once again, the Lord had brought him a victory. Sekali lagi, Tuhan telah memberinya kemenangan. 5. I10 Well, back home. David’s father Jesse met him Di rumahnya, Isai, ayah Daud, menemuinya. 6. I10 Jesse had a special job for his son Isai memiliki tugas khusus untuk anak laki-lakinya.

4.3 Findings