Modulation Equivalent Data Analysis

N = total of frequency OblT = obligatory translation Percentage of OblT = fN x 100 = 15165 x 100 = 9,09 An optional transposition is a transposition, that for the sake of style, can be choosen by translator if it fits better into the utterance or if there is an expression in the SL can be translate Literally but the meaning in the TL feels clumsy. From the data above, the writer found that there are 6 cases of optional transposition with the percentage below: fN x 100 With : f = the frequency N = total of frequency OplT = obligatory translation Percentage of OblT = fN x 100 = 6165 x 100 = 3,6 The total of Transposition Procedure is 9,09 + 3,6 = 12,69

4.1.3 Modulation

Modulation is the varying of the language, obtained by a change in the point of view. This change can be justified, although literal even transposed. There are two types of modulation, namely free or optional is generally adopted because of nonlinguistic reason. It is mostly used to stress the meaning, to affect coherence or to find out natural from in the TL. Example : No. No. Data SOURCE TEXT TARGET TEXT 1. I2 Ya see, that lion and bear had each tried to catch us in the past. Mereka adalah singa dan beruang yang masing-masing pernah berusaha menangkap kami dulu. Universitas Sumatera Utara 2, I6 “Well,well , what have we here? Why, it is a little lost lamb who’s tangled up in a mess. “Wah,wah ,liat ini. Ada seekor domba kecil yang tersesat dan terperangkap. 3. I24 “What’s that boy up to?” Frontier asked “apa yang akan dilakukan anak itu?” Tanya Frontier 4, I24 He’d see Ia akan tahu nanti From the data above, the writer found that there are 66 cases of free modulation with the percentage below : fN x 100 With : f = the frequency N = total of frequency FrM = free modulation Percentage pf Frm = fN x 100 = 69165 x 100 = 41,8 Fixed Modulation is occurs when a word, phrase or structure cannot be found in the TL. From the data above, the riter found that there are3 cases of fixed modulation with the percentage below : fN x 100 With : f = the frequency N = total of frequency FixM = free modulation Percentage pf Fixm = fN x 100 = 3165 x 100 = 1,8 The total of Modulation Procedure is 40 + 1,8 = 41,8

4.1.4 Equivalent

Equivalent is often desirable for the translator to use an entirely different structure with different meaning from that of the source language text so long as it is considered Universitas Sumatera Utara appropriate in the communicative situational equivalent to that of the source language text. The writer found 11 cases of Equivalence where languages describes the same situation by different stylistic or structural means. In the data above, the writer found the classical example of equivalence. Examples : No. No. Data SOURCE TEXT TARGET TEXT 1. I4 He quietly sneaked up on us… and pounced”Baa Baa” we all shouted. Pelan-pelan ia mendekati kami..dan menerkam “Mbee Mbee” kami semua berteriak. 2. I6 Gulp I needed help and fast. Glek Aku benar-benar memerlukan bantuan segera. 3. I10 Whew Now I could relax Nah Sekarang aku bisa santai. 4. I18 Wow He was the giant of giants He was over nice feet tall. Wah Ia raksasa yang amat besar Tingginya lebih dari Sembilan kaki From the data above, the writer found 11 cases of equivalence with the percentage below : fN x 100 With : f = the frequency N = total of frequency E = Equivalence Percentage pf E = fN x 100 = 11165 x 100 = 6,67

4.1.5 Adaptation