Project Employees

7.1. Project Employees

Important things to be supporting continuity, business development BGFM are employees of the company. As the implementation of the company employees of the company, BGFM has made a policy that is based on the Indonesian government rule or regulation of the labor laws in force.

Under the legislation binding on minimum wage (UMR) of Article 54 paragraph 1 letter e Act no13 / 2003. BGFM have determined the amount of wages or salary and the method of payment to each employee.

Based on the Company's Regulations (CR), BGFM will provide a minimum wage of IDR 55,000.00 per day or adapted to the basic salary they receive or appropriate position, length of employment, education and competence of workers.

BGFM will give time off associated with some of the company workers' rights. Some types of leave that is given BGFM are:

 Annual Leave  Sick Leave  Maternity Leave  Leave Large  Leave for an Important Reason

For employees who have undergone a service life of over one year in a row, BGFM will give annual leave of not less than 12 days. In the Company Regulation, have grouped components BGFM Wage and Non-wage income, are:  Wages Principal : Is the basic benefits that will BGFM paid to workers according to the level or type of work that magnitude in For employees who have undergone a service life of over one year in a row, BGFM will give annual leave of not less than 12 days. In the Company Regulation, have grouped components BGFM Wage and Non-wage income, are:  Wages Principal : Is the basic benefits that will BGFM paid to workers according to the level or type of work that magnitude in

 Fixed Allowances : is a regular payment relating to work given to the workers and their families remain as well as the basic wage payments, such as alimony, child support, housing allowance, meal allowance and transportation allowance will BGFM give to workers with a certain time unit .

 Holiday allowance : is an allowance that will BGFM give to workers who have had a work period of at least more than three consecutive months, and who has been through a period of over one year, BGFM will provide a minimum of one month's salary THR BGFM .And for employees who work over a three-month period of continuous but less than one year, they will receive proportionally, is by calculating the ongoing work twelve months divided at times one month's salary.

As the Company's rules BGFM, also will make payroll deductions with the provisions that have been agreed between the parties BGFM employees, is:

1. Deduction for income tax on the gross salary of employees. The amount of deduction depends on the number of employee gross income, marital status (single, married, and number of children) and adjusted to the applicable tax rates.

2. Cutting Social Security dues such as health insurance and Retirement Security.

3. Wage cuts because of absence for no apparent reason, the delay to come to work, the Company violated Regulation and wage cuts due to pay the mortgage as: pay home and car to pay. BGFM set working hours for all employees of the company to get a day

off every week as scheduled.