Product Categories

5.1.1. Product Categories

Our product categories are staple foods, we strive to meet basic human needs. Nowadays consumer awareness for healthy foods increases. This Our product categories are staple foods, we strive to meet basic human needs. Nowadays consumer awareness for healthy foods increases. This

Here is our product feature that we will be marketed:

1. Spinach

In addition to high fiber, spinach is a good source of iron is very good (double other green vegetable juice) for blood health. In addition, spinach also contains Lutein which serves to maintain the health of your eyes and cataracts, as well as 13 types of chlorophyll and flavonoid components that can act as an antioxidant and anti-cancer. Spinach is also a rich source of vitamins in vitamin A,

C, K, and folate.

2. Green cabbage

Mustard greens have a lot of vitamins and mineral, it is also known to have the ability of antioxidants as vitamin C and E, and carotenoids and glucosinolates. Mustard greens also contain calcium, magnesium, and folic acid which can help to nourish the bones, as well as high in fiber to help aid digestion in the human body. In addition, green cabbage can also prevent inflammation and to prevent types of cancer.

3. Kale

Kale that many in Indonesia was met at the food contains many nutrients such as vitamins A and C, although not as much as spinach and cassava leaves. The minerals found in kale include calcium, and potassium fosfar. Vitamin B complex on kale known to help increase the hormone that creates a comfortable atmosphere. In addition, extra kale also been found to help the inhibition of absorption of sugar so it is suitable for diabetics.pes of cancer.

4. Cucumber

Cucumber is one of the vegetable that are rich in vitamin C (Antioxidant), Manganese, Folate, (reducing the risk of heart disease and depression) Fiber, Magnesium, Chlorophyll, and Lutein. Cucumber can also maintain digestive health. The high water content of cucumber can refresh the body.

5. Celery

Celery is the best source of Calcium, Iron, Potassium, and Vitamins A and

C. In addition, celery also contains an Active Component of Coumarin and Acetylenics that could prevent the development of cancer cells.

6. Cassava Leaves

Vegetable that are served with various kinds of vegetables and main dishes typical of Indonesia this proved to be a very good source of nutrition. Young Cassava leaves contain protein and Iron. Cassava leaves protein also has a four- fold and two-fold vitamin A in spinach appeal, making it a good source of vitamins and minerals that are good for the health of the human body.

7. Bitter Cucumber

Bitter Cucumber or better known as Pare contains high fiber, which is very good for the health of the human body. In addition it also contains a lot of calcium, potassium, iron, and Vitamins C and A. The benefits of bitter melon are numerous, ranging from lowering cholesterol, and high blood pressure. Active components (saponins) may also increase the body's immunity and prevent the growth of cancer cells.

8. Broccoli

Italian native plants is a source of Vitamin C which is very good. Not only rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals, broccoli also contains antioxidants and lutein sulforaphanic good for reducing cancer risk. Broccoli is also known to be beneficial for heart health.

9. Bok Choy

This plant is often called "Spoons Soups" because of the shape of its leaves are similar to a soup spoon. Vegetables are classified as types of cabbage are rich in vitamins A, C, D, and folate. Not only that, Bok Choi is also rich in potassium which is very good for fluid balance and cardiovascular health. Another health benefit is Glucosinolates content as an antioxidant that can prevent prostate and breast cancer.

10. Beans

Beans and other bean plants originating from Peru. These vegetables were first brought to Europe by explorers from Spain in the 16th century, Beans are Beans and other bean plants originating from Peru. These vegetables were first brought to Europe by explorers from Spain in the 16th century, Beans are

Figure 5.1. Product Categories