The Population and Sample of the Research

C. The Population and Sample of the Research

1. Population of the Research

According to Wiseman (1999:554) that population is all scores or members of a group that is interest to a researcher, the group to which the research wishes to generalize. In other words the researcher has to determine the population from object or subject based on the research.

The population of the research is the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 5 Namohalu Esiwa that consists of 120 students. The number of population can be seen in the table in the next page.





Number of students

Source: Office Administration of SMP Negeri 5 Namohalu Esiwa

2. Sample of the Research

Sample is a part of population that describes all the students‟ characteristics. According to Brown (2008:118): The sample is part of number and characteristics of this population. When a

large population of researchers and impossible to learn everything there is in the population, for example due to limited funds, manpower and time, so researchers can use samples drawn from that population.

Based on the assumption, the researcher is going to take some of the students as the sample of the research. In deciding the sample, the researcher uses cluster sampling. Fox in Singh (2006:82) says,

In the social sciences, it is not possible to collect data from every respondent relevant to our study but only from some functional part of the respondents. The process of selecting the fractional part is calling sampling.

It can be comprehended that sampling deals to the way of collecting representative of a group from the population. Besides, the researcher also considers the regulation of school about the improbability to do random sampling. It breaks and It can be comprehended that sampling deals to the way of collecting representative of a group from the population. Besides, the researcher also considers the regulation of school about the improbability to do random sampling. It breaks and

As Gay (2000:129) says, “Cluster sampling randomly selects groups, not individuals. All the members of selected groups have similar characteristics.” It means that, in selecting the sample is not individual random but selected random group or class of individual. According to Gay (2000:130), there are some steps to select the research sample in Cluster sampling as follows:

a. Identify and define the population. The research population is 120 students at the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 5 Namohalu Esiwa in 2015/2016.

b. Determined the desired sample size. The desired sample size is 30 students. It is considered of fulfillment of one the conditions of the chooses of statistic parametric form. So the size of the samples should be even (≥ 30).

c. Identify and define a logical cluster.

A logical cluster is classrooms.

d. List the entire cluster (or obtain list) that make up the population of cluster. There are 4, classrooms for more clearly the list of entire cluster can be seen in Table 2 (See Chapter III, part C1, p.35).

e. Estimate the average number of the population members per clusters. The average number of population members per clusters.

The number of research population

The number of clusters

= 60 students

f. Determine the number cluster. The researcher chooses two classes as the sample of the research. The research makes lottery as many the classroom, then, asks the representative student from each class to choose one lottery. So, the class which gets number

1 is as experimental group, the class which gets number 2 is as a control group while class gets number 3 or 4 did as the population.

Regarding to the opinion on the previous page, the researcher determines the sample through Cluster Sampling and chooses two classes as experimental group (VIII-a) and control group (VIII-b). Both of the groups consisted of 30 students.